When the planned repair work on the pipeline replacement, you need to get acquainted with the characteristics of each material to ensure a long service life. To make the right choice, it is important to know what a life expectancy of steel pipes and water pipes installed guests, their characteristics and parameters.

Advantages and disadvantages of steel plumbing
The following aspects can be distinguished among the main advantages of the steel structure:
- Reasonable cost.
- An extensive assortment. The proposed number of manufacturers can meet the different diameters in the range of 6-150 mm. Therefore, they are actively used to organize water supply and internal wiring.
- Is not afraid of mechanical damage. Endures external environmental influences.
- Endures impact exerted by the hot water. Moreover, the steel pipe is not afraid of sharp temperature drops.
- Long-term active operation.

However, as the pipes of other materials, steel has its drawbacks, which need to consider before buying:
- It has a high specific gravity, which complicates the process of installation and transportation to the jobsite.
- Time-consuming and complicated process, so to cope with the task without professional knowledge is impossible. This will require a special tool, the connecting elements.
- If the damage of structural integrity, the steel is subjected to the spread of corrosion.
Regarding the mix, it is fully in line with normative documents (GOST 3262-75):
Passage suspended in mm | outside diameter | Common thickness in mm | Weight in kg per 1 m |
6 | 10.2 | 2 | 0.4 |
10 | 17 | 2.2 | 0.8 |
15 | 21 | — | — |
25 | 33.5 | 3.2 | 2.3 |
40 | 48 | 3.5 | 3.8 |
80 | 88.5 | 4 | 8.3 |
100 | 114 | 4.5 | 12 |
125 | 140 | 4.5 | 15 |
150 | 165 | 4.5 | 17 |
90 | 101 | 4 | 9.6 |
65 | 75.5 | 4 | 7 |
Lightweight are presented in the following table of dimensions:
Passage suspended in mm | outside diameter | Common thickness in mm | Weight in kg per 1 m |
10 | 16 | 2 | 0.7 |
20 | 26 | 2.5 | 1.6 |
40 | 47 | 3 |
3.3 |
50 | 59 | 4.1 | |
65 | 74 | 3.2 | 5.6 |

types of pipes
Are a lot of classifications. The most common is a feature production. Among the main types are the following:
- Galvanized. A distinctive feature is the two-sided zinc finish. Thanks to the protection of reduced probability of corrosion and further spread.
- Profile. The main component is a carbon steel. Actual construction of buildings with metal frames.
- Seamless. Deformation of the structure is carried out by exposure to high temperatures. They are no seams as welding results or spiral irregularities.
- Electrically. In the production process using two kinds of steel: carbon and nizkogelirovannuyu. Typically, they are represented in the form of lamina or strips. And their actual use for the construction of a heating system and other structures.
- Vodogazonaporny. Sizes are built on the ratio of diameters: internal and external. Their performance is directly dependent on the diameter.
Steel water pipe is very popular, thanks to the long service life. In this regard, the market steel structures became the undisputed favorite. They are used for various purposes. For example, to create a heating system, topical application of black steel. For water will be the best option, galvanized species.
For installation of communication systems, it is important to be aware of the specifics of the production structures. It depends on this service life. Unlike the use of copper or plastic pipe, steel type patency metrics are smaller volumes. The main reason is the presence of roughness on the internal surface. It creates eddy currents, due to which the flow becomes more complicated.

It is important to bear in mind that the size of the load on the hydraulic system does not affect the performance or specifications. It should be noted that the steel system often operates in harsh environments, under high pressure, temperature changes. But the use of the term, however, remains unchanged.
Distinctive features of other types of structures
For a correct determination of the material, you must decide which type of communication will be organized. Taking into account the physical and mechanical indicators of the conditions in which operation will be carried out, the average pressure. It is important to bear in mind that the permissible values recorded at a party and can not deviate from the figures.
- The conduit of copper. Among other structures is highly resistant to the adverse external factors. Regardless of sharp temperature gradients, pressure surges, not formed corrosion coating, which reduces the operational life. Upon contact with water, the metal does not react with chlorine, however the use of water safe for health.
However, it is important to take into account that due to the high performance and long life Use the market brass pipes have a high cost, which is overvalued price segment. The average lifespan is estimated at 70 years. When the cover of the system installation is not possible, but it is important to preserve the aesthetic details, it is the best option.

- Plastic. First be sure to take into account the place of operation, and under what conditions is the creation of the pipeline. It is important to note that in the construction of plastic is often used because it has a lower cost, but high strength.
The main difference from the metal structures is the high degree of protection against corrosion. It is also not necessary to provide a special cover design. Easy to transport design to your destination, as well as carry out the installation.

The inner surface has no roughness, resistance is small, practically no blockage, which increases the rate of bandwidth. In addition, the condensate does not accumulate.
But there is also a number of negative factors to be aware of before making a final choice. Plastic design is not as reliable and durable as metal. When exposed to low temperatures, the material becomes brittle. Not recommended for use in open areas and a number of open fire.
- Metal and plastic. The best option, involving the collection of the best indicators of metal and plastic designs. Has high flexibility, strength, is not subjected to corrosion or the formation of plaque.
It is based on the use of several layers of synthetic material is polyethylene. They are welded by overlapping technologies. Aluminum is used to make durable frame. Depending on the method of production, frames may be solid, perforated or helical shape.

The polyethylene layer is a component basis. Thanks to it acquires high strength construction, the inner layer has no roughness. Stabilized linear expansion, since oxygen does not fall within the pipe. As a rule, they are used for the organization of heating or plumbing. Maximum exposure temperature 90, and the pressure is estimated at 16 bar. Allowed to use for hot or cold conduit. The average lifespan is 20-50let. Definition of the term depends on external factors.

Shipped in special coils and armature. Compared with metal pipes, there is no need to make a thread to connect the pipes and fittings enough to use a special attachment.
How to choose the material, taking into account external conditions
When you create an internal system of water supply, it must withstand a certain load, as well as being suitable for the use of special equipment. When engagement polypropylene polymers with metals can not create systems for every environment. So be sure to take into account the specificity of environmental impact.
As for the metal, copper or brass construction, then there are no special conditions for them. They can be operated under all conditions. If the pipes are coated with a solution which protects against corrosion, they are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature.
Possible pressure differences are also included. For example, in an apartment building, the median was 4 bar, but under different circumstances, can achieve a jump to 10-12Bar. Held sufficiently in advance of testing, that when subsequently the pipe is not broken through.
In the process of laying the external systems, the ring stiffness is measured without fail. If you plan to use the polymer system without creating a special channel design requires special processing liquid.
In the process of selection of pipes and materials, the buyer in the first place pay attention to specifications and price segment. Since each has its own physical capabilities, you can use any of the above submissions, observing the optimal conditions and minimizing the impact of the environment, other than metal or copper structures. Their use is permitted everywhere.