Making birdhouse is mutually beneficial to both humans and birds. Birds help to cope with the invasion of insects, subversive activities in the garden and vegetable garden, farm. Dry statistics show that five days a brood of starlings is capable of destroying more than 1,000 larvae of beetles, simultaneously biting slugs and caterpillars. If a family has children, then using birdhouses can observe the life of their inhabitants, introducing a child with wildlife. Inside the birdhouse should be convenient for residents of birds. Outside, it is decorated by making a stylish addition to the design of the site. Birds unpretentious to the "interior" of his house. The main thing that was a quality "box", and inside the birds will induce the order to your liking. birdhouse decor outside falls squarely on the shoulders of a person. It should not be too flashy, because birds prefer inconspicuous home. Consider a series of master classes to create a nesting boxes and get acquainted with the characteristics of their manufacture and decoration of the embodiments.
The choice of material
- Non-recommended materials
- ornithologists recommend
- Dimensions and helpful advice on making
Workshops: Doing their own hands
- of boards
- of logs
- of branches
- How to decorate
- How to hang
- How to care for starling house
- conclusion
The choice of material
Traditionally, bird houses knocked together out of the ordinary wood. Material available and easy to handle. Recently there have been all sorts of cheap imitations of wood and plastic compounds, of which construct not only the trough, but birdhouses. Not every material is suitable for the bird house. Some become poor protection from the cold and a source of harmful toxic fumes that can kill a bird and family, and all their offspring.

Non-recommended materials
Plastic containers (bottles), as well as packages Tetra Pak of milk or juice for making birdhouse not suitable. They are not breathable and does not retain heat. House is "cold". Plastic can give off an unpleasant odor, which is not perceived by the human nose, but feel good bird. Hot summer polyvinylchloride, especially low quality evolves toxic substances that provoke death feathery inhabitants decorative house. Transparent plastic passes the sun's rays and excess light birds will not like. Tetra Pak packages inside lined foil which at high temperatures concentrates heat in birdhouse. A kind of "greenhouse effect" will cause the destruction of eggs.

Plastic containers of milk and cardboard make excellent feeders: simple to manufacture and use. Birdhouses made of plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, OSB and other materials based on wood waste is also not suitable for the bird house. They do not retain heat. Wood waste (usually sawdust) are pressed and glued together by means of chemical compositions. This "glue" emits toxic fumes. Plywood sounds bad passes. Residents may not hear the approach of a bird of prey or a cat at the time.

ornithologists recommend
The best material for the manufacture of birdhouse - tree. Experts do not recommend the use of conifers. Over time, the wood will begin to secrete resin. Izmazhetsya bird in it, and feathers glued. This will negatively affect the ability to fly and result in death. Optimal material according to ornithologists, will be oak, birch, alder, maple or aspen. The thickness of the planks should be at least 2 cm. Otherwise the material will not provide the necessary temperatures for breeding chicks. Faces sanded boards. Inside the wall is left without treatment. According to a rough surface the birds easier to navigate. Suitable for making birdhouse croaker. Extreme board - waste treated on one side only. On the other remains bark. Slabs used for the construction of temporary fences. Also manufactured from fully nesting boxes neobstrugannyh boards or logs.

Original decoration of the garden will become a birdhouse from a gourd. Vegetable purified from the core and dried. The front wall made inlet. Serve pumpkin birdhouses 1-2 years. Set them on wooden shelves attached to the trees.
Dimensions and helpful advice on making
The optimum height for the birdhouses is 30 cm. The width and bottom length must vary in the range of 15-20 cm. The diameter of the tap hole is about 5 cm. The distance from the inlet to the bottom - 15 cm. In large birdhouse birds derive chicks at 4-5. Toddlers grow shaky. Family birds can not provide a feed brood. At the close "apartments" starlings do not even pay attention. If the board is still smooth chosen, the inside of the bottom to the surface of the tap hole of a good istsarapyvayut. The path of "clues" to help tenants to climb stairs. These dimensions are optimal for sparrows and starlings, but the house can settle other bird family. For nuthatches and great tits pick modest dimensions. The area of the bottom of a 10x10 cm, height - 2.7-2.8 cm and a tap-hole diameter - 4-4.5 cm. Dimensions perch and visor remain the same. For small tits or flycatchers taphole diameter of 3 cm and bottom area - 8x8 cm and height - 25 cm.
See also:Crafts from cereals and seeds

Starlings prefer to look for food in the area near the house. Own garden they ignore. These birds will be useful if there are a number of master's field or pasture for livestock. Starlings willingly destroy gadflies and ticks on pets. Little birds do not fly far from home and lead activities for the extermination of insects directly on the site. Perch should be durable (diameter of not less than 1 cm). Its length does not exceed 5 cm. Visor - mandatory part of the house for the birds. It will protect notches from precipitation and become an obstacle in the way of curious cats who want to eat the inhabitants of the apartment on a tree. Canopy should extend 5 cm. To birdhouse well ventilated, air circulation is provided by holes. Four drilled on the basis of the house and another two on each wall. The diameter of the holes is 0.5 - 0.6 cm. For free access to human avian housing for the purpose of the annual harvest hinged top cover do. You should not go and see the house often. This may scare off birds, forcing them to go in search of another refuge. It is enough to clean the birdhouse every year.

