Begonia - decorative foliage, beautiful flowering plant that is often grown in the home and gardens. It has many species, varieties, is annual and perennial, high or low, differ in color of flowers, foliage. Care begonias very simple, but some rules common to virtually all varieties of flowers, observe necessary.
- Begonia - Features, Specifications
The main types, varieties of begonias
- Sheet (hardwood) begonia
- Ornamental flowering begonias
- Popular hybrid varieties of decorative flowering begonias
How to care homes
- The choice of the soil, the pot
- Location lighting
- Temperature, humidity
- planting begonias
- Watering
- top-dressing
- How to transplant
- Begonia winter
- Bloom
breeding Methods
- Growing from seed
- The division of the tuber or rhizome
- propagation by cuttings
- reproduction sheet
- Diseases, pests
- conclusion
Begonia - Features, Specifications
Begonia flower belongs to the family Begoniaceae, in which about a thousand different species. Among them - the bushes, shrubs, perennial, annual herb, erect, hang-downing, and creeping scansorial growing on the ground or as epiphytes. All kinds of the same hybrids, according to various estimates, there are more than one and a half-two thousand.
Begoniaceae all come from the tropics, and received its name in the 17th century, in honor of one of the governors of Tahiti, in the names of Begon, who collected ornamental plants. In Russia, the flower was called "Napoleon's ear", as some angles its leaves resemble reddish frostbite ear. Now the plant is found in India and the Himalayas, Africa and America.
Begonias are very diverse, but they all have a fruit-box with tiny seeds, asymmetrical leaves, most of them vaguely reminiscent of maple. Stem as petioles, meaty and juicy, the flowers are unisexual, arranged in two or three pieces in the axils of leaves. Due to their decorative effect, Begonia became popular indoor flower.

The main types, varieties of begonias
Begonia conventionally divided into three groups, different from the description:
- tuber - a variety of hybrid begonia tuber, whose fleshy stem and tuber, there are upright and hang-downing, they are recommended to be planted in open ground. Tuberous types are divided into gigantic, large-, melkotsvetkovye;
- leafy - mainly acaulescent species having creeping ground root, which runs leaves various shapes, color on long stalks (borschevikolistnaya, krasnolistnyh, royal, kleschevinolistnaya, Mason, Griffith);
- bush - they erect branching stem (luxury, the Inca, bright red, coral, metal, white-spotted, tiara, vsegdatsvetuschaya, winter).

Sheet (hardwood) begonia
For most sheet rock is characterized by a marked asymmetry of the leaf plates. Sami leaves - green olive with silvery spots, red and maroon and even black, as if Terry (begonia black). The most popular types include:
- or Royal Begonia rex - a beautiful, but very choosy in terms of content. All year round it requires a fairly high humidity, because in the hot summer and during the heating season pot is placed on the tray of wet sand or placed next bucket jar with water regularly sprayed leaves that reach 25-32 cm long, have a color ranging from dark green to pink-maroon or purple;
- tiger (it klenolistnaya, Bauer) - coloring pattern resembles a tiger wool, coloring - from pale green to maroon, silver stained, dark green color scheme. Externally, it is a lush bush height of 30 cm, on which a lot of leaves, flowers small, white. This type does not tolerate direct sunlight;
- coral - bush species, height 60-110 cm. Leaves large, jagged, their top side in a silver green speckled, lower - maroon, small flowers, preferably rose;
- karolinolistnaya - shoots creeping, thick three-four cm long dissected leaves on yellowish stalks. Flowers greenish-pink, loose inflorescences are racemes form. Appear in the February-March.

