Carrying out repairs in the apartment, private house, particular attention should be paid to the ceiling finish. Often to this matter are negligent, failing to understand the essence, choose plain materials that spoil the appearance of the interior. Nevertheless, The ceiling has a fairly large area, has a significant impact on the perception of the room as a whole.
At the entrance to any space the first thing look up if the floor and walls can be partially closed Palacio, the pieces of furniture, then this surface is completely visible. A huge range of coatings having different texture, the right lighting, color color, can significantly improve the design, improve comfort. Professional advice will help to understand the topic.
What to consider when choosing the material for finishing the ceiling
- Area and ceiling height
- Purpose room
- Style
- Number of levels
- The color scheme ceiling
Popular materials and methods of ceiling finishes
- Whitewash
- coloration
- Decorative plaster
- Wallpaper
- Tiles made of expanded polystyrene
- Stretch ceiling
- concrete ceiling
Options for suspended ceilings
- The false ceiling of plasterboard
- Rack suspended ceiling
- Ceiling Cassette Type
- Lattice ceilings Grilyato
- Suspended ceiling made of laminate
- mirrored ceilings
- Coffered ceiling finishes
- ceilings finishing textiles
- Finish natural wood
- Making and finishing cork coated
- finishing bamboo
- Combined methods of ceiling finishes
- Types of lighting and lighting
- conclusion
What to consider when choosing the material for finishing the ceiling
Planning the design of the ceiling, you should consider many facts. The choice of coating depends on disposable funds allocated for the purchase of materials and specialist services. In the presence of the construction skills needed to work tools, on the last point you can save, perform installation work with his hands. It is also worth to provide the following:
- the dimensions of the room, its size and height;
- look of the room, its target destination;
- the color of the roof sheathing, corresponding to the total clearance;
- an existing style, the selected direction in the interior;
- the feasibility of the installation of multi-level structures;
- availability of communications networks.

Roof cladding not only serves as a room decoration. It allows you to hide a lot of flaws, visually increase or decrease the space, save on electricity, in the case of reflective elements.
Area and ceiling height
The choice of a suitable design is influenced by many factors, including the dimensions of the room in which to carry out repair activities. Let us discuss each option in more detail:
- Area. The house each room has a different area. From its size depends on the amount of material required for the work, according to its cost. In large spaces, such as the hall will be an organic look multilevel plasterboard construction, the space is divided into parts. In a small room, you can use any lining, and to improve the visual effect to organize the hidden LED backlight.
- Height. In old age homes Soviet usually made low ceilings - 2.5 - 2.6 m, in new buildings, this value sometimes reaches 3 m in a private home or cottage height may be different.. In rooms with low ceilings better to use a flat cover, wallpaper, paint, printing. If the height is more than 2.6 m, the suit hanging and tensile structures, under which it is possible to hide the utilities, place sound insulation, sound-absorbing materials.

Purpose room
The type of premises, its purpose depends on the choice of raw materials used for decoration. Only taking into account the characteristics of each room, you can make the right decision, to establish high-quality durable finish that meets all expectations. If we approach the issue more thoroughly, we can distinguish the following areas in the house:
- Bathroom or WC. Here taken into account constant humidity, evaporation, fluid direct hit on the ceiling surface. There is also a high probability of flooding the neighbors living above. Do not forget about the constant temperature changes, this situation has a negative impact on many building materials.
- Kitchen. To do this, the room is taken into account most of the points inherent in the bathroom, to the high temperature resistance. Kitchen zone is used for cooking, to the ceiling constantly rise evaporation containing fat and oil that accumulate on the surface, destroying it.
- Living rooms (hallway, bedroom, children). For these areas in the home will suit the majority of materials. The main condition for choosing them - compliance of sanitary norms. They should be clean, not to become a medium for the development of mold and mildew, repels dust.
- Boiler room. This is a zone with an increased risk of fire. Therefore, the material must withstand a high temperature, be fire resistant.
- Storeroom. When choosing a cover account for the total design of the living space.

