Handmade creativity has attracted many people. For example, there has long been a lady's sex passion for textile embroidery, weaving macramé. Popularity also enjoys decorating various items. The most suitable accessory for women this seems casket. It is possible to paint, paint, paste, and not just inside the jewelry store. Such decoration can be the best shops, if you create a designer decor casket with his hands. About what techniques you can use at the same time, we describe in detail below.
The choice of technique
- mosaic Technology
- mirror box
- Casket in style Shabby-chic
- Accessory of eggshell
- product decoration using kanzashi
- Quilling
- Decoupage
- Vinyl wallpapers
- painting
- surround decor
- conclusion
The choice of technique
The size of the box does not matter. However, before you decorate great product, it is recommended to practice on small. It is important to try a variety of techniques to determine the appropriate for themselves. A lot of time and materials for this would be required. The reason to do it is finished boxes are as follows:
- This accessory is available for most women. As intended for the storage of jewelery and cosmetic agents;
- For decorating allows any size and shape of the product;
- Box you can make with your hands from a variety of subjects;
- Any restrictions only own imagination can put in the choice of technology.

Design technique should be selected based on the functional purpose of the accessory. The most popular include decoupage, quilling, painting, Shabby chic, paper art, etc. Some of them require specific training.

mosaic Technology
Decorating ladies boxes can be made in a fashionable mosaic art. This will require simple tools:
- Sharp cutting objects, as well as the brush roller for rolling;
- Polymeric clay or plastic;
- Adhesive binder and lacquer;
- Cardboard;
- Talc;
- Ribbon for decoration.

The first thing to be cut out of cardboard circles, forming the future appearance of the box. To finish the inside of the best way to use white clay. You can take the reel to create a form. It should cover carefully covered with a polymeric material to leave no bubbles or joints. Trim excess. Then the circles of clay need to bake in the oven.
Exterior walls should be treated with talc, it was convenient to apply plastic. From the latter, you can create different patterns. When the wheels are cool, they laid mosaic. The order of arrangement of the components depends on the imagination. The tape must be glued to the base and the lid to form a hinge. When the product is ready, it can be re-bake and cover with acrylic paint. Next will come in handy matte varnish for finishing. Stylish jewelry box ready.

mirror box
Delightful decor created by using the following materials:
- Sharp knife, ruler and brush;
- Adhesive binder;
- Gloves with protective goggles for work;
- Acrylic plastic coated with a reflective;
- Scotch.
See also:Quilting: patchwork for beginners

It is necessary to measure three strips on the acrylic plastic. Trim panel so as to be able to put in a number of rectangular workpiece. After application of the adhesive binder panels are connected. Then you need a few hours to dry. When the shape of the box is ready, the inner part can be pasted using felt.
Before the last stage of the plastic should be in the protective film.

Casket in style Shabby-chic
Superb technique involves the creation of products that are ideal for storing valuables. The following components are required as tools:
- Fabric, lace and thick thread;
- Beautiful box from under sweets;
- Decorative beads, glass beads;
- Adhesive binder;
- Foam, and a sheet with a pattern.

Paper and foam should be cut to form the bottom of the candy box. Then a box pasted sheet with a pattern. Next you need to create a cover made of paper and fabric. To do this, we can take ready-made form of foam and sheathing. After installation of the cover box decorate various elements (beads, laces, etc.).

Accessory of eggshell
To create a box of special skills are required. The following components serve as materials:
- Eggshell;
- Adhesive binder;
- Box made of cardboard;
- Acrylic paint with a brush;
- Napkins with a pattern.

After preparation of the carton, it should be coated with an adhesive. Suitable conventional PVA. For wet areas should be accompanied by a shell, and then gently crack it. From small fragments then formed a mosaic, and re-processed binder. After drying, the paint comes foremost. Used for decorating patterned napkins. To consolidate also need PVA glue. It is important to wait for several hours until all the product has dried.

product decoration using kanzashi
An unusual Japanese name hiding flowers hair ornaments. As materials to create original boxes need the following items:
- Wooden (bamboo) box;
- Adhesive binder;
- Thread with beads and sequins, and tweezers;
- Scissors with a needle;
- Two-color ribbon;
- Candle.

Decorating stylish wooden caskets begins with the formation kanzashi petals. To do this, they are bent at a right angle, and the melted edge of the candle. They need to stick together, so that the flower has become flat. Such details will need about a dozen. Then strung on a thread, alternating colors. Next, the thread ends are connected, and the petals are straightened. In the center of the future need to anoint the box with glue to firmly pressed flower. Then in the center of the flower drip glue. This is necessary for attaching rhinestones or beads.
When using pastes forbidden to use glue "Moment", which corrodes the glossy coating parts.

