Bumpers - flat soft wares that are placed around the perimeter of the crib to protect the baby from bumps. They are called children's bumpers. Such protection is intended for babies, one year old and children up to 3 years. Bumpers, pillows can be used in the future, such as toys. Parents are provided with a wide range of safety barriers for children. There are 3- and 4-party embodiments, the low and high model. If bumpers have a small height, the child is always in sight, allowing mum to stay calm for his condition. High options useful for older children, as they are more independent and restless. Wishes to save or test yourself in sewing can make children self-bumper. On sale are high-quality materials. You can still find plenty of interesting options for implementation.
- destination skirting
- Advantages and disadvantages of the flanges, cross-linked with his own hands
- Which fabric to sew
- The choice of filler
- types of skirting
Step by Step Master Class
- How to calculate the number of items and their sizes
- Materials and tools
- Preparation and cutting out fabric
- sewing process
- How to sew a frill in the rim
- Methods decor finished product
Master class sewing pillows in the form of animals for skirting
- Pillow in the form of a cat
- Cushion elk
- Pillow in the form of an owl
- Bumpers - bombony
- Wicker skirting-spit
- Features sewn-skirting rollers
- How to sew a pocket on a cot
- conclusion
destination skirting
Bumpers placed on all sides of the bed. Their main task - to promote safety and protect his baby body from disease. Bumpers prevent the child from falling out of bed, hitting the its elements and drafts. If the bed is no place to put, except next to the window - used bumpers required. Inquisitive children also love to stick your arms and legs between the sticks. This is another reason for the use of special tools. The additional value of this protection - to promote fall asleep and comfortable sleep, as nothing will distract the child. Bumpers perform developmental function. Multi-colored paintings of people, animals, and various objects will be the subject of study for the baby. The child will soon begin to recognize these objects and parts in the world. He will learn to focus. It is important that the picture was not irritated. Removable parts on the protective pads will develop the motor skills of hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of the flanges, cross-linked with his own hands
Made his own bumpers are more versatile. You can ideally be calculated in the case of hand-made, as necessary material for a particular bed. Unlike shopping products, which often has a peculiar unpleasant smell, home-made barriers are made from the right material. The uniqueness of the rim as toys, also deserves attention. In addition, they are multifunctional. When the baby gets older and "Change" on the big bed, sofa or pillows adorn the playing area. They can be tinkering with the expectation of it. The collar can be made full decorating detail, to perform in whatever style. He was selected on the basis of sex and age of the child. The disadvantages, as in the case of factory production, is to reduce the space inside the bed and its feeling "compression". It is worth noting the complexity of the work process and high cost in time, which can be avoided by buying ready-bumper. In addition, on makeshift pillows harder to make an interesting pattern.

Which fabric to sew
Quality pads for soft protections depends on the chosen fabric. Its main features - naturalness, and density. You must choose the "breathable" materials. You need to make sure that the fabric has been environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. Natural fibers are better than even the highest quality synthetic matter, because she had not breathable and can cause an allergic reaction. You should choose among the paintings, made of cotton. A suitable material is cotton, coarse calico, linen, flannel, bike. Before you cut out the fabric, it is required to wash and iron. Choosing the material should be immediately determine fit a pattern or not, whether it will be interesting to the child. Tissue density is important for protection against the cold and strength, because young children love to feel and learn all the objects around.

The choice of filler
In this case, preference should be given already synthetics. Previously considered a good option natural down. Nowadays it is a polyester hollkon, periotek, hollofayber, padding polyester and foam. The last two are more traditional material. All these options make it easy sewing and washing. The best option - sintepon. The products it further stitch around the perimeter to avoid lumps. These pillows are cleared well and do not lose then their properties. It tolerates washing and foam. However, this is not the safest material for the children, in spite of the good property to keep the temperature. It is worth noting hollofayber: the characteristic load ledges, he will not lose the original shape over the years, in addition, it is hypo-allergenic. Nevertheless, this is a relatively expensive material.

types of skirting
There are a large variety depending on the characteristics. By type of construction are removable and non-removable bumpers. The first subtype is more common and is characterized by a wide choice of accommodation method. Fixed there in one piece and with openings. This type of protection to fully protect the child from the possibility of personal injury. Products may be for boys or girls. In the first case, they are performed in cold tones or yellow. For girls, you can use any color other than dark, especially pink and pastel shades. By way of fastening, there are 2 types of protective cushions: drawstring and Velcro. In the first embodiment, fastening elements are on the edges of the product. In the second case, the clasp is hidden, so the baby will not pay it much attention. Another crib bumpers in different height (high, low). There are bombon model with soft squares and Xhosa, which is easy to do yourself.
See also:Crafts from napkins with their hands