Ornamental flowering begonias
The most commonly bred at home, in greenhouses, ornamental flowering varieties:
- vechnotsvetuschaya - sun-hybrid, capable of growing in a pot on the windowsill, greenhouse conditions and outdoor parks, lawns, a private garden. Height - up to 50-65 cm, the stem of the upright, with age becomes poluampelnym. The leaves are small, round, small flowers, pale white, reddish or pink;
- elatior - at the beginning of the twentieth century in England derived from tuberous species. Blossom abundantly, almost year-round, creamy-yellow, white, pinkish, bright red flowers. The leaves are shiny on top, bottom - matte. The most popular kind - Rieger begonia named after the breeder;
- hang-downing - most often grown on balconies, in pots wall. Drooping stalks decorated with plenty of terry, semi-double flowers, red, orange, white, yellow or variegated color scheme. The dimensions of the flowers are very different.
See also:Colors in the interior of apartments and houses

Popular hybrid varieties of decorative flowering begonias
A great many hybrids derived under artificial conditions - usually they combine not only the beautiful flowers, but also very decorative foliage.
For decorative and flowering hybrid varieties include:
- Harlequin - miniature patula bush, in height and 27 cm, preferably green foliage. The flowers are double, large - up to 10-13 cm in diameter, yellow color scheme with a reddish border;
- Feyerflamme - the average height of the bushes - no more than 19-22 cm. Green leaves, veins on them - raspberry caramel. Flowers semi-double size up to 3.5 cm in color - orange-pink;
- Gold Dress - semi-spreading shrub, 20-25 cm tall, with leaves of pale green color scheme. Flowers are bright yellow, double, rozovidnye a diameter of 17-19 cm;
- Marmorata - semi-spreading bush, a height of 27 cm, red terry flowers have a diameter up to 13 cm, its surface is decorated bright shtrishkami;
- Duck Red - a tiny sprawling shrub, up to 15-17 cm. The foliage is dark green, the flowers resemble peonies, 8-10 cm in diameter, their color - dark red;
- Dayan's Vineyard - shrub up to 25 cm, decorated pale green leaves. Gustomahrovye florets have a pitch "crease", diameter 18-22 cm, painted white, cream;
- Camellia Flora - the approximate height of the bush - 23-28 cm, green leaves. Flowers large, up to 11 cm in diameter, kamelievidnye with spaced imbricated-pink petals with white border caramel;
- Ami Jean Bard - a miniature shrub grows up to 10-13 cm and has small green leaves. Inflorescence consist of five double flowers, up to three cm diameter, colored to yellow-orange;
- Crisp marginata - shrub up to 17 cm, the leaves are folded, green with purple veins. Flowers reach a size of 11-13 cm, their color - white, with a bright red border, side petals corrugated.

How to care homes
Begonia is very unpretentious, but will look good only when a decent retirement. When planting is required to select a specific place for it that must be covered well, but not be exposed to direct sunlight. Best fit window sills on the east, the west side, the depth of the room - on the south. Ideal temperature 17-19 degrees, but in the summer allowed a little more.
Begonia - a plant of the tropics, subtropics, because it needs high humidity and soil. But sprayed with water most of the species is not desirable - on the leaves of this can form stains. To meet the desired level of humidity, flower watering as the soil dries, while in winter, when due heating air is very dry, placed in a pot large pallet, which is poured into the sand or concrete block, it always moisturize.
Begonia needs space - with overcrowding plant is sick, will cease to bloom, begin to drop leaves. Regular airing is also necessary, extremely high or low temperatures, as well drafts adversely affect him.

The choice of the soil, the pot
Pot fit most ordinary: clay, porcelain, at least - plastic. Its size is chosen for three to five cm larger than the existing earthen clod with roots. Overly large flowerpots are not recommended, as the soil is easily waterlogged, the plant will bloom much later, it can start to rot. Soil mixture usually get ready, in a flower shop, at least - make up your own. Its composition - sheet, or turf ground humus, sand, peat, component ratio of 2 to 1 to 1 to 1, acceptable acidity - pH 5,5-6,4.

