Universal pipe bender for circular tube - this is a machine by which metal folded at 90, 60, 45, 180 degrees. It is used for arrangement of water, sewage. Bender is sold in different shops of the country. Tool makes different configurations, which ensures easy bending metal pipes.
types benders
The machine is automatic and semi automatic. Semi-automatic maintenance-free operator. Bending round metal pipe automatic apparatus does not require operator assistance, since it controls the CNC machine, which is embedded computer. Pre diagram bending cylinders is stored therein. Served by the whole process of one person who has experience with CNC.
When using the bending tool can be varied. Operator it is recommended to follow the order to radially he was no more than two radii of the metal cylinder. Benders are:
- Hydraulic. Divided into stationary and hand. The first of these is used in the production and have a frame. This machine makes an angle to a value of 90 degrees when the size in diameter of up to 100 millimeters. Manual benders for metallic round tube bent metal small diameter. They are mobile and compact, so they just use in small spaces. Benders to bend walled steel pipe. For large diameter of metal hand tool is not being used.
- Crossbow. In its form the frame resembles the letter "T". It consists of a movable arm and the tube holder. Hand tool used for the installation of the heating system and water supply. When selecting a tool guaranteed bending to 180 degrees.
- Electrical. With the tool you can perform a bending, irrespective of its level of complexity. Control of the operation of the electric bending tool for round metal pipe is carried out automatically, which ensures accurate bending. Thick-walled pipe bend tool, regardless of their diameter. The machine is heavy, so complicated Pego carrying. Stationary machine has no errors in the work. They bend metal at an angle of 30-180 degrees. for machine control software is used.

In some models implemented roller system. In this case, the item is gradually wound on the rollers, which guarantees its bending.
The principle of operation and characteristics
Homemade tool allows you to bend the tube at home under a radius of 30-180 degrees. Metal used for the installation of complex water and sewer systems. Bending is carried out:
- Rod or crossbow method. He is to fix the product between two rollers, which are fixed. Template, which is mounted on the rod at the center produces pressure on him.
- Winding way. At the beginning of the folding seats shall be placed. The pipe is pressed against the movable roller clamps. When the rotation of the roller tube passes between it and the focus that guarantees the bending process.
- Break-in. This method requires fixing of the pipe to a fixed pattern. When rotating around the metal cylinder of the pressing roller bends proftruba.
- Rollings. Bending is carried out by two rotating supporting rollers, which are arranged on one line. The radius of bending depends on the position of the support rollers and the main pattern.
Important! winding method for bending pipe is used only in manufacturing plants. rolling method is used to form the configuration of metal products of circular cross section.

Production tool
In the manufacture of the tool with your hands, you can use parts that are in the household. For its production is not used complicated scheme. it is recommended to put a concrete slab as a base for the production of the tube bender. It is necessary to make holes for screwing metal pins. Adjacent elements should be spaced no more than 50 centimeters.
One end of the metal cylinder is fixed between the pins and then manually makes a bend. The operator applies a force at the time of bending metal. This method is used when a small diameter pipe. Such a scheme is primitive, so wizards make the tools more sophisticated, which require less effort to bend the product. They consist of:
- the machine housing, on the rear side of which is mounted blowing installation.
- In this part set screw and knob.
- Bottom mount bar installation method HERZ-TS to the threaded portion. Thereafter, the special tool is pressed against the nut.
- Cylinder consists of cork, which is filled with oil, and a special spring.
- To make a bending tool is applied effort retractable stock. If it affects the spring, it is returned to its original location.
- Slats resemble welded construction.
- At the bottom of the machine are located threaded holes, which are mounted in adjustable screws.
- By design, the machine resembles a pin stop. In the middle of the creek it is mounted.
- Pipe, which lends itself to bending, placed on stream.
Hand benders are equipped with mechanical or hydraulic drive.
You can make a tool that has a manual transmission. The template is made of wood. Its shape and the radius of pipe bending future must match. That all work carried out is convenient, it is profiled template butt. To create a profile recommended the use of two boards, which are chamfered into a line cut.
Mounting template held immovable base. On one side of this base abutment is screwed, which will be further applied metal pipe. It is also recommended to fasten the lever of the tube. During the bending of the pipe is recommended the slow implementation of all actions that will eliminate the possibility of it slipping. Installation allows to bend the pipes in the home that have a large diameter.
hydraulic tube bender
Before it recommended by manufacturer of the machine prestage appropriate materials. The machine consists of:
- Metal plates;
- Hydraulic jack;
- channel bars;
- Two rollers;
- Shoe.
Rectangular structure of channel is made by the maximum height of the jack which is fixed to the base metal plates.
The tool, which has a hydraulic drive, can be used not only at home but also at work. Mechanical tube bender can be done independently according to the scheme:

Hydraulic bender offers the possibility of reducing labor costs during the bending of the tube. Initially developed construction diagram tool. It is recommended to take into account the materials of production. It requires the use of reinforcement rod, which has a cross section of 18 to 20 millimeters. The tool requires the use of metal parts, one side of which is 25 millimeters. The sidewalls are made of sheet metal, whose thickness is 10 millimeters. To fix the support in sheet drilled holes.
For supporting the tube is used whose dimensions correspond to the diameter of the hole. To it is welded bolt, which has a cross section of 18 millimeters. According to the support center it is recommended to make a hole, which has a semicircular shape. In this further recess abut the workpiece to be bent correspondingly selected parameters.

To create a punch, it is necessary to use sheet metal having a thickness of 4 millimeters. From it are cut blank semi-circular shape. In preparing the plan monitor in order to fully conform to the radius of the parts of the pipe bend radius hereinafter. Further taken pipe which has a cross section of 32 millimeters and is cut into two parts. One form of plates respectively bent blanks. After that the welding parts. To provide additional strength, it is recommended to weld inside the tube bender jumper, which will provide stiffening ribs. In the center of the platform to fix the pipe welding. It is needed for hydraulic actuation stops, which is used as a jack.
Terms of Use benders at home
With frequent installation of plumbing and heating systems with metal pipes without bending tool to manage difficult. The home is recommended to use a tool that is motorized. This tool will facilitate the work of the operator.
Universal bender has pinch rollers in an amount of 2-3 pieces, which are constantly rotating, which leads to increasing pressure. Bending method of rolling - is a gentle method that eliminates the possibility of damaging the metallic cylinder.

When using the rolling method, the degree of bending metal regulated. Accordingly structure benders are divided into two types. The first of these relates frame structure on which the installation is carried out rollers and the wheels, which helps to roll the tube. The bases and lateral surfaces are made of sheet metal. Despite the high strength material, it is susceptible to corrosion, and thus the production of these parts is recommended to cover the powder paint.
To move the pinch roller is used special screw. Due to the special design of such benders guaranteed the opportunity to change the position of support rollers, which leads to a change of the bending radius. The supporting structure of the instrument - the base of the tree. For the production of rolls used polymeric materials or wood. During the rotation of the pressure roller tube is pulled. This operating principle provides the correct level of the bend.
Bender - is a tool that is intended to impart pipe bending radius of 45 to 180 degrees. It is sold in the construction market. If there are items, tube bender is produced independently. Produced machine on the frame. Also made portable benders that bend pipes up to 60 millimeters.