Originated in the early Middle Ages decorative technique has gained popularity in the 17th century, still independent at that time Venice. The word is borrowed from the French language. As with any art, decoupage furniture allows you to create an artistic image, and skillful execution of business will make any unattractive, boring subject an integral part of the decoration in the house.
Making art and everyone can. To do this, pick up a thing for dekupirovaniya come up with the plot, to prepare tools. But to turn the product into a real masterpiece, you should understand the different methods, the stylistic direction, especially the decoration.
- Advantages and disadvantages of using decoupage furniture
- Technique decoupage technique
- Stylistic direction decoupage
- Materials and tools
- decoupage especially for polished furniture
- Features plastic furniture decoupage
- How to prepare the surface of the furniture
Master classes on furniture renovation
- Decoupage dinner table colored wallpaper
- Decoration for a coffee table
- Restoration chest wipes
- Decoupage kitchen units
- Decoupage stool
- The use decoupage to decorate the bed
- cabinet decoupage ideas
- Decoupage cloth furniture
- conclusion
Advantages and disadvantages of using decoupage furniture
Updating the old things, like the new decoration would seem quite a challenge. Master must consider all the smallest details to the subject in question exactly fit into the existing interior, did not contradict him. However, the complexity is only a selection of the appropriate image. Therefore, the main advantage of this technique may be mentioned its simplicity and also:
- for the minimum set of required tools and materials;
- kind of creativity does not require special skills, it is available to everyone;
- small costs decoupage cards, newsprint, tissue;
- budget savings, does not require the purchase of new furniture;
- independent choice of the figure corresponding to the personal wishes;
- it is possible to turn ordinary everyday things in a unique, beautiful products.

From this art shortcomings can be identified:
- glued materials are not resistant to mechanical damage;
- work can be time-consuming;
- surface with the finished image can not rub hard sponge, apply when cleaning detergents;
- quality depends on the selected material.

Technique decoupage technique
A variety of materials used in the creative process, allows to decorate any surface: wood, glass, metal. The use of various techniques provides endless possibilities for the manifestation of fantasy. Among the existing types of decoupage can be identified:
- Direct (classic). The most common type. Work is in priming and painting the surface pattern gluing, using decorative techniques applied topcoat.
- Back. With this method, decorated with transparent plastic, glass objects. The process is the same as in the first case, only in reverse order. Image glued face on the glass, after doing a standard action.
- Volume. Made independently by sticking to the basic picture of copies of individual fragments, which will become bulky. Also, use a 3D image. Recently there was a technique Sospeso Trasparente, which can be called modern. Designed by the Italian designer Monica Allegro. As the base material used nontoxic thermoplastic.
- Art. Simulating a full mural. It is divided into three subspecies: smoky, landscape, classic. The bottom line is that the paper application and background come together.
- Dekopatch (patchwork). The surface of the decorated object, not partially but totally. To operate using a different paper, which is divided into different-sized pieces, and then it covers the entire plane.

In Decoupage use special decorative effects that create special drawing a different kind:
- Shabby. It seems that the subject has been used for a long time. Effect used to create the wax, which is applied to the pattern.
- Craquelure. Creation of cracks in the paint layer. For this purpose, special varnishes.
- Patina. The creation of artificial stains.
- Shading. On the surface of the object the paint is applied with a dry brush that allows you to hide the image border.
- Toning. Along with shading, allows stress pattern by applying colored stains spangle.
- Potala. Finish the drawing, the plane itself gold, silver colors, the decorative sheets of gold leaf.

See also:Modern wall of the living room
Stylistic direction decoupage
The type and method of processing an object depends on the total interior room. Used in the work item must match an existing design. Therefore, the choice of material, color, focus, first of all pay attention to their combination with the existing décor. Among the most popular styles of decorating furniture can be distinguished:
- Provence. One of the country flows. Characterized by the dominance of cold white palette, pastel colors like burnt in the sun. The image is characterized by lavender and lavender, herbs, grapes artificially aged surfaces.
- Victorian. Mixture of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque. A special role is played by gilding. Primary colors - light, soft shades of brown, burgundy, beige, pink. As images are a large abundance of flowers, natural motifs, the animal world.
- Country. For the country style is characterized by beige, brown, white, blue. Characterized subjects aged surface. Figure selected according to the already existing on the upholstery of chairs, sofas or tablecloths, curtains.
- Shabby-chic. Characterized by soft pastel colors. Used to restore old furniture golden hues. Surfaces do like antiques, picture blurred with frayed edges.
- Simple City. To operate using clippings from magazines, newspapers, old photographs. Style of a big city.
- Military. A distinctive feature is the use of military orientation and military paraphernalia.
- Ethno. The most common varieties: Japanese, African, Indian style. When making take account of cultural traditions of a people.

