Eyelets - rings of two elements for fixing the web part between them. Today - it is a universal device applicable in many areas. Ring keeps excellent shape, so add the mounting strength. Textile eyelets become indispensable elements. Fashion designers have repeatedly used the structure of the lining to emphasize the beauty of the product. In connection with a multi-application, eyelets acquired various proportions. In some cases, a flat foot, and sometimes - high. Body width is also very different: is designed as a thick ropes, and the thin laces. In the industry use laths increased strength of modified materials. Eyelets are different in shape, though most massively used is a classic ring-shaped. In some cases, the installation of eyelets carried by hand. Help the public master classes.
- Eyelets: history of occurrence
- Application area
- Advantages and disadvantages of the application
- Forms and materials
Self-installation without special tools
- calculation of the distance between the eyelets
- Using lyuversnoy tape
- installation equipment
- Installation using specialized tools
Tips on Installing of eyelets on canvas canopy
- How to prepare a tarp
- conclusion
Eyelets: history of occurrence
Probable time of occurrence of eyelets remains unknown. It is known that it happened a long time ago, probably in the time of ancient Greece. Scientists do not know any language, in which there was the word, let alone the inventor of this device. Occurrence eyelets associated with the use of wind power, and the term refers to a hole in the sail threading fastening strands. In ancient times so we formed ship rigging. In modern times the term has expanded its value. Now this - option hardening holes edges are less durable than wire passing through them.
Grommet is often used as a decorative device, rather than a means to strengthen the material. As an example, a lining of leather products, fiberboard, foam board. Modern grommet - the mechanism of the washer and the fitting sleeve. Thus as the material mainly employed in metal or plastic.

Application area
Detail is widely used in the manufacture of clothing, footwear and accessories. It threaded the laces for tying shoes tabs belts, laces for bags. Another sphere of application - skydiving, there is mounting reliability is very important. The grommets are also threaded fixing ropes awnings. This use can be seen in tourist tents, tents, large trucks. A device is known and signmakers familiar with the arrangement of outdoor advertising: banners with large format printing, banners and so on.
Eyelets not bypassed office side, wherein these parts via seal up the paper sheets. Also on these openings hang heavy draped curtains. In this case, the product is still relevant for sailing ships, but now it's either private yachts or sports court. Device is also called slugs, that is not entirely correct, because the design is just the same it consists of a ring and a sleeve, which is also called slugs.

Bush also called the grommet leg and eyes, the washer - ring, sometimes speckled.
Advantages and disadvantages of the application
This functional device with obvious advantages. First, they facilitate the process of dressing removal, fastening. Eyelets also diversify and decorate the design, the more so because there were models of different shapes. However, the circular structure is best resists deformation. Grommet easy to use, so that any kind of work can be carried out quickly and without complications. This is a very useful and inexpensive item with a large spread, moreover, it is easily manufactured. Among the disadvantages is primarily manifested damaged material which hardens. Rough or sharp movement of the cord, and the grommet can fly at the same time breaking tissue integrity. If we talk about using on the curtains and tyulyah - metal parts much noise. fastening method for a loop in this regard, it is more convenient. A common problem is the deterioration of the color, but a lot depends on the particular material.
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Forms and materials
Rubbers are standard round shape, square or in the form of various shapes. Manufacturers produce as eyelets, polygons, and animal figurines. Kind of depends on the overall design intent and purpose for a particular application. If the desired shape eyelets were not found, you will need a separate special order. In material performance distinguish the metal, plastic and wood trim. In the fashion field more likely to use a plastic version. They are fastened easier and cheaper. Metal parts are reliable, but makes more noise. If the hole is threaded metal strip, it will be scratched and worn. However, for large objects like tents better use is made of metal options. Wooden lining suitable for the determination of the interior, for example, while using aged furniture.

Self-installation without special tools
In the process you will need:
- Define the desired distance in the braid under the eyelets.
- Prepare the tape.
- Set lyuversnye details.
To perform self-attaching enough to have on hand a ruler, a hammer and some piercing tool, for example, a hole punch. First carry out a calculation of distances. There are recommendations about the interval between the upper edge and the center of the grommet between the pads themselves, as well as about the optimum diameter. Lyuversnye details in any case have at the same height. The next thing the tape is cut, folded into a seamy edges and iron. Ribbons must cool down before attaching to the base material. Also removed the extra fragments. In the future we will need glue and iron. Installing of eyelets themselves begins with striping. Moreover, it is desirable to pre-trained on a certain material. Next is a detailed and rigorous process for its implementation fixing laths in the hole. To normalize the mounting need a hammer.

