Attic - is not simply exploited the attic space, but a special part of the house. Its main feature is that the ceiling and walls are at the same time the roof of the building. Part of the walls have a slope arranged on the window openings of various shapes and bevelled. This leads to certain difficulties in the design of the room, for example, to choose suitable blinds very difficult to skylights.
- Features a selection of curtains for roof windows
- The location and shape of the window
Types of curtains for attics
- Jalousie
- Roman
- Rolling
- plisse
- curtains
- drapery
- blackout
- Material
- Color spectrum
- Style
- Mounting options curtains
- Options window decorations
- How to choose: expert advice
- conclusion
Features a selection of curtains for roof windows
Making window openings in the attic is much more difficult to perform, compared with a decoration similar structures located in the common rooms. Fasten the curtains, drapes or blinds standard method will not work. It should take into account a number of important points, namely:
- wall corner tilt;
- aperture size;
- its shape;
- method of opening the valves.

Dormer curtains differ from traditional models. They are required to carry not only an aesthetic burden, but also to perform a practical function, to protect from the sun, have a simple way to manage. When choosing a suitable fabric is first necessary to pay attention to the level of light transmission. Also, the following recommendations should be considered:
- For windows located on the south side, it is better to use a dual layer curtain, which have reflective properties.
- Sloping structures, even if they are on the shady side, passed a lot of light, so the adjustable blade must be tight.
- In an attic or made out windows (birdhouse), you can use a simple light curtains.
- Experts recommend to choose textiles used for sewing curtains, but attracts dust, dirt-repellent coating has.
- Adjustable blade must be proportionate to the window article.
- The style and color scheme is selected in accordance with the existing design.

The location and shape of the window
Roof windows have many features. They vary according to various parameters. For example, the frame can be made of wooden boards, plastic, aluminum. According to the method of opening, there are manual and automatic models. Depending on the mode of arrangement and constructional features, is isolated:
- Inclined. Standard openings, which are located on the slopes of the roof.
- Eaves. It is kind of the previous species. These window systems are called combined. The general construction of combined vertical and sloping windows.
- Balcony or window-transformers. This tilt, which in turn opening to a small balcony.
- Extension. The only difference between them from standard products in stock is a decorative insert which can be in the form of a triangle, semicircle.
- Gable. It all models located on the front of the building.
- A light tunnel. This subspecies has a special device. Its dome is placed on the roof, it is supplied to the tube-optical fiber, the lower end of which comes out into the room.
- "Cuckoo" or "birdhouses". Are special remote superstructure on the roof with vertical portholes.

Another important characteristic of window openings located in the attic is their size and shape. Among the most popular and special types can be distinguished:
- Triangular. Oversized design installed in an attic. When making the most commonly used fixed curtains attached to one or two sloping eaves, placed along the upper sides of the triangle. You can also use tulle, curtains with the pick-up mounted on the fixed hangers.
- Trapezoid. Their decoration is made by analogy with the previous version. Curtains are often hung on a special ledge repeating the outlines of the upper part of the figure. If the adjustment of curtains is required, you can order a special form of tulle, which will be fully repeating the outlines of the face of the wall.
- Round. Curtains and pelmets should not be used on these openings. The best option - the standard or pleated blinds. It looks good light curtains with unique fabrics, filament curtain.
- Arch. To emphasize their originality, you can use the arched cornice, exactly repeating the rounded arch for him to hang with sliding curtains picked up on the sides.
- Large. You can hang translucent coherent curtain of light materials, to complement its curtains with lambrequins.
- Ceiling. They will look great Roman, roller curtains or curtains on the eyelets attached to two bars (top and bottom).
See also:Blinds in the interior: the types and materials

Types of curtains for attics
Curtains - one of the main interior decoration. They help to create comfort in the room. They perform a decorative function, allow you to adjust the lighting in the room. There is a wide variety of paintings, differing in material, texture, color. However, not suitable for every type roof windows, which are characterized by a peculiar form, arranged obliquely.

Sometimes the search for a suitable model take a lot of time and effort, and some even have to do with their hands. To save costs, you should consider the types of fabrics that are suitable for the design of non-standard window systems to find out which textiles are best used in different rooms in the destination (nursery, bedroom, living room, kitchen). Only in this way can make the right choice, beautifully decorate the unusual opening.

