Heating of premises today is a whole range of very different options, each with its manufacturability, cost and efficiency. In most cases, residents of city apartments are satisfied with the services of central heating. Only in recent years it has begun the process of an individual approach to domestic heating in apartment buildings. The main emphasis is to install autonomous heating systems in buildings, followed by connecting radiators. In many households today can be found combined options, floor heating with radiator heating.
As an additional method of heating has become fashionable to use the water floor. For private houses and city apartments with independent heating, such heating circuit is very real. Another thing - the central heating in the apartment buildings of the old buildings. In this case, to equip a warm floor in the apartment, the task problematic. However, there are ways to connect the underfloor heating as an additional source of heat in a city apartment. Let us see what are the options in this case, how to make the installation of floor heating at home.
Why underfloor become so popular
To begin with, that the idea to warm the floor arose not today, not now. Due to the physical characteristics of the heating air masses Heated floor is the most efficient space heating system. Preheat floor surface transmits heat air masses, which, in turn, rising fills all the inner space. In contrast to the radiators in the apartment, which play the role of the air curtain, the warm floor is capable of uniformly heat the air within the almost entire residential rooms.
On a note: the efficiency of floor heating by 30-40% more than the usual, traditional version of domestic heating via radiators. uniform temperature balance is achieved by the circulation of hot and cold air mass. The highest temperature is reached in the lower layers of air. When radiator heating takes place all the way around. Warm air is concentrated at the top, making the floor the coldest place in the room.
Despite the obvious advantages of such heating scheme until recently rarely used. As a rule, the warm water floors were used as additional sources of heating in apartments and homes. Underfloor heating has become fashionable to style in recent years, when there was a sufficient amount of technological equipment and consumables. For private households is heating has become a matter of habit, which is not true of the living quarters in apartment houses.
On a note: in some cases, attempts have been made to establish yourself in the bathroom and floor heating from the central heating. In small spaces and smokers small area such experiments usually ended successfully. What can be said about the attempts to carry out floor heating in all rooms due to the centralized heat supply.
Restrictions on the installation
It is appropriate to say that under the law of a similar conversion of the heating system is prohibited in residential apartments. It is not only the normative base and circulars of the supervising organizations, but also a number of technical standards and regulations.
The reasons for the prohibition lies in the following aspects:
A first aspect. Not hard to imagine. Classically Heated floor looks like a water pipe connected to the heating system is laid on the floor. Above the water circuit is concrete screed, which immediately provides protection line and plays a role engineering process component residential facility. Heating circuit transfers heat from the coolant coupler, which due to good thermal conductivity of the concrete is an active heat transfer surface.
With all the obvious advantages, the main disadvantage lies on the surface. Not all residential buildings designed for reconstruction related to the installation of underfloor heating. There is taken into account the height of the ceilings, and very importantly, laying the new ties.
Important! One square meter. concrete screed weighs 200-300 kg, so imagine how extra weight will lie on the floor panel, if you conceive to make the floor in the room area of 10-15 m2.
The second aspect. Digress from the technical side of things and pay attention to the procedural rules. Connect the floor heating in the apartment of the radiator, then jeopardize the work of the whole district heating system. Inset into the riser to connect the water circuit is fraught with decline in the quality of residential space heating, both above and below.
On a note: the only thing in this situation is possible - connection of the water floor heating risers to the centralized heating system in the apartments located on the ground floor.
It is necessary to take into account the principle of the hot water in the heating circuit. Get permission to change the method for heating the apartment with central heating, it is practically impossible for a number of reasons.
If you have a self-contained gas boiler or you are the owner of a private house, any problems with the installation of underfloor heating should not be.
Fact! For apartments in old houses with the water laying the floor will have to adhere strictly to the design restrictions, while new buildings already on the stage of the project provides for the possibility of heating equipment floors.
Self heating system for warm water floor type in which the main source of heat is boiler water, according to experts does not have high performance and not durable. The main reason is the low quality of the coolant flowing into our homes from the heating plant. This can be attributed to a large flow resistance of the water circuit, laid on the floor and a weak resistance to possible pipeline waterhammer.
