Recently, layout of buildings is increasingly includes an element such as a bay window. This architectural design allows you to decorate and transform the look of the room, but also to significantly increase its area. Bay window - part of a building project from the main surface of the wall. This term has come to us from the vocabulary of German builders. The word can be translated into Russian as the "lug" or "lantern". Indeed, this part of the room is a great source of light, because traditionally glazed bay window construction. Most homeowners are satisfied with the item in the living room, and this is understandable: in this room is more obvious lack of useful space.
- Interior
- furniture layout
- Interior with bay window and fireplace
- zoning
- Living room with bay window and arch
- Living room-kitchen
- Colors and styles
- conclusion
When making a living is important to pay special attention to two important points:
- The bay window in the interior - especially the location of additional window openings, it will have to draw up on this basis. In some cases, it can be used for decorating curtain, placed on a special ledge, which will follow the contours of the walls. Should choose lighter fabrics, good light transmitting. You can also use shutters or blinds.
- Since the bay is a protruding part of the building, it should be possible to smooth the transition between it and the main part of the room.
Many experts recommend to design the living room to use wallpaper without pattern. You can paint the walls in a solid color. Tone on tone is compensated by the addition of various components: figurines, clocks, paintings and photographs. It is important not to overdo it with additional elements. Their excess can create an impression of chaos and bad taste.

furniture layout
Quite often, a bay window space used for furniture. In this case, there are several of the most popular design options:
- Take a projection room sofa special, which will close almost all open up the space.
- Put a small chair or a miniature sofa.
- Select a kind of bay window dining room. If this option is selected, it is better to use a small table, which does not take up much space.
See also:Interior living room with a staircase to the second floor

Different styles of design rooms with a bay window suit different types of materials and furniture. The high-tech will look well, glass tables and chairs, while for classical - it is better to choose the usual chairs and sofas, and tables made of wood. Read more about the styles and variants of the room design will be discussed below.

The colors and style of the furniture should be in harmony with the general atmosphere of the room.

Interior with bay window and fireplace
If you have a fireplace in the living room, the furniture is installed in front of him. In this case, the space near the windows can be left free. Cabinets or other bulky items in this room is better not to use at all. They will load even more atmosphere.
Regardless of what kind of fireplace (wood burning, gas or electric), the living room is better to draw in discreet colors. In this case, it is desirable to use natural materials such as wood or rattan, as well as expensive high-quality fabrics.
Making a living room - is not easy. It must be remembered that a bay window and a fireplace will be the main center of the room and the objects of special attention. Therefore, it is not necessary to add other bright elements that will load more interior space.

Electric fireplace can be damaged by constant exposure to direct sunlight, so it is set to be about the main wall at its furthest from the windows.
One advantage of the room with a bay window in the interior is the possibility of zoning. For example, in the bay window, you can arrange the work area - a kind of office, while the rest of the area will be a seating area.
If the owners are addicted to gardening, the bay can take flowers, turning it into a kind of green space, greenhouse or conservatory. If you use this option, keep in mind that this part of the private house will be very well covered. This will be based on the choice of species and varieties of plants.
A rare variant of zoning - the transformation of a bay window in the balcony. In this case, the room is separated by a partition with a glass door. With such a design decision in the bay becomes a separate space which can be issued in accordance with the preferences and needs of owners.
The partition prevents the passage of heat from the main part of the room, so bay should be further warmed.

Living room with bay window and arch
Continuing the theme of zoning, not to mention the architectural elements such as the arch. Arches can be made of wood, plastic or drywall. Most often, they are used instead of the standard doorways or, as in the case of the living room, which has a bay window, to distinguish between separate areas of zones. This is quite an interesting option that is rarely used. Despite this, it looks pretty good arch designs.
See also:Design and zoning the living room studio
When you select a bay arch should remember such an arrangement should not be too bulky and big. As mentioned above, a bay window - is, above all, a source of additional space and lighting for the room. And if you install the arch, which completely close it, then the advantages of such a plan will come to naught.

Living room-kitchen
One of the more radical solutions will combine the living room with kitchen. Of course, this step will be decided, not every host. In some cases, such a plan can be extremely useful: save space, there is an extra room (served before kitchen), which can be used at the discretion of the owner, and wherein the seating becomes truly unusual design that can meet infrequently.
Now there are quite a few options for a kitchen-living room. Just look at the pictures to understand the styles, colors and ways of registration may be quite the opposite. If the room is spacious, the recreation area can be identified as a separate area. To limit, you can use a large aquarium; sofa, located back to the kitchen; plasterboard partition. In the small living room kitchen work area can be taken into the bay window. So it saves a lot of space, which is usually not enough. A place to relax in this case can not be separated (or highlight a small arch).

Colors and styles
For registration of the living room may suit different styles. Here are the main ones:
- Classic design is neutrality. This style involves the use of pastel (olive, beige, terracotta). Classic is traditionally associated with wealth and high status of the owner. Materials are selected appropriate: flooring - laminate and parquet flooring (oak looks better), ceiling - stucco and friezes. Walls can be decorated with paintings.
- In recent years, it is gaining increasing popularity of country style. This is truly one of the best living room design options. It uses natural materials and natural shades of colors.
- Style high-tech means high functionality of objects. Here, built-in wardrobes and shelves can easily be converted into a table may be present. In the design of commonly used cold colors, as well as glossy and chrome surface.
See also:Living in the style of Provence: 75 photo ideas

Summarizing, we can say, living room Interior design - it is quite troublesome and time-consuming. Maybe it will take more than one week. But if you approach the creative process, after analyzing the main features of the work, you can get an excellent living room with a bay window. Here are the main points, already mentioned in the text to which you should pay particular attention to:
- It is advisable to avoid bright colors and plenty of fine detail.
- You should not clutter the room. Especially close receipt of sunlight.
- If the room has a fireplace, sofas and armchairs that are located near it. In the bay window you can set the sofa or leave it free.
- The living room can be divided into zones. They may be of different colors and decorations, but should create a complete picture and not discordant with each other.
- When you create the interior you need to select a specific style, which will match all the interior details.
- The bay window is a fundamental part of any room. Therefore, the design of the entire premises will be built around it.