Blinds - a kind of window blinds. Light-shielding device consists of slats mounted on a special ledge. Rods can be rotated, thus providing protection from bright sunlight, it is uniformly distributed around the room. The transition from the open to the closed position by the control cord. The chain allows you to lift the canvas up.
not all types are suitable for pitched roof openings. Here you can place only horizontal models, which are mounted on the wings of windows. The products are mainly used with aluminum slats, at least with plastic slats. Can be controlled mechanically or automatically. For non-standard window systems, popular for country cottages, log cabins are designed arched design.
The main difference from the standard products blinds - a special attachment method designed for windows arranged at an angle. To the curtain was held on the leaf, not hang and did not fall, special guides are used.

This type of curtains is also called Greek curtains or Rimko. Roman blinds consist of special cornice with fixed thereto a textile web, the lower edge of which is sewn weighting. The whole fabric is divided into uniform sections, each separated from each other by a pocket-kuliskoy in which rods are inserted. It is hard to help insert the material collected in the folds when picked up.

For window openings located on the sunny side, or at a slant, it is recommended to choose a more dense tissue for shadow - translucent. They decorate any room for its intended purpose, equipped in the attic. It will look great in the bedroom, nursery, living room. They can also be combined with other types of textiles, such as curtains or tulle.

Blinds are very popular. They consist of a shaft, a tissue web, a weighting agent, guide regulating device. Conventionally, all the products are divided into two main types: open, closed control mechanism. Control is performed by means of a chain, a spring holder of the actuator. By type of fabrics distinguished: transparent model dimaut, blackout, day or night.

Skylight freely hanging model will not work, there is only the type of cassette which is mounted solely on the flap. They are suitable for opening and tilt and turn window systems. The fabrics used may be the most diverse in color and texture. Choose the right under the existing interior of the product will not be difficult. These constructs can be combined with standard curtains.

Dormer pleated curtains have special guides that keep them in the window. The main feature is that they are made of pleated cloth or paper, which on both sides is attached to the aluminum profile. The shutter is fixed at any level, it can close the sash top or bottom, middle. The control system allows you to conveniently adjust the lighting in the room.
See also:Gray curtains in the interior 50 photo
Furthermore stretch products can be used are fixed, and the fan roller model. These curtains can be hung on the window with beveled, arched, trapezoidal, triangular, and other non-standard systems. In the living room is better to use tensile structures. They are highly compatible with curtains and drapes. Bedroom suit pleated blinds day and night, which do not need curtains partner.

For the production of soft curtain of thin translucent fabric used different types of light textiles. For these purposes organza, silk, tulle, voile, chiffon, other types. They are well-breathable, easy to clean from pollution. Transparent products alone can not protect the room from the penetration of light, they often hang together with other curtains.
There are several types of curtains. The shape of the isolated curtains, scissors, curtains, scarves, SMAD. Depending on the number of paintings, all models are divided into odnopolotnye, double-piece. Along the length of products are divided into: hanging down to the floor, covering the window opening completely or partially. When making their fixed skylights on the ledge on the wall bending establish special holders.

Curtains - curtains made of dense tissue types. They are an impressive sight, used to decorate the interior, protect the room from the penetration of sunlight. For their use sewing linen, jacquard, velvet, satin, velor, viscose, tapestry, other textiles. Often heavy goods sew lined. On the window hung like one fixed and two canvases, moves in different directions.
Voluminous curtains decorate lambrequins and picked up. This type better than the other is able to emphasize the color and style of the room decoration. Products combined with any other kinds of textiles. For installation in the attic is selected a material that does not burn in the sun. When mounted on the wall with a bend using two round, rarely profiled cornice. For registration of non-standard window openings using special clamps.

This is a special kind of fabric, which does not let the sun's rays. It is a three-layer web. The outer layers have an attractive appearance, they are pleasant to the touch. Internal - made of black polyester yarn, absorbing light. The canvas can be painted in any color, have a simple, raised pattern. From this material produces drapes, Roman, Japanese, roller curtains, as well as pleats.
The coating does not fit all natural lovers, as it is a synthetic fabric which is very expensive. Its main advantage - a partial absorption of the noise, the ability to create in the light of the night feeling. Ideal for the bedroom decoration, allowing to protect itself from the outside world, enjoy a day of rest.