Year bonds do round. Square entrance may injure birds. Large holes do in birdhouse. Yrs less - a sign sinichnikov.
Workshops: Doing their own hands
The optimal material for the nest box - hardwood. Wood is used in the form of boards, beams, and even thick branches. The latter option is suitable for those who are not able to purchase quality wood. Lower thick branches can be cut down to a strong tree growing nearby. Harm it will not bring them. Besides classical starling nest boxes are found, "sheds", "barrels". Before assembling the house prepared drawing on paper and pencil markings applied to timber. Measurements carried out carefully. They work with only dry material. Raw wood rassohnetsya and deformed. Consider the stages of manufacture algorithms birdhouses with his hands of the three kinds of material.

of boards
Boards cut according to the outline of paper. Classic nesting box has a pent roof. In later versions, we began to make a triangular "gable", covered with a gable roof.

The work is divided into stages:
- The board, which will be the front wall, excised inlet. It is made using a jigsaw and figured sawing or sequentially drill small holes along the contour of the circle. After alignment of the rasp is carried out. There is another "grandfather" method using a chisel and hammer, but the work will take longer.
- The board is connected to the two side by means of screws. Nails also used, but they do not provide the same strength of the connection.
- Connect the last rear wall and at the end - the bottom.
- Fix the roof. For removable options from within the board nailed sleeve. Put and press it to the house can not. Roof fastened with screws, which are then easily unscrew.
Boards need to cobble together the most tightly so that no gap. The gaps are the result of poor-quality cutting wood or calculation errors in the drawing. Designated walls compound zakonopachivayut promazyvayut tow or clay. It should be remembered perch that nailed in the end to an already finished birdhouse. Wand is permissible to replace the piece of triangular-shaped wood. Get a miniature porch.
See also:Furniture for doll house with their hands

The walls inside the check for protruding nails or screws. Sharp tips may injure the birds. The length of the nails and screws must be chosen in accordance with the nest box wall thickness.
of logs
The manufacturing process of the nest box timber (nest boxes) are more laborious than the work with the boards:
- The log is cleaned from twigs and branches. The bark is not removed.
- He cut a piece of the desired length.
- On beam make markup. From one edge of the back 5 cm, 20 cm and then another 5 cm (per length 30 cm).
- The lower and upper piece will be the bottom and roof.
- With the middle portion of the log will have pretty tricky. Before sawing doing inlet.
- The log is sawn into three parts. Further work with secondary module.
- Core carefully scrape. Doing a long drill-holes along the contour of the inner circle. Indents equal width future walls.

- Using a saw or hacksaw core is cut and pulled out.
- The inner wall is cleaned and equalize bit. The smoothness of the walls is not necessary. Birds fit "rough finish."
- The middle module nailed the bottom and roof. Sometimes use the glue. The composition may get inside the birdhouse and soak it unpleasant odors. Better use of screws or nails.
The top cover can be replaced on the board, because the "native" timber items will visor. If the roof is nailed firmly in her pre-bore holes for the wire, which perpetuate a birdhouse in a tree.

of branches
Of thick branches made bird houses, log cabins. Hut knocking together on the same principles as the home for people just under the simplified scheme. Branches in them replace the log:
- Material cleaned by knots and pare down. Curves branches for nest box will not fit.
- Collect the bottom, which form the first row - the crown.
- Each branch make special notches. The wells fall "a log" arranged perpendicularly.
- Consistently ranks spread to the roof. The upper part is made of planks. That the image of Russian hut was not spoiled treated wood, roof mask "broom", collected from small twigs.