Location lighting
On the sunny south window sill is usually not a begonia plant - where it is too hot and dry. Most species are optimally suitable eastern and western windows, and some - even north. A suitable light conditions - soft sunlight in the morning, from 7 to 12, in the evening - from 17 to 22. Big leaf species, especially brightly colored reddish-maroon, white and pink, mottled leaves, more demanding lighting conditions. In addition to the hot summer, they are allowed to leave on the southern windows, decorative and flowering placed on the north-west, west, east, north-east, at least - on the north window. Direct sunlight causes burns on tender leaves, especially if the flower freshly watered and it has water droplets.
When enough sunlight (in the period from October to March), begonia permissible illuminate fluorescent fitolamp. Recommended average duration of daylight for decorative foliage, dolgotsvetuschih species - 12-14 hours a day.
See also:How to arrange a winter garden

Temperature, humidity
Temperature conditions should not cause stress plants, that is to be relatively constant - about 18 degrees. Summer maximum temperature - 21-24 degrees, Minimal winter - 15-16 degrees. Flower preferably be away from the radiators, domestic heaters, gas or electric plates.
Acceptable humidity - about 55%, an additional humidification in winter is necessary. It is produced by spraying from a spray, placed close to the flower with the water tanks. When begonias in the house a lot, it makes sense to buy a special automatic humidifier.

planting begonias
Young plantlets are planted in pots with a diameter of no more than eight to ten cm. Capacity is filled with a third drain (sand, gravel, etc.), Poured charcoal layer to two-three cm to it. Such content to prevent possible occurrence of rot, even when there is excessive watering. Further, the pot is placed a flower with a clod of earth, and then gently sprinkled land fill existing voids. Then the plant abundantly watered.
Planting is recommended prior to the beginning of active growth and flowering, when short daylight hours - in February-April or October-November. Tuberous species require pre-germinate: to do this, the tubers are placed on moist soil in a box, with This not burying, remove the lighted place at a temperature which is not more than 15-17 degrees and humidity - 65-75%.

Watering flower must be defended (24-36 hours) with water at room temperature, it is desirable to rain or snow (melt), but in any case not boiled. All breeds of begonias hygrophilous, but too often do not - here it is more important than the humidity of the air, otherwise the leaves begin to dry. The heat required abundant watering, but the stagnation of water should be avoided - it is done in a pot drainage holes, through which out excess moisture. Watered when the top layers of soil have become completely dry for one to two cm in depth. Winter tuberous types watered no more than once a month, others - every 7-12 days.

Begoniaceae fed during maximally active growth, flowering. Fertilizing of decorative and flowering species is produced before the first buds appeared, about once every ten days. To do this, use special liquid complex formulations. When the flowers have already "tied" phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. Mixtures containing large amounts of nitrogen are fed exclusively deciduous species - in decorative and flowering flowering process because they started much later or completely absent.

How to transplant
Begonia transplant is done in spring or autumn, before the start of the growing season, preferably in the morning or evening, when there is no sun. When the flower is required change, its roots appear from the drainage holes. The plant with roots pulled out of the pot, placed in a potassium permanganate solution was then washed with water defended. If necessary, removed rotten, damaged roots. After the plant is transplanted into a pot of diameter larger than the previous two to three cm. Flower put on the "old" location, the first two weeks of pouring a little more often than usual.
The older the plant, the harder it is to transplant. Copies of more than three or four years when planting is desirable to divide into several parts.

Begonia winter
Winter flower sprinkled with a little less, since the plant begins a period of rest. In evergreen species it is weakly expressed, in tuber - very long. In winter, the acceptable conditions for ornamental species - 15-21 degrees, high humidity. Tuberous "getting ready for bed," starting in October - leaves them gradually die off, because watering is almost not needed. When the aerial part completely lost, the pots placed in a dark place at a temperature of 10-13 degrees. If the tuber does not enter into a state of rest, they should "make", or flowering next year will not be. Watering at the same time dramatically reduce the aboveground part of the cut.