Step by Step Master Class
The main stage production of a side in a bed with his hands:
- Calculating the number of products, their sizes.
- Preparation tools and materials.
- Cutting of tissue.
- Sewing.
- Decorating.
First you need to determine the role of protective walls. Of key importance is the preferred height. The same applies to the configuration: continuous around the perimeter or on 3 sides to the one child had always seen (eg, from the bed where my mother sleeps). It is also important number of items to equip all the comfort for the baby. To create a product will need fabric and filling, as well as all the tools used in sewing. Fabric is carefully prepared: pat, and when it needs to erase. Further, the pattern is made. Then they are transferred to the material. But if you have enough experience desired size once applied to the fabric. After that bumpers are sewn, tie and decorative elements. The process will largely resemble the production of pillows. In the end, all comes together - the product is ready.
How to calculate the number of items and their sizes
It is necessary to determine the optimal height of the rim. For babies under 4 months, they are made low. It is necessary that the parents had ample opportunity to review. For children who are trying to rise, requires more secure high availability. When the length of the bed of 120 cm and width 60 will the total length of 360 cm. Even calculated the length of protection, depending on the location. This index in the U-shaped skirting usually 190 cm. bumper height - a question of priorities. It is recommended to choose a side lower down, the baby was in sight and could grab the bars, when it comes. A height of 30 cm can be considered optimal. The collar is made so that the baby could not stand on it. As for the number of products, the classic protection consists of 4 parts: 2 height of 30-55 cm and a length (width) 60 cm 2 of the same height and length (width) of 120 cm. Thus, the barrier of the individual cushions around 30 cm tall perimeter includes 12 elements.

All gone up to 3.6 meters of cloth, but it is better to take more for the decor and the possibility to correct mistakes!
Materials and tools
First of all you will need fabric and filler. The web preferably selected integer. Among packings selection is better to stop the reel on a synthetic filler. He hypoallergenic and washable without loss of properties. In this work we will need a sewing machine. However, with the skills and patience to sew ledges you can manually. Still need such tools and instruments as dressmaker pins, long range or "centimeter", needle, scissors. To be cut should get a pencil or marker, as well as soap or chalk - something one choice. Need paper to create patterns, but with sufficient experience, it is permissible to do right on the fabric. Still need a thread in a single color with the main matter. Other necessary adaptation "zipper" or buttons, ribbons, tapes, decorative elements (felt applications, lace, etc...).

Preparation and cutting out fabric
We need a clean ironed fabric. Patterns are made in advance, and then they were carefully transferred to the matter. At the seams left 1-1.5 cm. Bumper covers to cut a required two sets of matter - the backing and covers. If the filler is selected sintepon roll, the cutting is carried out in the same manner. The sample dimensions, however, are reduced by 1.5-2 cm (depending on the material thickness) to fit in the filler cover. If bumpers are made in the form of pillows, cutting out is not required. It is only necessary to cut the squares of a certain size. For the usual rectangular cot need twelve pillows size 30 × 30 cm. The pads are in the form of houses can be made on the same scheme. The size is selected depending on various parameters of the crib. The dimensions of the bed carefully measured, so that if anything could make the necessary adjustments.

sewing process
These works include three processes:
- Sewing skirting themselves.
- Creating laces.
- Sewing decorative covers.
The work begins with the fact that the lining fabric formed outside of the inside and stitched cover. It leaves a hole to fill. Case then everts and the desired material is inserted therein. Hole carefully sutured, ideally this is done, and his hands hidden seam. This procedure is performed for each of the security element. 2 straps are sewn techniques - conventional or obtained with Velcro. The role of simple drawstrings can perform tape and braid. Suitable basic material. Number of ties and their size - an individual matter. Typically, it takes two dozen fasteners: 4 for the headboard and footboard, 6 for both sidewalls. It recommended sewing longer fasteners for a secure fit. If you create it bumpers, pillows, then each must be at least 2 straps. In the case of decorative covers need to pre-mark the location of the fasteners and tack them.
See also:old suitcase decor - ideas for the interior 75 photo

How to sew a frill in the rim
You will need to know some of the nuances. Firstly, the need for ruffles strip material width from 7 to 15 cm. Length at demand can be changed. It must be a minimum of one and a half times greater than the parts. The folds in this case will go not very bulky. If ruffles are longer than that of the items are more than 2 times - Pleated are lush. With the sewing machine frill prisborivaetsya easily. Quilling need to collect manually. It uses a common needle. First, a needle and thread is taken the required length, then laid fabric "bellows" and is pierced. That remains is to distribute pleating the entire length of the thread. For instant primetyvaniya need to put a frill between the two layers of material. Manufacturing bumpers, better to make a frill for all parties crib and put them in the corners.