A huge variety of materials to create a cozy atmosphere in the attic at any time of the year. They must meet all the requirements of the premises - not fade in the sun, easy to clean, easy to install. For windows use the following types of products:
- Paper. Non-standard budget solution. Pleated blinds can be done independently. The step size concertina selected based on the magnitude of the opening.
- Bamboo. Light blinds made of natural materials look original and extravagant. Fill the room with warm wood and a pleasant aroma when heated.
- Plastic. Practical slats suitable for roof window of any size and shape. Durable product easy to maintain and clean.
- Metal. Durable blinds perfectly protect from the scorching sun, but fast and very hot, raising the temperature in the room.
- Textile. Curtains made of a material of any density make the interior a stylish and complete. This variant design windows only suitable for vertical openings.

Color spectrum
When making the windows in the attic designers recommend using bright colors. Especially if the room does not stand high resolution. Such an approach will help make the ceiling less noticeable, correct accents in the room with the help of furniture, materials, surface finishing.
See also:Sewing curtains with his hands for beginners: step by step

Spacious attic with large window openings can be decorated with dark curtains or blinds. The material should not completely exclude the penetration of natural light, so the heavy curtains will not fit. Good product will look with different patterns or designs. It looks interesting photo printing, abstract ornament.

Construction of the attic can be considered successful if the window covering will be in harmony with the overall interior design. Style blinds or curtains depends on the design of the room. Window decoration is possible in the following areas:
- Modern style. Use blinds with different lifting mechanisms, roller blinds. Fit any product, which is easily installed and operated.
- Boho-chic. Preference is given to the traditional sliding curtains of velvet, bright or dark curtains. Often, textiles and blinds are chosen in a contrasting shade to cover the walls and ceiling.
- Loft. Maximum simplicity in curtain structures. Fit-colored plastic, metallic panels.
- Provence. Air curtains, unobtrusive floral pattern perfectly reflect light and in harmony with the original design of the ceiling.
- Country. The image of a village house successfully accentuate curtains made from natural materials. It is better to look plain light-colored cloth.
- Minimalism. Small window blinds decorate with a minimal pattern. Good will look plastic and metal blinds.

Mounting options curtains
Properties curtains mounted in the attic will depend on the type of construction, the type of fabric, the characteristics of the window opening. Blinds and shutters fastened on the sash frame. Depending on their weight, lifting mechanism, the product fasten with screws or glue to the double-sided tape.

Pleated Blinds already equipped with fixtures. It is necessary to choose the appropriate size and design to make installation. Textile fabric is attached to the cornice. For inclined windows use the lower stem, for which will fill up the hanging of the curtains. To make the fixing roller shutters on the outside of the window opening.

Options window decorations
Nice and original, you can arrange the windows in the attic of any size and destination. For sloping walls fit the curtains on kuliske, blinds, roller blinds. The bedroom in the attic can hang beautiful curtains on the two ledges. Convenient textiles will pass enough light to create a romantic atmosphere.

Nursery in the attic to make light plastic panels. They can be self-colored or with a bright print. The lack of curtains did not hurt ordinary interior. Windows in an office with slanted surfaces will look stern and reserved, if they decorate Roman blinds.

Choosing a suitable option of registration, you must pay special attention to the possibility of a comfortable ventilation windows and paintings mobility.

How to choose: expert advice
The main influence on the choice of curtains has a window opening configuration. It must be considered the light side of its location, shape, size. More often mounted in the roof of the options. In this case, all kinds of roof curtains and a combination thereof may be used.
If the ceiling is high and has a large inclination, to hang better fixed rigid structures - blinds, plastic panels. Their lower part is attached to the side latch. To hold the fabric curtains need to install a second ledge.

When choosing window design should take into account the floor area and the size of the window. For a panoramic glass suitable light curtains. Pick-up is selected depending on the shape of the structure. Especially in need arched and oblique model. Use decorative cords, clips, beads.

Interior design of any room is a creative process. Choosing curtains on roof windows - one of the most important stages. Properly chosen blinds or heavy drapes can completely transform a room, protect it from light. For window systems nonstandard form is sometimes very difficult to choose the appropriate size of the curtains. In this case, they can be ordered in the sewing studio.