Materials and tools
An important point in the process of decoupage furniture is to prepare everything necessary for the job. This will depend on the comfort of the master, as well as the final result. Creativity need the following tools:
- synthetic brushes;
- putty knife;
- Sandpaper (coarse, fine-grained);
- foam sponges;
- disposable plastic plate as a palette;
- auxiliary tools.

- motif;
- acrylic primer;
- acrylic paints;
- acrylic lacquer;
- PVA glue, glue nail decoupage.

decoupage especially for polished furniture
Most of the owners of the old dull furniture wish her transform. But to make decoupage polished product, you need to prepare the surface, or through the entire time decor just exfoliate and peel. Working with such surfaces as follows:
- By using coarse sandpaper oshkurivaetsya coating. Polish remove not fully succeed, remove all the glitter enough.
- To resolve the defects and smooth the surface, it must be covered with a layer of putty.
- Since the product is devoid of polished natural texture, you can use acrylic paint must be completely primed.
- By performing these steps, you can start dekupirovaniyu.
Polished wooden furniture is different from analogues by its composition, namely the lack of a tree. Under millimeter layer of varnish can be seen a paper or a sheet of chipboard.

Features plastic furniture decoupage
By itself, the plastic furniture is not very beautiful, but with the help of decoupage it can be turned into a work of art. However, plastic is required initially to prepare to hold out for long pattern on the surface of the selected product.
All preparations are reduced to normal degreasing design using alcohol-containing liquid. When working with a glossy finish, slippery plastic, it should be roughened. It uses fine-grained sandpaper. Then a thin layer of plaster coats which provide better adhesion with other materials.

How to prepare the surface of the furniture
Newcomers will be sufficient to prepare the surface for decoupage conventional scheme. First clean with sandpaper, then priming proshkurivanie and re-applying the primer on MDF. Depending on the expected end result, the amounts of the villi, the various elements of wood may be further overwritten.
If the surface of the particle board has cracks and dents, they should be sealed filler. Tiles, plastic simply degrease - rub an alcohol solution. Metal table, stool seat must be treated with a solution of vinegar, baking soda, citric acid, rid of rust.

Master classes on furniture renovation
The decor of wooden, plastic surfaces with their hands - a great option to revive the old furniture. With creative ideas and a minimum set of tools and materials, you can create a chic dinette antique in the style of Provence, to upgrade the desk and other useful manipulation. There are many interesting workshops that will fill the house these ancient masterpieces will learn to work with napkins, lace, correctly restore and handle tables, cabinets coupe, special shelves varnish.
See also:75 furniture production of pallet ideas

Decoupage dinner table colored wallpaper
The first step is to determine the type of equipment and to prepare the table for decoration. To decoupage will last longer and makes it easier to apply, remove from the remnants of the paint surface, we clean with sandpaper, putty cover. We perform measurements of the furniture and cut the need for the number of wallpapers.
After the preparatory work has been completed, putting a wallpaper image segment up to the table surface. Before starting the fixing of the picture must be carefully smooth, remove all wrinkles and irregularities. Adhesive mix with water and smear it over the entire area of the paper element.

Tight piece of wallpaper should be well hydrated, so the glue should be applied in several layers thick. When the material becomes malleable, turn it upside down and flatten the fold roller. Leave alone for a day to dry. After a radical renewal of the countertop in the kitchen is lacquered. If the edges of irregularly formed, they must be sanded.

Decoration for a coffee table
Decorate the coffee table can be a few techniques. The most popular - decoupage napkins. Special paper products can be purchased with a variety of motives (vintage, themed holidays, animals, nature, big cities, etc.). Also, it can be cut from newspapers, magazines, maps, photos. But keep in mind that a dense material is difficult to work, before fixing it should be thin the. Decorating the coffee table in the tissue engineering of several stages:
- Determine the colors. For heavily damaged countertops is better to use light colors.
- Prepare tools and supplies.
- Parse the table, remove the countertop, unscrew the legs.
- Clear all the wooden parts of the old varnish and paint using sandpaper. If the table is made of plastic, enough alcohol degrease.
- Treat cracks and joints putty. Leave to dry for several hours.
- We provide priming and painting surfaces.
- Spread decorative card or individual pieces of napkins on the oilcloth and carefully smooths under running water.
- Oil the worktop and spread the glue pictures.