Methods decor finished product
For this intended ruffles, appliques, large buttons, bows, ribbons, and so on. If pillows are decorated with the entire length of lace or frills, then you need to tack or sew them into the basic stitches. The decor may be disposed on the front side of the cover. Bumper and frame next to it is also decorated with appliqués, patterns and designs. For reasons of safety bumpers made very soft fabrics decorated by similar softness (e.g., felt). Such products are also known as On-board protivoudarnikami. To decorate the ledges and bars are also used stickers with drawings, including stickers for decoration. They should be placed on the outside of the cushion and the inside of the crib bars, the child is not detachable parts and are not subjected to because of this danger. Not suitable for decorating skirting small objects like stones and crystals.

Master class sewing pillows in the form of animals for skirting
There are many interesting options for the manufacture of bumpers in the form of animals. It may be exotic African animals or animals that live in temperate climates. Upstands popular varieties are "cat", "elk" and "owl." To make such a beautiful bumper, the first thing you need to prepare the tools and materials. This is a standard set of pencil or chalk, scissors, pins and thread. Fabrics buy interested drawings, in several different embodiments. Also created the pattern parts of the face to be transferred to the fabric. They make large and expressive. animal body is made of one or several parts. It is recommended to combine the monotonous and colorful fabrics. When the elements are sewn to the front portion of the article begins a mix of all fabrics and filling pillow-collar. At the end are attached to the bumper ribbons. When the baby gets older, they can be removed to use a pillow as a toy.
Pillow in the form of a cat
First we make a pattern and drag it onto the fabric. The samples have to be the size of the seal, his ears, nose and cheeks. On the fabric to the pattern of the upper body must be added around the perimeter of 1 cm for allowances. The lower portion is sized 34 × 17 cm, considering the allowance. Chalk or disappearing marker drawn mouth, nose, mustache, eyes. Must adhere to symmetry. Further, the lower strip sewn to the upper part of the body and smoothing the seams in one direction. Then, of felt cut nose, cheeks and ears. Details are sewn small zigzag. Mustache, mouth and eyes straight thread embroider fine stitching two or three times. Two 50-cm tape folded in half and attach to the product with the help of pins. The back part is cut out articles in the same size as the front. Then they are connected, turned inside out and stuffed pillow. The opening is closed with a hidden manner. Kitty should decorate the ribbons.

Cushion elk
You need to make a pattern for:
- spout;
- ears;
- horns;
- head;
- the lower body (lower head).
Another need cotton material in 2 colors, white cloth, satin ribbons 60 × 2,5 cm and a filler yarn for floss rotika and peephole, pencil or tailor's chalk, scissors and pins. The first step is a pattern in the form of a body attached to the white cloth, and a pair of scissors cut out a necessary element, taking into account the allowances. You need two such parts. Horns, ears and nose are cut out from different tissues (felt and so forth.). Making allowances for the nose is not necessary. Then white material is taken as a head thereon and sewing thread made eyes and mouth, and is attached and sewn cut spout. Lower body portion (colored material) is sewn neatly to the head. Then there are mounted horns and its top scribble, including the length of the edges of the horns. The next thing pinned ears. After that fasten the belt. Half of the products are sewn and filled.

Pillow in the form of an owl
To make a side-owl, need beautiful color cloth (you can take the green), better with repeated patterns. To take one element web measuring 50 × 75 cm. It is cut into two pieces of 50 × 37.5 cm. They are drawn squares of 36 × 36 cm, which "go" on the owl's head. The remaining sections are necessary to create the ears, they too will need to draw on the fabric. Further, the required piece of white cloth × 27 20 cm for creating eye. They are made by one figure, with the transition. The wings are cut from a different color material. With green goes well with gray. You can take a calico, gray with white polka dots. It is noted rectangle of width 14 and a length of 16-17 cm. At that point arc is drawn. Beak can be cut from the same material. He was placed under the eyes. All parts are mounted front side airbags and stitched sewing machine, zigzag stitch. Then the eyes are drawn in pencil in the form of corners, lowered down. Then they are made with gray thread. At the end of the front side and the base are connected and filled with stuffing material.
See also:Crafts for the kitchen with his hands