Professionally Decorated ceiling surface is very popular among ordinary people. Use it to freshen up the situation, to focus on the ceiling. The correct choice of materials, decorative elements help to create the desired style. In the modern design, there are many areas, among which are:
- Classic and neoclassic. Classic interiors include a large number of architectural decoration: frescoes, cornices, rusty, bas-reliefs, and other elements. For registration use plaster, foam plates. Characterized by white, milky, ivory, frosty rime. Attic suitable for gypsum board, polished boards.
- English. Can be used for finishing drywall construction with a wooden frame, tension variations with an image caissons. It is better to use natural wood. In the center is to hang a large chandelier, as additional lighting installed built-in lamps. Allowed light and browns, dark gray.
- Loft. It characterized by high ceilings with untreated surfaces cult concrete. To finish clear enough concrete floor from dust, decorative metal mesh can be secured. To complete the image, selected breeds of communication in the form of artificially aged wood beams, metal pipes. It is also used for lining the wallpaper imitating brickwork. Characterized by black, white, gray with a little bright accents.

Number of levels
The shape and type of the ceiling depends on the overall perception of the interior. Among the available options for the good effect produced stacked structure. To create such coatings do not sound like all materials, they can be built from:
- Drywall. This is the classic raw materials used to create a multi-level models. It is characterized by low cost, but after the installation requires no additional finishing.
- The tension of the web. Very beautiful and expensive decoration. Self-installation is difficult, require special equipment. There are fabric and film models.
- Cartridges, panels, rails. With their help, you can make the lining ceilings. It does not look very attractive, but it is cheap.
See also:Tension ceilings: 100 photos in the interior
All designs consisting of several tiers, can be divided into diagonal braces, framework, zoning. The only disadvantage of these coatings is that they can not be installed in areas with a low level of the ceiling, will look out of place in a small area.

The color scheme ceiling
When designing the interior, every detail is important. Designers recommend to carefully consider and choose the appropriate shades of finishing materials. Each color has its own meaning, can have positive and negative effects on the human psyche. With self-determination of the background should take into account the following rules:
- The color of the ceiling should be in harmony with the objects located in the room or match the tone of the walls.
- If the ceiling choose a lighter shade used for the decoration of interior walls, the room will look visually more spacious.
- To spice up the interior, you can use a variety of images, graphics, elements of painting.
- Two-color variants allow fulfill zoning space, save on the walls.
- White tone is applied in the case when it is necessary to make the room more spacious and light.
- Dark background only suitable for large rooms with high ceilings, the home furnishings should be light, to remove the sense of tightness.
- Irritable people, as well as complete, is not recommended to be used in excess red.
- Blue will help you relax in the bath, it relieves fatigue. Its peculiarity is that it curbs the appetite.

Popular materials and methods of ceiling finishes
When choosing the lining takes into account many factors: moisture, shape of the room, style of the interior, repair budget, other moments. Now very few where you can meet uneven ceilings with crumbling plaster. Manufacturers offer a wide range of products, allows to realize any design ideas. Conventionally, all variants of finishing materials can be divided into three main groups:
- Budget. This coverage options, which most people have encountered in my life. These include whitewashing, painting, foam plates, wallpaper.
- Middle class. It costs much more than previous versions. Characterized by a long service life, attractive appearance. These include boarded, suspended, tensile structures, decorative plaster.
- Elite. Made of natural hardwood, such as oak or larch, mirrored, coffered coating.

Whitewashing - classic way of finishing the ceiling. Although it is considered a relic of the past, but it remains the most accessible and inexpensive option. It is a chalk or lime solution used for bleaching surfaces. In the absence of funds to carry out expensive repairs, it will be the best cover, it will fit into any room, thanks to the snow-white mind.
Whiten unprepared surface can not, therefore, operate first clean it. For this purpose, the old coating removed, the plates sealed joints, cracks, potholes and other defects. Eliminate spots that will show through the new layer. To do this, use bleach, white, blue vitriol. Alignment surfaces, eliminating the height differences with the help of putty.
The very process of applying is simple whitewash. It all starts with the preparation of a solution which consists of 3 kg sifted chalk, 5 liters of water, 30 g of PVA glue 20 g of methylene blue. That's enough for an area of 10-12 square meters. The process is recommended to start with a corner where there is a window. To work, you can use a brush or roller. After complete drying of the first layer is applied second. This is necessary in order to cover the base.

