Building a house from scratch involves performing a huge number of various construction and repair works. And one of the most important - is the arrangement of the heating system, which is designed to provide a comfortable temperature in the room. And the heat pump in this case would be the perfect solution, as it will allow you to abandon the centralized heating, whose work is increasingly poor.

Advantages of heat pumps: what is good in them?
The presence of the heat pump can not only effectively heat the house, but also provides significant cost savings, which can exceed 50%. Paying only the energy that is spent, you will significantly reduce your costs.
To date, high-quality and modern TN - a device that is fully automated and regularly works almost by itself. You do not need to carry out additional controls, such as a switch and configure the system, etc. In addition, it must be said about such merits:
- it is possible to do an individual project, which will be perfect for your home;
- good TH will perform more than one year.
Another important aspect that puts the use of heat pumps above all other options - it's energy consumption, which is produced from renewable sources. So this is the most eco-friendly option among those available.
Drawbacks of heat pumps: What's wrong with them?
Perhaps the biggest drawback of almost any good TN - cost. Such investment will be affordable for not for everyone, but those who decide to spend, always speak positively about the decision.
Another important drawback - the specific requirements for the power supply, which must necessarily be a three-phase. And for the correct functioning of VTs to a minimum should be reduced voltage swings that are simply able to damage the system.
- Choose the right model will help the site "Price Navigator", where you just a few clicks will be able to compare the features of different heat pumps, as well as to find out the availability in the stores and up to date cost. Can go to the link:
Despite this, the heat pumps are the most advanced and modern means of providing heat, and the best option in the market you will definitely not be able to find.

What are heat pumps: classification and characteristics
There are two main types of TH - is air and groundwater. In turn, the first type is divided into two options that we consider:
- 'Air-water' - is responsible for the transfer of warm air for heating, air conditioning and hot water provision. In cases of resettlement in large areas and industries, restaurants and sports facilities, is ideal;
- "Air-to-air" - it operates on the principle of the air conditioner and collecting heat from air, passes it to the room.
The second type of TN, ground, and in turn are divided into types. The first version of the "water-water" were created in order to take the heat directly from the groundwater, and thus provide home heating. Another option - geothermal - take out the heat out of the ground.
Whether it is necessary to spend money to buy and install a heat pump, each decides for itself. We can only talk about the fact that this option is the most secure, not only for residents of the building, but also for the environment. In addition, a one-time attachment allows significant savings in the future, and spending to pay for the heating system is much less money. So it will certainly consider the option of purchase of such equipment on the site, examining the current range and the price of goods.