With the advent of the golden autumn, most of us invariably begins to suffer the blues. Escape from the sadness and bad mood will work. Many people like to collect bunches of leaves while walking in the parks. However, not everyone sees them as a material for a great craft that will decorate the house. It captures the creative process and it becomes a great way to pass the time on rainy evenings, when without a cup of hot tea and a warm blanket life seems dull and dreary. Fascinating process the manufacture of handicrafts from autumn leaves cheer up, and by the product you can decorate your home or to present it as a gift. Consider a series of workshops on the creation of the original interior decor of this fragile material.
- How to prepare the leaves for creativity
- Skeletization and leaf coloration
- Autumn bouquet of maple leaf
- Wreath - autumn decoration door
- Topiary
- Production of vases
- Autumn panels and paintings
- applications options for children and not only
- Creating ikebana
- Garland of leaves
- conclusion
How to prepare the leaves for creativity
For the majority of works are collected still fresh, preserved its flexibility leaves. "King" is considered among autumn maple crafts. Its leaves have an original shape and look beautiful even in its raw form. In second place on the complexity of the form is located oak. However, this tree in city parks are rare, so mighty giants to be found in the woods or glade. Third place goes after birch oak leaves. Birch - "Russian" character that grows along the roads and borders the endless fields. Its leaves have a rather simple form, but at the same time complement the complex compositions, playing the role of background details. They are perfectly combined with the "catkins", pine cones and acorns (even among members of compositions). Such as small, slightly elongated leaves and decorated with branches of mountain ash, walnut, ash, hornbeam, willow, buckthorn. After collecting the necessary to prepare the material. Leaves thoroughly washed, even if they do not outwardly appear to be dirty. Suffice rinsing with soapy water container. After that, the leaves are dried. Now the material can be safely work. If you are sad for a short period crafts service, its youth can be extended with a hot solution of glycerin. The liquid fall leaves and leave for a week. The solution is very long soaks. Glycerol layer like cans mesophyll (leaf tissue), prolonging its life as a decoration.

Skeletization and leaf coloration
Skeletization - unusual, relatively "young" method of processing the leaves. After all the treatments, the soft part of the sheet is removed, and the "skeleton" of the more dense veins remains to form extremely thin "openwork". There are different ways skeleting:
- Leaves boiled for half an hour in a concentrated soda solution. Follow the instructions and avoid contact with liquids exposed skin. They were then carefully removed from the container, spread on a clean cloth and remove the softened brush areas between the veins. The resulting "skeleton" is placed between two sheets of landscape paper and dried.
- The leaves are placed in a container with water and give them a "real" a few weeks. Naturally, they will rot, but the first softens the tissue between the veins (mesophyll). If malodor will interfere, the water periodically change. After extracting the leaves work on a similar principle as the material of the saucepan with soda ash (cloth, fabric, drying under pressure).
- Already dried leaves spread on a cloth and rattle their stiff brush (bristle). Fragile parts are easy showering crumbs and stronger veins will remain in place.
See also:60 design ideas the child's birth

Skeletonized leaves are used for the decoration of gifts and cards, glued to their windows, hang on the walls, and some masters even manage to decorate their artificial butterflies and dragonflies. Of brittle material obtained by "air" wings patterned wonderful beauty, which at first sight difficult to distinguish from the original. Skeletonized leaves perfectly blended with small beads, peacock feathers and wings of jewel beetles. Paint "skeleton" of the best spray paint cans.

Some artists use the original pattern "skeletons", turning them into elegant decorations worthy of luxurious interiors. For example, the composition can be placed between two transparent panes.

Autumn bouquet of maple leaf
Fallen maple leaves are considered a symbol of autumn. They are easy to dial in a nearby park, or in the city botanical garden. Maple Leaf is easiest to assemble the rose - a sophisticated summer flower. Will look spectacular red and yellow buds. The combination of natural "fall" colors give a bouquet of naturalness. To paint the leaves, use spray paint. Gouache, watercolor or tempera for this purpose will not do. To work required:
- Thread and glue gun;
- Thick branches of stems;
- Satin ribbon;
- Vase or basket.

To make a bouquet, medium-sized leaves are collected. They are optimal for creating roses. The buds of this material would be tight and will not fall apart. First leaf is folded in half so that a smooth "face" side remained outside. Then, starting with one of the sides, it rolled into a tight tube. Place demolition should be at the top. Now take the second leaf, also folded. Prior to rolling up into a tube placed in the first instance it. It turns out a kind of "layered" matryoshka. After twisting the last leaf, the base of the future bud fasten with a thread. Then, each petal begin to spread. It turns a neat rosette. Making five to seven buds, they are glued to the thick twigs, which will replace the stem. The composition was ligated satin ribbon decorate silvered cones and artificial clusters of ash, and after placed in a glass vase or a wicker basket.

To bouquet look more fluffy, below buds enclose raw maple leaves in the manner of a crown-halo. By a similar floristic reception resorted to when creating miniature composition brides.

Wreath - autumn decoration door
Autumn wreath on the door usually hang on the eve of All Saints Day. First, form the basis for a wreath of twigs and wire. The composition is scattered, it pulls in a few places with thread or fishing line. Then, the base begin to fill decor. You should start with the leaves. They carefully wrapped, rolled in a tube and is crushed to get a nice texture. Then the leaves are glued to twigs bases. To crown of thread tied bunches of Viburnum, boxes of seeds physalis, cones, acorns, miniature pumpkins and small Christmas balls (suitable gold and silver), animal and human figures. The final touch in the composition will be a magnificent bow burlap.
See also:Subjects of an interior with their own hands

The composition did not look too monotonous in color, it adds a couple of green leaves.

