Wickerwork - pretty ancient craft, by means of which produced a variety of household items. In large modern cities this vine to get problematic because many needlewoman went on weaving newspaper tubes, which, under proper skills, proper twisting, dyeing, outwardly indistinguishable from natural vines. With this affordable, cheap material to carry out various decorations for the interior, including a festive, decorative kitchen containers, toys and souvenirs.
- The history of weaving
Preparation newspaper vines
- How to twist the tube
- Adding color
- Methods of weaving technique
That weave of vines newspaper
- Decor for the kitchen: candy, bread baskets, etc.
- Openwork Easter decor
- Christmas decorations
- Weave vases
- Other decorative items
- conclusion
The history of weaving
In working with tubes newspaper uses the same methods as in the wickerwork, straw. Basket Weaving people did before they learned to handle the wood, metals. Made of a material basket for catching fish, simple pieces of furniture ancient dwellings, fences for small animals. In Russia, often trailed baskets for picking mushrooms and berries, large box, baby cot, bread bins and sandals. Also used and elm.

The first weave of the paper was invented in the eastern countries: China, India, Korea, when the paper ceased to be too expensive, and the vine - inaccessible for the urban dweller. In Europe, the former Soviet Union is a hobby has become popular recently, but has already won the hearts of many fans of hand-made. The main advantage of such a craft that weave out of paper tubes get even a child - they are more malleable than the vine, and not as brittle as straw.

Preparation newspaper vines
Material for netting must first prepare, require:
- newspaper or journal sheets;
- glue stick or PVA;
- knitting needle;
- scissors or a stationery knife;
- Acrylic paint or stain in the form of a spray;
- rubber or cloth gloves;
- Clear acrylic lacquer in the cartridge;
- corrugated or plain.

How to twist the tube
What you need to do to get "paper vine":
- newsprint cut into wide strips six to nine cm. - newspaper folded "accordion", cut along the folds;
- more dense sheet is wound on the knitting needle on a diagonal, starting from the corner;
- when the strip end, corner, smear glue and secure;
- one tip of the resulting tube will always be a little bit thicker than the other, which allows to increase the length to infinity by inserting a tube into the tube. If done correctly, mount out very strong, and the seam is not visible.

Adding color
Newspaper ducts can be painted in any color, but the most popular option - to paint, simulating a real vine. To box, box, basket or toy made of paper seemed "real" material for it color the alcohol or water stains. Stains, there are many shades - dark and light walnut, stained and bleached oak and rosewood, teak, pine, mahogany, larch, chestnut, cherry, alder, black wood.
See also:Decorative panel on the wall with his hands 75 photo

To obtain a uniform color, color is very fast - with a brush, sponge, spray or by immersion in a container of dye. Suitable colors are chosen empirically - different paper requires a different staining time. Dry the tubes vertically, inserting the jar or glass, spreading a thin mesh. After drying, the color varies slightly - if it is too pale, the details are painted again.

Stain newspaper pipes can be anything - brilliant green, iodine, hair dye, gouache, food dyes, acrylics. The color was bright, uniform, and newspaper text was not visible, tube color white or gray paint, and later - in any suitable color.
If the stain is too dark, it was diluted with water, and when the product is planned to be completely one color without contrasting inserts easier to paint once the finished design.

Methods of weaving technique
Weaving techniques of paper bars, there are many:
- simple - the work is done by one or two tubes, the envelope should be based on elements of each or one;
- spiral torsion - the subject gently encircle two twigs, slightly offset in each of the next row;
- layering or fabric - repeats the structure of the tissue, is best suited to create the product a round shape, the frame wrap around the front, then from behind;
- spiral - is made around the frame rods, the first row is performed at an angle of 45 degrees, the empty space at the bottom is filled later;
- Rope and "pigtail" - help to significantly strengthen the base to decorate the finished product in the vicinity of the bottom or top edge;
- tracery - the most complicated, here it combines various options - "checkerboard", braids, arc, harnesses and others.

That weave of vines newspaper
With proper treatment with varnish, PVA glue, newspaper design can gain strength sufficient for making relatively large objects. Paper tube braided with old furniture, are easy to make a home for a cat or small dog, Stand for potted plants, a basket for needlework, napkin on the table, interior or the whole figure "Sculpture". Cradle for the baby, table, chair, stellazhik under two years of a child's toy is also easy to perform from newspaper tubes - this will temporarily save on children's furniture.

