An important attribute of the holiday - its high quality decoration. Decorations are executed in accordance with the holiday-themed, but their form, shape, size depends only on the imagination of the designer. Garland with his own hands for a particular celebration is made of cloth and paper, recycled and natural materials, food products and the use of electrical appliances.
- History garlands
Materials used
- Disposable tableware
- Paper
- Textile
- Felt
- natural materials
- products
Ideas garlands for the holidays
- New Year, Christmas lights
- Valentine's Day
- For children's holiday
- For birthday
- Wedding option
- Universal
Production of electric garlands with their hands
- Preparation: the necessary materials, tools
- erection work
- conclusion
History garlands
Garland - festive decoration in the form of threads, lace, chains, wires, with placed on it lights, lanterns, flowers, butterflies, balloons, etc.. It is used in interior design, building and garden landscape.
Various versions of holiday life ornaments people have always been. Gentiles were weaving wreaths of herbs and lit torches to scare away evil spirits. The Romans tied colored ribbons on the branches of the trees, calling fertile summer, garlands of roses made out of mistletoe and entire streets. In Germany, as a decoration used spruce branches, and in China - flashlights special design.
During Soviet times, the most popular element of decoration of any holiday, especially New Year is pointed star - it was excised from the paper on stringing thread, alternating with flags V-shaped and W-shaped form. Solid structures built of cardboard greeting cards, candy wrappers from sweets, trailed yarn remnants, colored plastic bags.
Materials used
For the manufacture of festive lights use very many materials:
- colored paper (smooth or corrugated) cardboard;
- thread, rags, pieces of leather and fur;
- felts, other nonwovens;
- plastic bottles, spoons, glasses, tins;
- cones, fir and pine branches;
- shells, pebbles;
- foil candy wrappers;
- Beads, beads, buttons;
- old newspapers, magazines, maps;
- shaped pasta, drying;
- live plants (including "standing");
- LED tape light bulb.
Certain types of strings are suitable for co-creation of parents and children - boys and girls kindergarten age are already able to make a simple harness under the supervision of an adult.

Disposable tableware
From cardboard, plastic cups from the coffee will come out great for the old ceiling Electrogarlands. For their design will need paper used in scrapbooking, scissors, glue, tape. Next is cut petals, waves, needles on the edge plafonchika - their coat with glue, sprinkle glitter, paint nail polish. Plastic plates are easily converted into a kind of footballs, celestial bodies of different colors, and sunflowers, other colors can be made from the cup, after they are cut and paint.

Paper garlands - the easiest, cheapest way to decorate the home for the upcoming holiday, highlighting some space in the room, dividing it into segments. For the most simple stretching cut homogeneous elements of different colors - circles, hearts, letters, figures of animals, leaves, butterflies, delicate vytynanki and others. Details alternately sew on the machine in a straight line or strung on a long string. In the latter case, each piece is pierced with a needle in two places.
It looks interesting paper fringe, including multi-layered. All the elements are made of two-sided colored paper. If crimping a small box about 8-10 times, and then make a fold perpendicular to the middle of the previous, deploy, sticking in a circle whose center is placed a bead, a paper cone or circle, you get the item like a umbrella. Of the two cylinders of cardboard and colored paper will semblance of dynamite - explosive for the party.
Sophisticated elements typically download from the Internet or the paint in the "Paint", and then printed out in the required size and number.

Garland, completely made of textile colors, can become a real masterpiece. For its implementation will need nesypuchey scraps of fabric, thread, transparent glue. Cardboard flower petals templates contours on the textile material, cut along the contour, and their edges are carefully greased with glue, so as not to lose form. After the flower, "going" into the socket and straightened. Fabric cut caramel green petals which are also bonded to each other. The prepared elements are strung alternately or tied on a string, the finished product is suspended in a scheduled site.
See also:House for children with their own hands
Of yarn pompoms can also make a great decoration. Popular and delicate beads of tulle - a piece of fabric and thread ligated middle, raspushivaetsya, made out with ribbons, sequins, tassels, feathers. Small openwork crocheted napkins, made of rigid thread, will also be the original decision.
Decoration formed in macrame technique, thick woven from threads, flax rope, twine. As used herein additions wooden, plastic beads, nuts, pine cones, painted pasta, dried bouquets, paper bows.
The fabric from which the fragments are performed stretching, for rigidity can be pre starch.