calculation of the distance between the eyelets
Self-assessment is usually needed at home to determine the installation location on the curtains. Miscalculation will cost the damaged property. The first step is to determine the possible number of holes. In any case, we are talking about an even number, so that the edge of the curtains looked to one side. Then, when you need to choose the direction of hanging to the window. Between each grommet leave same distance - for curtains can be 17 cm. It is about the distance between the centers of the holes. At least in this case it is 15, and the maximum - 22 cm. The minimum allowable spacing to the edge curtains is between 5th and 7th centimeters. If you ignore this rule, then it is likely that the patch does not zastegnetsya. Processing should lay on top of 12 cm, 5 cm and bottom hem 2 cm at the sides, and internal and external diameter holes at 35 and 55 mm.
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As a result, you must calculate:
- The diameter of the eyelets.
- The interval between eyelets.
- The distance from the outer linings to the fabric edge.
Using lyuversnoy tape
Reinforcing tapes are one- and two-layer. They differ in the number pasted sides. To find the perfect width to the outer diameter is added at least 2 cm. Thus thin transparent curtains selected tape. Pat braid must at a minimum temperature of heating. Further, sizing her short sections with a delay of 8-12 seconds each. Dense contiguity lyuversnoy tape to the material provided by a light pressing. In the process of fixing the material do not need to touch, otherwise the tape will lie askew. Theoretically, the sealing tape can be attached with small needles. As for the washing of curtains with lyuversnoy braid, it is necessary to select the delicate cycle at a water temperature of about 20 ° C. Include spin is not recommended, because it is bad for the tape. If the pads are made of plastic, it will have to refrain from the use of chemical cleaners.

installation equipment
Please note the space on the paper or the fabric itself. Before piercing holes make sure that the holes overlap and converge hole punch. The diameter of the latter in any case, must give eyelets, so that they then do not fall. Small holes, in turn, is done with an awl or knife stationery. Place a hole in any case process the adhesive composition before penetration. When the hole is ready, carefully insert it into the grommet, hat on the front side. To prevent contamination of the substrate put on a metal ruler or iron sheet. Next, set on the substrate paper with the grommet, so that the legs looked up. Then hold in the leg with a pre-open or notched edges tool for flattening. At the end we beat with a hammer on the tool, which is inserted in the leg - the grommet is fixed.

Installation using specialized tools
It would take the tongs and press. In addition, the store stroytovarov there is a set of punches - so the question will be decided in part the creation of large holes. If eyelets are needed to support the heavy curtains, the openings are made as widely as possible. Size pads and the hole diameter is marked. For example, the sleeve length lyuversnogo element is directly dependent on the thickness of the processed material. If we are talking about weighty textured draperies need grommet with the largest foot. Size laths on the label is denoted by L, and the diameter of the sleeve and accordingly the hole - the letter D. The smallest eyelets fastened using balls or rounded steel rods. The ends of the rods can be processed on a lathe. And suitable metal axle with a conical tip and a diameter greater than the index strip.
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List of potentially necessary tools and accessories:
- Beads from the bearings;
- bars;
- forceps;
- rubber mat;
- stationery knife;
- marker;
- iron sheet;
- line;
- hammer.

Tips on Installing of eyelets on canvas canopy
Tarpaulin laths selected from high plasticized mixture. The surface of the parts to be galvanized or nickel-plated. In this case, the installation can be carried out with professional equipment. It is best suited for this purpose machine for welding two pieces lining. The machine ensures fast and reliable soldering. For installation on a tarpaulin and used flaring punch. For each option, a separate roll eyelets. But apart from them, you can use a compact manual press. In such a case no longer needed in the impact force, and a conventional squeezing enough. Also included with the press are tips and nastavki type and size lyuversnyh details. The implementation of this method does not require the installation of physical strength and skills. These methods of fixing may be used when installing outdoor advertising banners.

How to prepare a tarp
First we select awning desired thickness and size. Next, prepare the tools: a hammer, punch, marker, pencil, ruler - tools necessary to break through the holes. Using a ruler and pencil, identify and immediately mark the place where he subsequently set the eyelets. Size markers should equal the diameter of the ring. All applied uniformly, making sure to line the distances between adjacent elements of the same value. Then we take the punch with a hammer and begin to form apertures in the sheet of painted markings. It should immediately determine the distance from the edges, and the height location pads so as not to cut the extra holes. Before breaks tent folded in half for the sake of greater reliability of future attachment. Before creating the openings put under a tarp wooden board to cushion the impact of the hammer punch.

If the material is thin, it is better to use brass or plastic washers.
Eyelets appeared a long time ago, and for many centuries the principle of their use has not changed. Now, however, lining can be seen not only on sailing ships, but also in the automobile tarpaulin, outdoor advertisements, packages, and even on clothing, shoes, and other haberdashery products. Despite its widespread use, lyuversnye elements have a significant drawback. Any fabric, trimmed lining, has a tendency to tear at the junction. It only takes one careless movement, and the product will be ruined. And the repair of such damage - a very difficult task. Nevertheless, everyone's strength independently calculate and make lyuversnuyu tape for curtains right at home. Find the tools and materials will be easy. You only need to connect the strip, choose the items correct form, make them the hole and, in fact, secure. Detailed step by step instructions will help you to achieve perfect results.