Another inexpensive type of finish, which can be performed independently. This is a very practical coating having a wide variety of colors, but it is short-lived. The desired effect is selected matte or glossy mixture. Before starting the repair measures must be defined with a suitable paint composition. There are several options:
- Acrylic. Fast drying, has no particular smell different saturated color, suitable for all surfaces.
- Silicate. Prevents the development of mold, characterized by good water-repellency, non-flammable, applied in a thin layer, so badly mask defects the ceiling.
- Silicon. Is quite expensive, has all the advantages of the previous analogue, only applied in a thicker layer may hide small cracks.
- Latex. After drying, the surface can be cleaned, even with detergents suitable for balconies.
To work need a minimal set of tools, most of which we can find in every house. Preparation of the ceiling there is similar to the whitewash. Staining can be performed using a roller or spray gun to apply. The main thing - do not make mistakes, which can lead to delamination of the material, the appearance of salt plaque, hunching raw materials.

Decorative plaster
Stucco is the solution used for finishing. It is durable environmentally friendly material, which allows to hide small defects. With it you can create smooth and textured surfaces. Manufacturers produce different color compositions, they may also have a heat-insulating and water-repellent properties. There are several basic types of decorative materials:
- Impressive. Depending from the main component constituting the mixture are 4 major subtypes: acrylic, silicone, mineral, silicate. Works include three stages: preparation of the surface, application of the plaster, creating texture using a special roller, trowel, stamp-stencil.
- Structure. It is a viscous mixture. It is made of cement, lime, latex. Characterized by a thin-film structure. After application of the layer it is leveled with a roller, by making the thickness equal to grain composition. After 12 hour drying surface triturated trowel, coated with a primer layer paint.
- Venice. In fact, this kind of textured plaster. It includes marble, quartz, malachite chips. It is also applied with a trowel. Movement in this case may be chaotic. After drying the first applied the next layer is determined independently of the number of the master, but the overall thickness should not exceed 5 mm.
Working with complex material, this will require good building skills, if not available, you should use the services of specialists.

Facing the ceiling surface of the wallpaper is still popular. This is due to their low cost, a wide range of products which differ in structure, color, texture. Manufacturers produce products for every taste. Among the basic ceiling materials are: non-woven, paper, liquid, vinyl and fiberglass.
See also:Ceiling design in bedroom design ideas 70 photos
If you want to hide defects in the ceiling, to improve noise insulation, it is better to give preference to vinyl options based nonwoven. Bathroom, toilet and kitchen studio suit washable wallpaper, which can be cleaned with conventional detergents. For painting the ceiling fit embossed three-dimensional model.
Special attention should be paid to liquid wallpaper. They are also confused with decorative plaster, because similar fixing technique to the surface. The main difference lies in the composition, which comprises silk, cotton, cellulosic fibers. In appearance they are both similar to conventional paper wallpaper and decorative plaster. The most expensive - silk options.

Tiles made of expanded polystyrene
This low-cost type of roof cladding is made of polystyrene, which is a kind of foam. It characterized by light weight, attractive appearance, noise, heat insulation. However, it is very soft, afraid of mechanical influences, requires constant care, and appeared impossible to remove stains. By manufacturing method there are three main types:
- Pressed. Produced by mechanical punching. The cheapest option with a weak relief and unimpressive figure.
- Extruded. It is made using a special installation - extruder. They have a smooth, shiny surface. Characterized by high density.
- Injection. The material is poured into the mold after solidification of the finished product is obtained. After its installation is not the joints.
When buying is better to give preference to laminated models. The material is easily cleaned, it has a glossy shiny surface. To be confident in the quality, experts recommend to get acquainted with a certificate for the products, choose trusted manufacturers such as Armstrong.