Restoration chest wipes
A very popular option of restoration chest antique style Shabby chic. This simultaneous decoration and Aging. Simple using decoupage napkin can be performed on any painted surface, but it is better if it is a white, pink, salad, blue or beige.
Before the work necessary to prepare a piece of furniture - remove the varnish and paint, as the old polish, impregnation will not be allowed to get the desired effect, significantly shorten the life of the decor. The cleaned surface should be primed.
The first step should be to paint an old dresser. This may be acrylic paint, or on the basis of the color of chalk. Experienced masters recommend to use the second option because, in their opinion, it is exactly lays down. You can work with a wide brush or roller.

While dresser or nightstand dries, prepare napkins for decoupage. Replace the thin images can be photographs, various printouts on the printer. Now we perform artificial aging. Metal scraper for dishes or sandpaper wipe messy paint. Then we coat with glue and pictures are putting a tree. Small brush with glue expels air and strengthen the region. When all tissues are glued, polished lacquer dresser left.

Decoupage kitchen units
Make this exclusive model of the kitchen units, you can use pieces of unnecessary wallpaper. Choosing the type of decoupage is determined from the work area. Do I need a continuous coating or may be dispensed by applying a partial elements on facades.
See also:We select the color of the sofa for interior
Operation starts with the preparation surfaces. As long as the ground dries out, think through a composition, napkins attach the desired size and shape. You can make or break the straight line edge special scissors. Impregnate drawings and applying glue to the surface to be decorated. Smoothes brush picture, remove the bubbles. To upgrade, you can use whole pieces of wallpaper. The final touch - painting. Strengthening solution should go through the whole area facades, not only on the picture.

Decoupage stool
Decorate the stool can be in any style. The main thing is the updated design fits into the overall interior room. This can be provence, vintage, newspaper machines or use fabric. Work should begin with a careful selection of colors. He shall not deviate from the basic background of the walls, headset or other dimensional furniture. Now print out the selected tissue pattern.
If there are cracks on the stool and burrs, they must be removed and smoothed with sandpaper. If the image transparent, the product can be painted. Moisten the wipes with water, cover and applies the adhesive to the surface. If you decide to use the wallpaper, the liquid they should hold longer, about 1 minute. Roller or brush buoyancy. Finally varnished.
Achieve maximum harmonic combination can be, if you do decoupage stool wallpaper that covered the walls in the room.

The use decoupage to decorate the bed
Coming into the nursery, adult bedroom, first striking the bed, and it was her pillow. This part of the bed, and will be the most successful for the application of the decor. For decoupage suit various inscriptions, flowers, vintage drawings. Toddler bed decorate fairy-tale characters, small animals, fish, pieces of cloth. All decorations should be chosen to match the interior of the primary colors. It should also be understood that all the wooden bed covered with polished surface and it will have to be removed. Get original effect can be worn, if you listen to the following guidelines when decorating:
- On top of the primer in the joints, sides, embossed pattern, apply a dark paint;
- These segments were then rub the wax and dye in a light tone;
- After drying, the top layer is removed it partially;
- Surface okleivayut napkins and varnish.

cabinet decoupage ideas
Transform the wardrobe of any size, you can use a variety of available tools. Suit cloth, color pictures, wallpaper and other paper items. Piece of furniture can be given a weathered look by using the technique of craquelure.
Napkins - the most suitable material for decoupage. Due to the thinning of paper can make a seamless transition to the total surface area. Better to choose a refined, romantic images in the style of Provence, vintage. Pastel tones create an unimaginable atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.
Decoupage wallpaper on the large surface of the cabinet, shelves better to do for beginners to masters. You can be completely paste over all the details, or use the ledges on the facades. The only problem - the need for stripping away outdated varnish. In addition to paper, you can use fabric elements, beads, sequins and other decorations.

Decoupage cloth furniture
An interesting trend - decoupage furniture fabric. At work, you can use any combination, to combine different themes and colors. Require all sorts of scraps, glue, lacquer, sponge and brush.
On clean furniture is usually applied PVA glue and special adhesive composition treated textile segments. Patches applied to the surface, is pressed against the sponge. If this round legs, the matter is necessary to wind a spiral. When all the pieces are glued, they should be sprinkled with additional adhesive through spray. The final touch - transparent coating.

Many people perceive furniture elements as permanent and not subject to change. They become rare, with the expectation of use for a long time. But enough to make skillful hands and a little imagination to turn ordinary wooden chairs, chests of drawers and cabinets in the work of art. Decorative decoupage technique is constantly being improved and updated with new ideas of modern masters. With an interesting hobby can quickly and drastically transform the situation.