Surprisingly simple technique involves twisting paper strips to create the decor. The materials in this case are: colored paper, floss and brush with glue.
The first thing twisted spirals of different colors. they are then glued together in strips. Then formed long bars, which are glued to the aforementioned bands. They also stick together to form the basis of future box. Fusilli convenient twist with a toothpick. By the walls of the product can be glued leaves cut from green paper. Similarly laid bottom and lid. The upper part of it is desirable to arrange flowers. For this special way connected to multi-colored strips of twisted spirals. The last stage is considered to be impregnated adhesive binder.
See also:The decor of shells - 10 decorating ideas with their own hands

This technique of French origin. Previously prepared a special paper with an ornament, to expand the decorative elements. As materials for decorating homemade caskets following components are used:
- Clippings from fashion magazines or tissue;
- Adhesive binder;
- Paint with a brush;
- Lac.

Using scissors, cut out of magazines detail pattern. They are applied to the surface of the article, after which glue is applied on top.
If you use cloth instead of glue is recommended to use a stapler for fastening elements. It is also possible to dispense with the lacquer.
After drying, the product is coated with lacquer. The photo cards encouraged the use of this technique. Their pre eliminate the bottom layer. Decorating the casket can be not only on the outside but on the inside.

Vinyl wallpapers
Popular material is well suited for decorating the product in question. Their relief texture looks perfect on a wooden or cardboard box. When this pattern on the surface can be completely arbitrary. However, it is desirable that its dimensions match the dimensions of the cover future enhancement. The exception is an abstraction.

creating technology involves the following steps:
- First performed precise measurements boxes. Further carried pattern material;
- After cutting the vinyl material will, it is recommended to soak in water. It is necessary to separate the vinyl from the base paper. Pure wallpaper layer will lie on the flat surface. However, this time-consuming procedure, which is not all cope;
- Next, in a vinyl adhesive binder layer is applied. If the paper substrate has remained in place, it should also be to miss the mark;
- The material is fixed on the product under pressure;
The surface can then decorate the herbarium or artificial flowers.
- The product is then coated with a multilayer lacquer;
- When using the print recommend to use acrylic paint. This allows you to show a maximum of fantasy. Popular shades to create an accessory with their own hands are considered the gold and bronze.
The latter can be further wear out, if combined with the green. It is also well will look silver highlights. After finishing the work surface is covered with multi-layered clear varnish.

Many craftswomen want to display their artistic talents. painting technique for this is ideal. Some variants of decoration suggest the presence of special education. However, beginners can use stencils. You can find them in a store or online. In the latter case, just download and print designs. The sale can be seen as a single-layer and multi-layer stencils.
See also:Ornamental trees with their hands: the ideas and master classes
This technique involves the following steps:
- Preparation of the product to work. It includes required defatting, since inconspicuous spots occur after paint application;

- Nor do white paint without priming. It is important for the purity of the colors;

- When the preliminary manipulation is finished, coated surface of the article to the pitch;
- To perform the painting, you can use different types of stencils. Some contain adhesive base for convenience. Others have to mount a conventional adhesive tape. For the purity of the experiment is recommended to apply several sketches;

- To darken the corners of the used semi-dry sponge. It dipped in the dye material and wiping cloth. Then you can use it to create an attractive haze at the corners of the box;

- Another option is a preliminary darkening over the use of a darker hue. If the main background is planned Blue, the angles need to be covered in blue. Such contrasting tone can soften wax or sandpaper. This will give charm to the future enhancement. After drying, the corners are covered by the main plane of the tone;
- The finished product must be treated with varnish.

Costly paint shop of art may be replaced by acrylic embodiment of a conventional store. To achieve the desired shades at the same time not be a problem if you use a particular color. One inexpensive paint cans just enough for a dozen boxes.

surround decor
The use of this technique also involves a number of preliminary actions. This is due to the fact that it used a stencil and a special paste. Some needlewoman successfully replace her putty. This yields an accessory in a vintage style. Sophisticated design is gaining its volume at the stage of priming. Prior to this, remember that you need to degrease the surface. On the corners should act at its own discretion, as the technology is already familiar from the previous point.
Following staining and drying, the product, attached to the stencil surface. Luting is carried out in two stages, between which it is desirable to clear the sketch. Immediately after applying the paste with a toothpick necessary to correct any irregularities. Soft cloth to remove excess should also be on hand. If a defect is detected after a time, it will need to water a place to soften the material. Then you need to varnish the product. To create a characteristic bulge can be applied diluted bitumen. Next, using a fine brush to paint these places fundamental tone. Then varnish the product again.

A key feature of the presented techniques of decorating is that they can be used to make the box with their hands. Improvised and original product, is a favorite subject of the decor in the ladies' room.