Stretch ceiling
The design consists of a web supported on a metal or plastic profile, located below the base ceiling. All products are divided into two main types: fabric, film. The first is a polyurethane impregnated textile cloth made of polyester thread. The second type is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), may be glossy, matte, satin texture.
There are versions of multi-level structures. These models allow you to visually divide the space into separate zones. Standard tensioning products can be printing, which is applied using a special printer. Of all the images can be identified separately starry sky, where the effect is achieved by chaotic flicker fiber strands arranged on the canvas.
With finishes can realize any design ideas. The panels are characterized by long life and safety. PVC models are not afraid of moisture, so they can be installed in the bathroom. In their selection should provide adequate ventilation, as they completely insulate the ceiling surface, in the case of moisture, mold can appear there.

concrete ceiling
Open the raw plate becomes indispensable for the style loft lovers who made a cult of the concrete. In combination with a wooden floor room will look very stylish. Along with beamed ceiling and tile, concrete ceiling can be lined with different materials. He will be a good base for whitewashing, wallpaper, tiles and other coverings. We should also pay attention to the design, fixed to the ceiling on the base suspension.

Options for suspended ceilings
Finished products are characterized by high aesthetic quality, practicality, characterized by a number of advantages compared to the standard paint, whitewash. They help hide any defects, engineering, and other communications, have a long service life, allow you to implement a variety of design solutions. The concept of a suspended ceiling combines a whole group of different types, namely:
- gypsum model;
- Pinion;
- cassette;
- lattice;
- laminate.

The false ceiling of plasterboard
This is one of the most common materials used for the lining. With GCR ceiling surface of the sheet can be given virtually any shape, arrange smooth transitions, a variety of shapes, wavy, straight lines, stacked construction. The main feature of the material is perfectly flat plane.
Depending on the purpose of the room selected the desired type of raw material. For bath suitable gypsum plasterboard (water resistant), kitchen - GKLVO (moisture-flame retardant), the rest of the room trim standard GCR. Mounting this plating begins with installing the carcass, consisting of metallic profiles. To it are attached drywall sheets.

Rack suspended ceiling
The article includes a base plate, with the racks attached to it. Finishing is characterized by light panels, so the design is not sags under its own weight. It is often used as an accent. It made of aluminum, steel, wood, polyvinyl chloride.
There are two main types of profile systems: open, closed. According to the number of levels distinguished: one-tier, multi-tier. Separation of the form: curved, kuboobraznye, V-shaped, straight, curved. By coating mind: matte, glossy, mirrored, textured.

Ceiling Cassette Type
Finished products are presented and decorative profile system modules. This design is typical for offices, public buildings, but is sometimes found in residential buildings. There are many types of panels, among which are gypsum, mineral, particle board, wood, metal, mirror models.
The coating is characterized by durability, long service life, little maintenance. Allows you to set a variety of lighting fixtures. Like all suspended versions, they take up to 20 cm in height, so for rooms with low ceilings are not suitable.

Lattice ceilings Grilyato
This type of finish is often installed in the shopping, business centers, car showrooms, hotels. The products include profiles of "mom", "dad", fasteners, adjustable suspension, aluminum tape. The coating masks space located behind it, provides good ventilation.
A system of Italian designers in the 1970s. Among the main types are: blinds pyramidal model, multi-level, classic versions. Facing characterized by moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, hygienic qualities. The material has a relatively high cost.

Suspended ceiling made of laminate
Universal material successfully migrated from the floor to the ceiling and has become one of the most popular coatings for many owners of extravagant interiors. Laminate successfully imitates wood, in many respects it is superior. The sheet consists of several layers of wood products, porous structure which provides good sound insulation.
See also:Panels for ceilings: how to choose
For finishing the ceiling using a conventional laminate floor. You can use any type of lock. The main thing in this case - the aesthetic quality. On the second plan out its durability, because the only exerted pressure on him - a periodic wiping with a damp cloth. For the installation, you can use very thin strips (square, standard, overall).

mirrored ceilings
Unusual reflecting ceiling - a bold, popular solution. Stylish, versatile design is particularly suitable for small spaces, expands the space, making the room brighter. covering a variety of options allows you to complement any interior. Mirrored ceiling can be of several types:
- Classic glass. The best reflector. Details are heavy, require an extremely secure attachment;
- Reflective polystyrene plates. Special plastic mirror has a roll adhesive base. Suppose the installation is not all light fixtures;
- Aluminum ceiling. Mounted racking systems. Suspended piles stacked metal lath;
- Polyvinylchloride surface. Mirrored ceiling of glossy PVC film. Well reflects the light, there is no risk of collapse of structural elements.