Bumpers - bombony
The product will consist of cushions 60 × 30 cm with small squares measuring approximately 10 × 10 cm. If you plan to protect the bed from 3 sides - need 4 pillows, and if a 4 - is 6. Squares bombona collar made from pieces of 17 × 17 and 10 × 10 cm. In the first case it is colored fabric with a pattern, in the second - white (you can take calico). On the small square fragments makes an incision of approximately 5 cm. The edges of the large pieces of colored pins are attached to small, in places where the angles of both fabrics are joined. Further folds are formed, which are also fixed with pins. Each side is sewn at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge. So is 18 parts for one cushion 60 × 30 cm. Squares sewn together and stuffed with filler back side. It is necessary to alternate elements of different colors (ideally at least 5 is used for this coloring themselves). Similarly, does the rest of the pillow.
As better use of fastening elements ribbons, they should be placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Wicker skirting-spit
As the tissue is better to choose something dense, for example, cotton velor. On the role of the filler is excellent "right" hollofayber. On the pigtail 120 1 cm long leaves approximately 1 kg of the material. Initially determined by the complexity of the product: a side-braid can be done not only in the 3, but in 4 strands. It is worth to try a more complex version. strand length is calculated on the basis of their number. Since the lateral side of the crib is usually 120 cm in length, the braid on the strand of the four elements will need 147 cm (120 cm multiplied by the coefficient 1.22). The required width - 19 cm. All 4 pieces of different colors are connected, and then another and folded in half. These actions are performed with the help of machines. Next, the resulting sleeve tightly worn on a 1.5 meter tube and another thinner tube in the distal end of the material is stuffed hollofayber.
Further actions:
- The free end of cloth is sewn with a thread circumferentially. Closed steams and sewed the same.
- Creating spit starts from the formation of the center of the 1st and 3rd joints.
- The two remaining free ends are connected to the thread.
The length of the braid may be controlled enhancement or suppression tension.

Features sewn-skirting rollers
Cloth roll is taken in 2, 3 or 4 different colors, including the 1-2 leaf drawings. The filler is better to choose hollofayber, since the shape of the flanges includes a strong impact on the product. If the bed is conventional size (120 × 60 cm), then made shorter length 60 cm, length - 100 cm. The optimum width of the rollers - 12 cm. For 60-inch product is required rectangle 60 × 40 cm and 13 cm diameter circle. Accordingly, for a 100-inch rolls need rectangle 100 × 40 cm and the same circle (13 centimeters). On the reverse side sew rectangle long sides in the ring. Further, one of the roller holes sewn circle. To the other end joins another club, leaving 5-7 cm open. Then the product is inverted and filled with stuffing. The hole is stitched by hand.

How to sew a pocket on a cot
Materials needed:
- 2 tape segment length of 1 meter;
- sintepon, 60 × 50 cm;
- striped fabric of 60 × 60 cm;
- 2 pieces of white fabric at 100 × 60 cm.
pocket width coordinated with the performance of the bed. Normally it is 60 cm. The depth can be made a little less, about 50 cm. Matter in a strip folded in half and iron. The same is done with a white material. Then, on the folded white cloth impose a striped. The two free edges of the place down. Then the product is stitched on the Limits of striped fabric, but the line in the middle is left free, but splitting it into two halves. Further, crosslinked rear element pocket. He reinforced synthetic padding. Fold the fabric on the filler and stabs. Top and sides of scribbling. Then we add up the two main parts inside out and sewn bottom and sides. After that gut-wrenching and align the product. Above the edges fasten two tapes. Now, the product can be put toys and other objects.

A side in the crib - a useful and beautiful piece. It not only protects the baby, but also allows him to feel comfortable, to evolve and meet the need for exploring the world. Baby bumper cover from the cold, it is necessary to not only one-year old children. Bumpers - this protection, and toy and decorative pillow. Make such a product can be yourself. The first step is preparing all the necessary materials. Thereafter determined desired number of parts, size and shape. Following the pattern of the desired settings are transferred to the fabric. Then begins the gradual process of sewing: Different elements are connected in turn, gradually acquiring the finished look. You must make bumpers, fasteners and decorative covers. The finished product is decorated with a variety of soft additions. It should try to make pillows, bumpers in the form of animals.