From bright colored pieces of felt for interior decoration to create quick and easy. Material is remarkable in that the edge elements cut therefrom need no special treatment. He holds its shape well, not spreading, looks equally on both sides.
A flock of birds volume of felt is carried out using the following components: two blanks torso with a head, two large wings, two small drop-shaped elements on the wings, two eye. Each half is collected separately for the volume inside the bird or put a piece of cotton wool padding polyester, and then connect the halves of the body over the side seam. When all the figures are ready, through which is threaded a rope. Approximately the same is stretching with butterflies, bunnies, puppies, cherries and others.
Inside volume elements can be placed a metal ball-bell - it will be fun to ring during the rocking movement of the air, accidentally grazing.

natural materials
For stretching of "gifts of nature" are used:
- beautiful dead leaves;
- bulk flower buds;
- acorns, chestnuts;
- pine and fir cones;
- ears of grain;
- feathers;
- shells from eggs;
- shells;
- sprig of mountain ash, hawthorn.
Acorns, chestnuts, pine cones should be pre-dried in the open air or in an oven, after which the paint brush or spray in the desired color. You can make it "skirts" of the foil, crepe paper. Each element of the garland is pierced with an awl, a drawstring is threaded hole.
Decoration of the holiday, like Halloween, make using miniature tykovok, carved with rozhitsami. Pumpkin on a string tied by the tails.

A simple garland hanging on threads with multi-colored candy wrappers are not only beautiful decoration but also delicious. Thin dried slices of lemon, orange, punctuated with stars from the peel mandarins, create an atmosphere of freshness, filling the room with its smell.
Original look decorations of dried pasta. "Bows", "shells", "spiral", "socket", "wheels" spray painted or simply dipped in paint, then strung on a thread. You can collect them from the more complex design: colors, balls, snowflakes, Christmas trees, men - it is used PVA glue. The finished product is painted, decorated with beads, ribbons, sequins.
Edible garland of crackers, bagels, bagels decorate any holiday, stretching from the dried fish is acceptable only for outdoor decoration, because of the peculiar smell.

Ideas garlands for the holidays
In preparation for the various holidays rooms are made in different ways:
- for New Year's suit any variations on the theme of snowmen, Christmas trees, snowflakes, and "animal," "upcoming" symbol - pig, dragon, dog, rat, bovine and others;
- birthday present all the attention is focused on birthday - design revolves around the hobby, occupation, hobbies birthday, it is permissible to use his photographs;
- on Valentine's Day made hearts valentines;
- Wedding is made in bright colors, you should avoid heavy, bulky items, especially if the couple are very young;
- children's events abound in popular cartoon characters, the colors chosen are clean, bright, electric garlands are installed beyond the reach of little hands;
- when you make other festivals is recommended to emphasize their theme - decorated with fresh spring flowers, autumn - "Gifts of nature" in the form of fruits, meeting classmates - the attributes of the student life, friendly party - symbols of bottles and etc.
If there is room to make out pets, decorations are placed so that they did not get - curious animal is capable of choking tangled in the thread, when trying to eat poisoned rustling, brilliant suspension.

See also:Crafts from cones
New Year, Christmas lights
Christmas garland made of pine cones, predried, delivered from the seeds partially or completely coated with a paint from a container, sprinkled sequins. Each shishechka pierced with an awl, for threading ropes or neatly tied to her. Work with the paint is recommended to wear rubber gloves.
An interesting variant - Christmas mini mittens of red cloth with white fur trim or the same socks plan. of the last stretch often hung on electric or real fire, if there is one. Crocheted snowflakes weave yarn with lurex, "rain", hung on a thin fishing line - then it seems that they float in the air.
Paper sprocket and snowflakes can alternate with each other, to be of different sizes. For stretching with grandfathers frosts, Christmas trees, snowmen need to make a stencil - he is painted by hand or printed out from the Internet. 'Classical' Christmas garland is a series of triangular flags, which are glued together of the folded halves rhomboid parts with pre-embedded in it a thread.
When a little time, and decorate the room like, you can just thread the strap through the loops on the Christmas tree balls.

Valentine's Day
Valentine's day made abounding hearts garland in red and scarlet colors. They are drawn not only to the zone intended for a romantic dinner, but also the head of the bed, the whole room was in love. Hearts are flat, with lace, bulk, paper, felt, plastic, drawn buttons, ribbons, rhinestones.
Individual pieces with hearts cut out of playing cards.

For children's holiday
On the day of birth of the child, who turns one year old, garland decorated with the number "one", for two years - the two and others. Tsiferki placed on the center of stretching, it is made of paper, fabric, or buy inflatable. The remaining length of lace draw up toys of Kinder surprises attached to strings textile butterflies cubs, cardboard letters and others.
If the event is taking place in the autumn, you can make an extension not only of true leaves, chestnuts and cones, but also to sew textile acorns. For this purpose the paper or cardboard is depicted an oval base and an acorn cap resembling a crescent. Details are transferred to the cloth - it is better to use two different colors. For double the number of product parts are doubled.