If you do not confuse the potential problem, then we shall understand in detail how to make a warm floor by heating in the apartment. It is important to follow the instructions and calculated data, which are based on any assembly work in this case.
What do I need to connect to a centralized underfloor heating system
As with any communication lines laying in the house, Laying of heating floor requires careful preparation. It is appropriate to clarify several principles that are crucial for a successful follow-up. For example:
- whether there is a constructive opportunity to connect to the installed radiators in the apartment is not only a new water loop, but also other important elements of the heating system (manifold, a mixing unit, the pump, three-way valve, mix with knot);
- whether there is a practical opportunity to reduce the temperature of the coolant at least 550C (in the riser for heating and the water heating temperature batteries often reaches high values, 65-750FROM);
- What is the operating pressure of the coolant has a central riser in the apartment, does not exceed the regulatory parameters of 8-9 bar pressure.
Heated floor of the battery is connected via standard schemes, each of which has its own technological differences and efficiency. The optimum mounting scheme in which you will be able to include a collector, mixing unit and the control devices.
The main element, without which water your floor will be ineffective, a mixing unit. Three-way valve the same will not be superfluous, taking on himself the task of ensuring the safety and regulation of heating the coolant temperature. The circulation pump, thermostat and temperature sensors are included in the security group. Whether you are connecting directly to the radiant floor heating riser or to the battery, in each case, you will need special equipment.
Consider the principle of operation of each element of the system is not going to have this in other sources of information. Now it is important to get acquainted with what, in practice, apply the installation of underfloor heating circuit operating from district heating.
Various embodiments connect
Heated floor from the central heating for this heating is not different, having high operating flexibility. In practice, the use of four, the most common connection diagrams:
- unregulated heating system;
- adjustable balanced heating system;
- operating circuit installing three-way valve;
- water mixing unit with the floor.
Each of the proposed schemes is characterized by its efficiency and practicality. Let us consider each separately.
system unregulated
There is nothing special. For the water system, which will serve the floor, mounted circulator. In this case, there are significant limitations. Tubing should be no longer than 70 m. Pipeline equipment are used or metal-polypropylene tube of 16 mm diameter, bandwidth up to 10 liters per minute.
On a note: Heated floor laid on this scheme is completely unregulated system. The efficiency of such a system is weak, because of the high probability of thermal loss occurring due to rapid cooling domestic radiators.
In this situation it is important to remember that the pump is placed on the return pipe. If you do it the other way around, the pump will drive the main stream of the hot coolant water in an additional circuit. Your batteries and radiators neighbors immediately react to it, staying warm food.
Adjustable balanced heating system
Here we are already using a special mix with circuit equipped with a shut-off valve. Due to such adjustment can be achieved snap water circuit by lowering the heating temperature coolant circulation intensity.
Balancing valve plays the role of the water floor heating temperature regulator. Permutation crane into position increases or decreases the flow rates to the water circuit.
Scheme water floor installing three-way valve
In order to have your system is adjustable, reliable and has become a practical source of heat, enough to install on the system three way valve. The task of this device is the ability to control the heat flow of coolant circulating through contours. Floor heating temperature in this case is adjusted automatically.
On a note: if the battery is quickly cools, set in the bridge two-way valves, which block the flow of hot water into the floor heating pipe. The circulation will be carried out as usual.
Water floor with a mixing unit
How to connect the floor heating to the heating system, if you want a manageable, practical and reliable heating system? Use incorporation in a working circuit of the mixing unit. This embodiment is the most preferable for those regions where the climate is harsh. In such regions, usually in a centralized system the coolant temperature reaches the critical parameters for underfloor heating (75-950FROM). Mixing unit will solve this problem by applying the sexes in the pipeline required temperature of 35-400FROM.
Summing up, I would like to mention one important detail. Heated flooring will only be effective and efficient means of heating if the observed when installing all the calculations and design features of the premises, centralized heat source. At the proposed video can explore options for connecting the water circuit to the centralized heating system, without prejudice to yourself and your neighbors.