For manufacturing topiary need inlay (leaves), pot, wire, rod, stem, two ball of foam, glue. You must first prepare the ground. One of the beads is lowered into the pot and is fixed therein with an adhesive. Then, threaded rod, stalk him. Top skewer second ball. Now you can collect the composition. Each element is threaded into a foam bead. The leaves can be secured by using cuttings. Rowan bunches or bright red balls have to attach to the wire, which then pierce the foam. Topiary is decorated with letters, ribbons, miniature gifts, bud real flowers. You can decorate the pot with burlap or pasted colored pencils.

Production of vases
Vase of leaves is actually not as fragile as it might seem at first glance. Her tightly cemented PVA glue, so in this capacity can easily fill up candy or cookies. To make a vase, you first have to choose the base. Its role can be any glass or ceramic container, the shape of which like the master. She flipped upside down and wrapped with cling film. Above the applied PVA glue. Begin to lay out the leaves in layers on each other. On top of the vase future once again generously coat with glue.

Decor is ready, but it can be further decorate the outside of glitter in the "scarlet colored" autumn. Now it remains only to wait for the complete drying. After that, the vase from the leaves gently separated from the base and the film is detached. Capacity ready for use.

Autumn panels and paintings
Painting or panels made of dry leaves quite simple. This is a common theme for children's crafts. To work needed basis (usually made of wood). For example, suitable particle board or MDF board. Children's craft enough cardboard sheet of A4. On its surface pencil conceived transferred pattern. For a first experience, it's best to choose concise natural objects: leaves, tree, sun flower. If artistic talents at master very tight, you can use stencils. Then, the image within the contour smeared with glue. On the adhesive surface is applied consistently leaves. On top they need to press something heavy. After drying the panels, it is enclosed in a frame and hang on the wall.

applications options for children and not only
Applique - drawing a picture of the individual pieces of different materials. This kind of art is considered to be children, as concise plots (figures of animals or unpretentious landscapes) are typically selected for the job. However, nothing prevents an adult to create a "patchwork" pattern of unprecedented complexity, but better for beginners to try to primitive forms. beautiful little animals are obtained from the leaves. Rowan or hazel leaves adhered layers to form a fat butterfly wings. Her body can be made of birch catkins. On similar technologies make hedgehogs and fish. Their needles and scales replaced by sharp little leaves (walnut, hornbeam), layers are glued to each other. A pair of pieces of bark imitate wood and thin blades of grass become waving seaweed. Funny umbrella will be the final touch in the autumn picture. It can be made from a cropped maple leaf. Umbrellas of colored felt pieces will look warm, cozy and very home-like. Luxuriant mane of a lion or a sumptuous peacock's tail is made from maple leaves. Their sharp tips are most like a thick head of hair and a bunch of feathers. a symbol of wisdom - the owl is easiest to manufacture of thin leaves of willow. Finished appliqué is placed in a picture frame, but much more beautiful it will look frame made of branches, made with his own hands. You can use birch, oak, bamboo. Twigs carefully protected from knots, bark residues, after which of them form a rectangle whose angles knotted jute threads, bonding components together.
See also:House for children with their own hands

Creating ikebana
Ikebana - Japanese art of formulation out of dried plant parts and their subsequent placement in vases. Now the need for containers disappeared. Ikebana can have the original shape and just stand on your desk or shelf. Consider stepwise process creating a circular ikebanas via balloon. To work required:
- Coarse jute threads (twine);
- Balloon;
- Glue;
- Leaves;
- Needle;
- Dried, bunches ash, burlap, bumps, rudraksha (dried fruit Indian walnut textured surface).

First inflate the balloon. Then, its surface is thickly smeared with adhesive and wound jute yarn so that the voids remain as small as possible. After the glue has dried, the ball burst needle. Jute yarn is very rough, pile, but it holds its shape perfectly. Then manufactured buds of the leaves (as described above) and fix them on the ball. Additionally it decorate cones, dried flowers, small rudraksha nuts (walnuts can be replaced or hazelnut), Rowan bunches and bows of burlap. Wonderfully looked dried and dyed magnolia buds. Small inflorescences dilute composition of the leaves. For compiling ikebana have to connect all their imagination to help create a unique bouquet of the best traditions of the eastern floristry.

Garland of leaves
For a garland of leaves need:
- fishing line;
- Masking tape;
- A large piece of paper;
- Glue;
- Dry leaves.

First, a scaffold fixed on the paper masking tape. This is necessary so that the components can be spread on a garland with the same indentation and does not damage them. Then cut from the leaves of the cuttings. They are applied to the line in a row. Each leaf is glued. After the composition hardens, remove the masking tape, the line is disconnected from the paper and the garland is ready.

Many love story with leaves began with herbals of dried between the pages of beloved books. On them often forgotten. But how nice it was accidentally discovered a volume of almost forgotten author, discover there is a fall treasure, which from year to year, like wine, is only acquired value. Do not be limited to a simple collecting. Available material after manipulation of the master can become a unique thing, and that is not ashamed to give. Crafts from the leaves will be an excellent complement home decor that warms the cold winter evenings.