Coffered ceiling finishes
The ceiling of wooden beams with square recesses aesthetics has the highest among these options. Luxury, grandiose finishing natural materials capable disguise any surface imperfections. Ceiling can sheathe themselves.
Complex in execution, not an expensive design will fit into any interior. More appropriate design will look in a country house. Not suitable for small rooms with low ceilings. Caissons are also made of plasterboard, polyurethane.
Independent installation implies a ready-made panels. They are installed on the base, for example, on the wallpaper. With special mixtures pasted in advance to the ceiling joists and fastened cassette.

ceilings finishing textiles
One of the most original, stylish finishes. A huge range of colors and textures makes the fabric versatile, suitable for any design style. For decorating the ceiling textiles using the following methods:
- Tensioning system. Applied synthetic materials impregnated with polyurethane. Fixed structure of the special frame with clips and baguettes;
- Drapery. For finishing the ceiling using almost any fabric. With a variety of types and textures of way of finishing it is suitable for any interior. You can create incredible effects to make interesting twists;
- Bonding. Suitable satin or silk fabric. Okleivayut ceiling surface webs butt using a special adhesive without leaving streaks and spots.

Finish natural wood
Natural wood retains heat well, creating a homely atmosphere. In rooms with ceilings so there is always comfort soars unique flavor. The variety of natural colors and textures, pliable material allows to realize the most daring design ideas.
For finishing ceiling surfaces often use battens. Mounting material is very simple, thanks to the special grooves and dowel. It can simply be put in neat rows, mounted on a special beam, to change the color, direction or paint colors to decorate carvings.
A great option for country house - the ceiling of the timber. Rugged, durable material possesses all the characteristics of the lining, in many respects it even surpasses. Of the minuses can be noted mounting complexity, the need for good ventilation. Also, it will have to periodically impregnated with special compounds.

Making and finishing cork coated
Natural material has excellent decorative qualities. Cleaner moisture resistant coating can be mounted in rooms with high humidity. Cork articles are not widely spread since characterized by a high cost and limited lifetime compared with other materials. To finish use:
- Cork wallpaper;
- Roll stopper;
- Self-adhesive products;
- Cork panels.

finishing bamboo
Tough but lightweight material is indispensable in eco-style. Bamboo ceilings are not afraid of moisture, have high performance characteristics. The following types of ceiling coverings:
- Bamboo stalks. Whole dried trunks maximum look natural, but when laying form a sufficiently large gap;
- Ceiling tiles. Made of pressed interwoven stems. Panel thickness up to 4 mm;
- Bamboo fabric. Hard roll wallpaper ideal for ceiling. There are many options for decorative painted, printed, burnt ornament;
- Mosaic. Small squares are used to isolate certain area that attracts the attention of an unusual texture;

Combined methods of ceiling finishes
Methods of use of several materials for finishing the ceiling is very popular. This way you can successfully differentiate space, close communication, correct defects rough finish. The negative aspects include complexity of installation. The installation of various designs may take a long time.
Combine on the ceiling can be any material. It looks good tensile structures, welded from materials of different textures, film and fabric. Also, these fabrics are combined with GCR. You can create different patterns of stained glass inserts, glass panels, mosaic.
Make interesting compositions on the ceiling is possible not only by using a combination of materials. A variety of colors and textures make attractive and original surface. It can be monochromatic, contrasting split-level design.

Types of lighting and lighting
Ceiling Light has long ceased to be only domestic value. With a variety of lighting fixtures, their forms, methods of installation, you can create the necessary atmosphere, highlight areas, do accents. Lamp should choose according to the type of the ceiling, the desired amount of light.
Chandelier - the classic version. Most models have a lot of weight, so only suitable for hard surfaces. These lamps provide diffuse, intense stream. They are able to illuminate the sloping, two-level ceiling.
Spot lights can be outside and inside. Superficially attractive products can be heated ceiling finishes, so only suitable for non-combustible materials. The focused stream lamps emit directional light. They are used to illuminate certain areas. Neon, LED strip lighting for flush mounted in the bedrooms, nurseries, corridors.

For ceiling finishing suit any material. To choose the option, its characteristics must be properly assessed, consider the purpose of the premises and the possible risks of damage. Caisson expensive finish, heavy beams will be out of place in a standard apartment, and whitewash and paint - in a stylish modern interior.