We should not forget about the notches. The hole is formed at the construction stage birdhouse, drained pieces of a pair of "logs". Birdhouse made of branches have quality caulk. There are formed slits. Through gaps in the house in the winter gets cold and the wind. Of flexible thin rods birdhouses weave as baskets. Sometimes branches positioned vertically. The elements have to stick together.
How to decorate
There are lots of ways to decorate birdhouses. The simplest option - painting. Some ornithologists believe that the bird is not important color. Others argue that the larger birds like flea homes that do not stand out with bright colors. If starling paint, you can not choose a toxic or odorous compounds. Birds apartment with a "tainted" ignore. paint color - the cause of human taste. For hedging selected neutral shades which mask the housing. Sometimes varnish coated surface of the boards. After drying, the composition protects the wood from rotting processes that give noble luster, prolong service life.

Decorating nest box is performed by painting, decoupage in the art (image transfer) of wine corks, burlap, eggshell, matches, cloth, natural materials. Very popular is the "rustic" style. To decorate a birdhouse, require thin twigs, they saw cut, straw, bark, pebbles, pine cones and moss, which zakonopachivayut gap. These materials decorate the exterior of the house, fixing on the walls, the roof and the tiny front porches. Stoppers birdhouse paste on the facade. The material provides an additional warming of the bird house. The plugs are placed, like logs in the wooden house. Roof made a special decoration - imitation tile. It is made of tubes, cutting them crosswise into tiny circles. You can not use rustling and shiny materials. Catchy decor scare away birds.

If you want to make a decorative fence in addition to the birdhouse, it's best to use a stick ice cream. And some of them also make tiles. Rounded edges of sticks are perfect for tiny roof.

See also:Decor bottles ribbons - a beautiful way to design
How to hang
For birdhouse need to choose the right place. Place the birdhouse in the bottom of the garden. Its tenants appreciate the convenience and safety. The optimum distance from the ground -. 3-5 m Predator get difficult. The man with the help of a ladder would get house cleaning. To protect the birds from attacking cats, choose a place in the "naked" trunk. Around clearing branches. Them pets can get to close the tap hole. Birdhouses hang vertically or tilted forward. Birds will be convenient to climb the wall to the notch. Tipping back birdhouse undesirable. The house will fall precipitation. Do not recommend hanging birdhouses in places where walking drafts or no protection from the sun's rays. Birds need peace. If set in the garden several nesting boxes, the distance between them should be at least 50 cm. Family of birds are not welcome close neighborhood. Birdhouse nailed to a stick. Pole tied to a tree trunk with a rope or wire. Under it puts a cloth or burlap. Then the rope is not to crash into the crust and will not harm the tree. The pole is fixed securely to a house he is not swayed in the wind.

While dwelling called starling house, it can settle different bird families: chickadees, sparrows, nuthatches, woodpeckers and swifts. Many are looking for a place to nest early - in February. Hang a brand new house better by the end of winter. Small birds come to the March - April. Birdhouses decorate gardens and walls of houses. Not all birds will choose the place for gnezdovischa in close proximity to human habitation. If positioned near a bird feeder with bird goodies, the temptation to increase. For many birds winter - a hard time when they die of starvation. Providing housing for birds, they need to provide more and a good feed up. In the summer they will thank for the food, clean the area from pests.

How to care for starling house
Some birds during the summer can grow two to three broods. For each new egg laying nests weave anew. As a result, outside the birdhouse looks new, but inside is clogged with straw, twigs and feathers. Birds do not clean up after themselves. To settle in a dirty shelter again, they will not.

Every year in early spring birdhouses clean:
- Take off the lid and remove from the house feathers, leftover food, other debris. The accumulation of these products will lead to the proliferation of parasites.
- Disinfect the house. Scalded with boiling water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
- Birdhouse thoroughly dried.
Obscure the bottom of straw or branches is not recommended. Execute inside the bird house will do. They have their own ideas about the optimal "decor". Permissible lightly sprinkle sawdust bedplate.
Birdhouses first appeared many centuries ago in ancient India. Material used unusual - gourds. In the vegetable removed core, covered with a lid and cut a hole-year bonds. In houses settled birds Lane (locusts starlings). Periodically changed for fresh pumpkin. Classic wooden houses began to produce in the Old World. Europeans have pursued different goals. They are domesticated birds kept, harvested eggs or caught for the last trip to the kitchen. Small birds in Europe were considered a delicacy. Even rich people did not hesitate to try a rare dish. In Russia, the birds liked. They were considered good tidings. No one attempted on the life of the birds, but at home they took the time to build. This practice appeared towards the end of the XVII century. The first nesting boxes made of birch bark. Post houses became works of art. The technique of carving them decorated with human figures, animals, porches, fences and even the pots on the fence. The inhabitants of the houses jewelry is not required. They make people happy morning singing. Starlings - wonderful imitators. Their singing is of melodic roulades, fireworks and sounds similar to the frog croaking. Starlings can even mimic human speech. For this purpose, a bird will have a lot to deal with.