For birthday
On the day of the birth of an adult or child stretching is performed with a photo of the birthday, interspersed with colored flags. The flag can write "Happy Birthday" as well as all sorts of wishes hero of the occasion. It is also desirable to use the symbols of what he likes: musician make a garland, simulating black and white piano keys, figurines guitars, doctor - with syringes (you can use these pre calling them) and leaves-the-counter, with unclear handwriting. Athlete suitable decoration of pennants awards, the Olympic rings, the programmer - stretching of the wires, computer mice.

Wedding option
Stretching the wedding performed in creamy white, light blue or pink. They have the form of the composition of hearts, a pair of white doves or swans, inscriptions such as "Council and love" and others. Ornaments made of tulle, fur, paper balls as appropriate - materials preferably white or pastel cold.
It looks great garland of long wide band - it simply collected on a thread, a needle piercing the middle, every five to seven cm. Two or three of these parts a different color scheme, you can bolt them together - get Sumptuous wedding decoration.
Stretches white lace, ribbons, no smaller than two or three cm. 20-30 cm, we can simply tie in a row on a tight rope. It is allowed to use any other basis - the cornice, wire and so on.

Some options garlands suitable for almost any occasion. Homemade electrogarlands itself is able to create a festive atmosphere, even in the most modest interior. Floral motifs are also the most popular decors and colorful pom-poms, tassels from yarn remnants, will give clearance "softness" comfort. Zhuravliki, airplanes, butterflies, in the technique of origami from pages of old books, magazines, booklets - a simple way to decorate that does not require material expenditures. Balls of different sizes - all versatile option.
Of capsules from Kinder Surprise turn out excellent diffusers for the LED banners, them, stringing on strong thread, is used as an independent jewelry.

Production of electric garlands with their hands
Makes a beautiful Electrogarlands in several ways:
- remake old - to issue it with new homemade plafonchikami;
- use bulbs for 220 volts;
- using light-emitting diodes;
- from an old computer keyboard glowing.
Finished garland hung on the window, entwine the tree on the street or in the house, decorate the perimeter of the room, a canopy over the porch.

Preparation: the necessary materials, tools
Indicative list of tools and materials that may be needed to create garlands:
- four to six meters twisted pair wire;
- tool, which removes the insulation from the wires;
- electrical plug;
- insulating tape or tape;
- incandescent bulbs with LED or ammunition;
- scissors;
- Power Supply;
- sealant;
- sharp knife;
- soldering;
- a metal tape measure.
Set the appropriate tools it depends on what kind of stretching is scheduled to perform.

erection work
A method of assembling a homemade stretching depends on the design chosen. When used on light bulbs 220, the wire was cut into pieces 40-50 cm long, leaving one piece of 130-150 cm. The tips of each harness smooth out the insulation, using special tools or regular lighters. After unwind cartridges and mounted to the wire parallel connection - when suddenly one of the bulbs burns out, the others will still shine. If decided luminous elements connected in series, the incandescent lamp is taken such that their sum voltage equal to 220 volts (e.g., 40 pieces of 6 volts or 20 to 12). Fasten the plug on the longest wire. Colored light bulbs used or they decorate translucent shades of different color schemes.
See also:Knitting for home and interior - 30 photo examples
Another way to make a banner - to apply LEDs to 12 volts. It needs light bulbs, soldering iron, sealant, knife, wire, power supply of 12 volts. The distance between the LEDs is approximately 20 cm. On the wire corresponding notes are made - these places are stripped to 12-17 mm to secure the bulb. Then on the loose strands of applied resin and a little solder mounted lamps - that they are better kept, after the soldering of the base is wrapped with insulating tape, filled with sealant. The last fixed resistor with a power supply.
"Wireless" is a garland with colored LEDs, five volts lithium batteries, magnets, measuring 13 mm by 30 mm by the number of bulbs, epoxy and narrow tape. "Legs" light bulbs are glued to the battery: long on the positive pole, short - on the negative, on top primatyvayutsya tape. The advantages of a small magnet is attached. The process is repeated for each element. Ornament is perfect not only for indoor use - often so adorn the facades of houses and other buildings.
Of finished long garlands or more spread festive pattern on the wall, cabinet doors, decorative screens.
Original celebratory garlands made with his own hands, will draws up the room a unique, recognizable in the photographs. To manufacture the vast majority of variants does not require special knowledge, skills, tools, and materials are most often used improvised. Schemes, ideas, detailed master classes are published daily in the pages of publications on needlework, Internet sites dedicated to home economics and needlework.