Begonia - monoecious plant, and female and male flowers are on each copy. All of them are located in the leaf axils or collected in racemose inflorescences, on color - white and yellow, orange and red, pink and silver Wild specimens have flowers up to 10-12 cm, but were derived by breeding hybrids with an even larger flowers - up to 25-29 cm diameter. These flowers are markedly different from their "ancestors" look more like camellia, garden roses.
See also:How to choose LED lamp for plants

breeding Methods
Begonia seeds have not always produced, but prosperous reproduction is not impeded. Begoniaceae most commonly propagated pieces of stem cuttings, leaf sprouts, dividing rhizomes, tubers. Different methods vary in complexity of rooting speed, but when done correctly, they all end well.
Growing from seed
Flower grown from seed is extremely rare - this is not the fastest way, but the most simple. Sowing is carried out in February-March, scattering the small seeds on the soil surface - no need to bury. Flowerpots put in a warm bright place, covered with glass, a transparent film material.
Watering produce through the pan or spray. When sprouts appear, clean shelter. Swordplay is performed when there are already three or four "adult" leaves. After seven to nine weeks seedlings are transplanted into individual small pots. With enough light, watering, they bloom in the first year of life.

The division of the tuber or rhizome
Hardwood Begonia often propagated by dividing rhizomes. The procedure is performed in early spring - the plant is taken out of the ground, a sharp clean knife divide the rhizome into two or more parts. Each piece in this case must have roots, buds or shoots. Small slice sprinkled with charcoal, "delenki" are seated in individual pots of small size. Tubers plants are allowed to share - their carefully cut into the required number of parts, cuts slightly dried, dusted with charcoal, are planted in pots.

propagation by cuttings
Cuttings - the easiest option begonia breeding. From the bush cut pieces in which there are three or more sheets, slices sprinkled with charcoal. The resulting cuttings are planted in a mixture of peat, sand, ground sheet, taken in equal proportions. Pots placed on a bright, warm area where there is no direct sunlight. Watering should be moderate, as drying of the soil. Rooting can also be in a cup of water which are periodically changed. Roots appear after three to four weeks, and a flower ready for planting.

reproduction sheet
Begonia is unique in that the entire plant is capable of a small portion appear juicy, thick sheet. Sprouts need a pot or bowl with the wet river sand, thin piece of clear glass. Permissible use both a healthy leaf, and its pieces.
Leaf is separated from the mother plant, turn, scalpel incision large veins in several places, placed "wrong" down on a wet, pre-calcined in a pan sand, covered with glass or a small sinker. Watered by the pallet. And a half or two months where the incisions were made, grow roots, and even after a couple of weeks - a real plant. When slightly will get stronger, they are transplanted to potting soil from peat, sand, fertile land.

Diseases, pests
Like most indoor plants, Begoniaceae sometimes damaged by various diseases, parasites. This happens when the plant is weakened, due to improper conditions - improper watering, excessive heat or cold, lack of feeding, overcrowding, and others.
From Begonia parasites most damage:
- red spider mites;
- aphid;
- nematode.
The parasites feed on the juice of the plant, because it dries slowly, fading leaves, flowering stops. From mite used insecticides such as "Decis", "Derris" against aphids - "Malathion", "aktellik". Treatments usually produce two or three, with an interval of 10-15 days. While infecting nematodes will sprinkle "Merkaptofos", "phosphamide", but if the infection has gone too far, the flower is not able to save. Prevention of infestation - pure, preferably bask in the sun, the earth, a sufficient amount of light, mandatory quarantines for each new flower in the collection.
Begonias sometimes get sick:
- botrytis;
- Black root rot;
- present or downy mildew;
- Botrytis;
- cucumber mosaic;
- bacterial wilt;
- tomato spotting.
The latter three diseases are incurable, because the flower have to be destroyed. In other cases, an acceptable treatment - drugs "Quadris", "fundazol" Bordeaux mixture.

Growing begonias - a great hobby that allows you to decorate your home in an original, flat greens all year round. Undemanding plant is a tremendous diversity of species, which allows you to choose a suitable specimen for every taste. If you comply with the minimum requirements for planting, irrigation, illumination and some other flower will please the host for its beautiful foliage and even a long time to bloom.