Effective methods for removing impurities from the cooking surface: soda, sponge melamine, ammonia

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Due to its stylish appearance ceramic hob is becoming increasingly popular.

Effective methods for removing impurities from the cooking surface

It is much easier to maintain than the old-style device.

Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of some rules of care to prevent premature failure. Experts talk about the effective way to remove dirt from the cooking surface.


  1. The use of soda
  2. other facilities
  3. prohibited methods

The use of soda

After purchasing the plate sooner or later there is a need to clean its surface from scale and fat, get shine and beauty. Competent care unit ensures a long service life and preserve the original appearance for a long time.

Most manufacturers recommend using soapy water or special products for glass-ceramics, which are sold in the form of sprays and pastes. Their advantage lies in the fact that they not only can achieve high-quality treatment, but also more and leave the surface of the stain-resistant film.

If the special cleaner is missing or can not cope with heavily polluted, come to the aid funds from the kitchen cabinet or home kit.

Efficient and low-cost ways plates purification

Typically, manufacturers prohibit use for cleansing a soda glass ceramic cooking surface, as it has anti-corrosion properties. In other words, after its use may remain small scratches and gulf shine.

However, practice shows that this tool is not capable of inflicting great harm. Most people are used regularly soda to remove stains.

If the plate is dirty, it is possible to try this method, here step by step sequence of actions:

  1. First, you need to sprinkle a means to problem areas.
  2. Then pour into small capacity hot water and dissolve in the liquid gel dishwashing detergent.
  3. Must be carefully moisten obtained composition rag and put it on the hob, leave for half an hour.
  4. Next, rub the place is dirty, cycling remains of soda as a scrub against deposit.
  5. At the end carefully wash the oven and wipe it dry with a dry towel. To quickly achieve the desired result, you can use vinegar. It is used quite often, as it always is at hand, and is quite inexpensive.

Experts say that the cloth should be wet enough to soda is completely dissolved, but at the same time not so wet that water trickled over the plate.

other facilities

Remove stubborn stains help melamine sponge, but its use must be careful. Here are instructions how to use this tool:

  • It is sprayed onto the surface wiper or a soap solution;
  • rub dirty places with a sponge;
  • remove the remnants of funds, carefully wash the plate.
Ways to deal with pollution plates

You can also use a whitening toothpaste in its composition are small abrasive particles, allowing to get rid of fat. It should be the first treatment surface with a sponge to rub the most problematic areas.

Vegetable oil not only to remove the hated dirt, but also to protect the plate from the sludge and food residue. In addition, using such agents may significantly simplify subsequent purification surface.

If you want to achieve the ideal of purity, it is necessary to use ammoniaIt allows you to easily remove burnt spots of milk, remove the ugly stains., Ammonia should be mixed with normal water to get the cleaning solution. Such a composition is poured into a container with a spray and the surface treated.

You need to wait a bit and rub the towel plate. If at first you do not manage to get rid of the stains, the procedure can be repeated.

prohibited methods

Care for the glass ceramic surface should be very careful not to damage the device. Experts share advice, which is important to remember:

 methods for removing dirt from the plate
  • it is not necessary to use a metal brush or sponge, similar devices are left scratching, get rid of that is no longer possible;
  • You can not use aluminum cookware, after it left the spot;
  • care should be taken to avoid overloading, not standing on the plate items that can burst or melt when heated;
  • heavy pots have to move very carefully.

Thus, with glass plate surface and stylish look presentable.

Caring for such devices is simple enough, but it is also important to be aware of some rules of cleaning to avoid damage.