Decor for the kitchen: candy, bread baskets, etc.
In the creation of the kitchen will also help comfort wicker gizmos. Production of candy, bread basket stands jars with spices, it starts from the bottom weave. It can be round, square or rectangular, openwork or solid.
See also:Knitted Home decor
How this is done in stages:
- to make the bottom of a dense, taken three tubes criss-cross them fit three. On the resulting structure is laid another cross mark crossing the bottom;
- should weave the two tubes that bend around each "twig" or two or three at once;
- in another embodiment the bottom is a preform of the two pieces of cardboard: one attached strut and the other located inside future bread bins or baskets;
- twigs longer, the greater will produce a product, but that it has a neat appearance, rice harvested in advance and is not built up in the process;
- candy to the future had a flat shape, entwine some capacity - bank, box, pot, also important to keep equal distances between the twigs;
- when the desired height - three to five cm. reached, the working bars are cut or bent to form a lace, basic - flattened, hide;
- candy is prepared, and in the same manner to make a bread box, is required to produce a base with high sides and a lid, the diameter of five to eight mm. more that it was easy to put on top.

The finished product is decorated with napkins to decoupage, stained, varnished.

Openwork Easter decor
The main attributes of Easter - Easter cakes, wreaths, eggs in the nests. An interesting idea for the decoration of the Easter table - chicken-basket. The basis of the weave of twigs 12-18, in any convenient manner, but when reached the required height, several tubes are cut off and hide. Of the remaining alternately formed head and neck of a chicken, its tail, the basket handle. If desired, a separate trailing wings and legs that stick in the appropriate places. To fasten the finished product beak, eyes, comb, and along a side basket - fine lace.

Eggs Wicker newspaper put in a basket, chicken, or used as an independent decoration. As a base used empty, but the whole shells of chicken eggs. Begin to weave a three to five twigs, bending them over each other. At the end of the twigs are cut and paint the egg.
If you attach to the finished egg legs, wings, eyes, beak, comb, get a cute chick.
Christmas decorations
New Year's holiday tree decorated with wicker. For her, the basis of need - a cardboard cone of appropriate size, which entwine in a spiral or braided fabric. After the product is painted in green color, glued with white lace, paper snowflakes, glitter, rain.
Wonderful Christmas ball and rolled from paper sticks. It is made of two halves obtained by braiding an appropriate balloon size. Connect them by inserting a rack of one half to the other. To obtain a clean ball, the shape it is given by hand. From top to do a loop for hanging, and then paint ball shiny paint from a container, tie a ribbon or paste over sequins, beads.
See also:Christmas Topiary own hands: home decoration for the holiday

In a similar way woven cone - it is shaped like a diamond. The basis for the New Year's bell will be a bell made of clay, cardboard and metal. The finished construction is also decorated bow, flower tissue, berries of polymer clay.
Weave vases
To create this vase for flowers, newspaper twigs entwine any suitable container - a bottle, a jar, a simple vase without decoration. Its weave simple cloth or spiral manner. At the end of the twigs are cut off, are fixed on the underside of adhesive, covered vase paints or varnish. If the bowl is large enough, for example, floor and foundation of her plan to take out, the structure additionally impregnated with PVA glue. The finished product is decorated with autumnal dried flowers, fresh flowers, butterflies, other finish of paper, colored ribbons.

Other decorative items
Decorate the hall housekeeper owl. Its basis will be the deep dish - first round woven standard "base" after half tubes are cut, and the remaining, criss-crossing the plate, forming a pocket. The contours of the pocket and the full range of base braided Bending "rod". After twisted twigs of the two eyes, a kind of "spectacles" around them, beak and branch on which sits like an owl. Thin wire forming the required number of hooks that are attached to the bottom edge of the article.

Figures of animals - is also very popular decor, especially for the children. Baskets for toys in the form of seals and swans, pencil holders, rabbits and lambs storage zakolochek original decorate a children's interior.
Flexible tubes of color easy to weave a set of toy furniture for a dollhouse, and a book laying out of four to six thin flattened tubes, intertwined with each other. Of tubes, painted in yellow paint, made frame for a mirror, as a ray of sunshine and umbrella stand - convenient and practical. If there are as many as the soles of old shoes, are "homemade sandals" on her high heels and woven shopping bag or clutch will add a simple image of summer - ornaments allowed any.

All products made from newsprint and magazine paper, afraid of water, deform, even at the minimum its impact, because they are not recommended for use in wet areas.

Original articles from newspapers, old magazines, made with his own hands, decorate the interior of any holiday - as a child and adult. Using simple techniques, based on the ancient art of basket weaving, even available for children, and is very detailed step by step master classes with circuits for beginners, easy to find on the Internet or in specialized literature on needlework. Abundance of all kinds of patterns allow to create unique masterpieces.