Crafts for the new year with his own hands 50 photo gift options

Established by Julius Caesar calendar to determine the beginning of the year from the first of January. When the Roman Empire, this day received its meaning, later evolved into the New Year holiday. With the spread of the Gregorian calendar of the countries, the celebration was popularized in many nations.

On the eve of all waiting for changes. They convince themselves that the coming year will be better. The New Years Eve want to believe in a fairy tale, dream about their secret desires. To this day are prepared, decorate the Christmas tree, pick up gifts. Not complete without a celebration and crafts. After a souvenir bought in the store, can not be compared with his own hand made, so such a present the most valuable.


  • Symbol of the year of felt
  • Ideas for creating candleholders
  • Christmas boots for gifts
  • Christmas sweets
  • decorative Christmas trees
    • From paper
    • of thread
    • Wild cones
  • Christmas wreaths
  • Fairy lights
  • Christmas decorations
    • From old light bulbs
    • cones
    • thread
  • volumetric snowflakes
    • From paper
    • Styrofoam
  • New Year's cards
  • Christmas Topiary
  • Options jewelry champagne bottle
  • conclusion

Symbol of the year of felt

Preparing for the celebrations begin in advance. A symbol of the coming 2019 - a pig, which, according to traditional characteristics, to bring good luck. On the feast is appropriate to prepare products corresponding to symbolic figures. As the base material for a toy selected thin felts (felts). Hand made earthen yellow pig made of felt will be a delightful gift of friends and relatives.

cut parts

For the manufacture of bulk pigs need a minimum of tools and raw materials. First of all you will need felt, constitute the "skin" (the outer shell), a filler (foam, wool, unwanted pieces of fabric), buttons to simulate the eye, thread for sewing crafts, patterns for scissors. Flat products require no fillers. Crafts can be made as a souvenir, trinkets, and even cover panels.

sew earssew hoofSew hind hoofSheathes and fills synthetic padding front legssew bodywe do snout

To make a pig, and at the same time it turned out beautiful, you will need to use templates. They are cut out of cardboard, by means of pins attached to the fabric used to make the preform. First, from the obtained crosslinked forms snout of the animal. To sew her eyes, ears, mouth, nose. The prepared product filled with a filler, desirably from syntepon or hollofaybera.

Thread embroider eyes and mouthSticking his head to the bodySticking hind legsSticking forelegssticking eyesPiglet of felt

Ideas for creating candleholders

In the New Year's Eve often turn off the light, leaving only a gleaming lights and the twinkling lights of candles. This creates an emotional atmosphere, bliss is achieved. But naked candle looks dull. In such a situation will help candlestick. From autographic products is the perception of warmth and comfort.

Christmas candle

Ideas to create candlesticks, and their frames, a lot. Consider some of them:

  • Restoration of the old factory goods. If the house were candlesticks transmitted generations, or once bought and forgotten, they can give a special appearance, resorting to the decor. The decorations can be used as fabric, tapes, wipes. They can be pasted jewelry, wrap a rope, attach the tape;
  • Wooden logs. If they make a hole for the candle, it will be a unique masterpiece of natural materials. The log can be used as a separate component, they can collect in the composition on supports decorating branches;
  • Glasses. A candle can be placed both inside and on its basis. They can be decorated with ribbons and lace, play with colors, rhinestones pasted, set in an interesting toy;
  • Fruits. In addition to aesthetic appearance, a candle will give a pleasant aroma.
Candles among cones

Christmas boots for gifts

The tradition originates from the legend of St. Nicholas, as he threw for Christmas through the chimney into socks three sisters in gold bullion. Boots should be hung by the fireplace, but it does not matter, they can be placed over a child's bed, under the spruce. Those who are well behaved during that year, will receive a gift.

Christmas boots for gifts

Christmas sock not only for gifts and sweets, above all it is an element of decor. Therefore, many options their manufacture. First, you must decide on the cloth to boot. Greater demand felt, fur, cotton. It occupies a special place knitted or stitched boots of leather.

By selecting the material and by matching Christmas boot, start decorating it. The décor is used embroidery, applique, patches, beads, ready mini toys, ribbons. Formation of the boot - creative work that can be practiced as a family.

Stockings on the fireplace

Christmas sweets

What is a celebration without a sweet treat. And yet, and beautifully decorated. Motives for decoration are chosen accordingly celebration. The traditional image of chocolate in the form of Santa Claus, twisted lollipops, chocolates on the Christmas tree - childhood memories of any parent. That same day, I want to convey the holiday spirit to children, who are also looking forward to the New Year, and just a gift they do not satisfy.

Christmas sweets

Various decorations made of candy. For example, you can bake the most ordinary cake, decorate it with candy in the form of snowflakes, to draw from cream or chocolate Christmas motif, beautifully packaged. Or to prepare cakes, drawing them in the form of a snowman. Cupcakes are well used to create a deer. Bake cookies in the shape of snowflakes and frost patterns.

See also:Christmas cards in 2019 with his own hands

If we use the imagination, you can even create entire compositions from sweets. It can be eaten from sweets, further decorated fabrics applique branches. Log house, it laid out pastry round, drizzled with white chocolate to simulate snow. As well turn out ships, bouquets of flowers, sled simulated fruits and many other crafts.

Cookies in the shape of hearts

decorative Christmas trees

Without the main symbol of the festival will not do. There will always be supporters of the traditional fir or pine in the house, but even they were not alien to make additional decoration in the form of a favorite tree. Crafts perform completely different sizes, the product can fit on a shelf or take the place of a standard attribute.

decorative Christmas trees

It is not possible to combine the expression of a variety of objects and materials from which to make an artificial fur-tree with his own hands. Pans very much. Used as raw materials, even plastic cups, glass jars. The most daring idea - to make an imitation of wood from the pods of hot pepper, beans, springs from an old bed, the spokes of a bicycle wheel, the horses' hooves, computer motherboards. A lot of options. Consider the most common ones:

The star on top

From paper

Paper Christmas tree - the most simple and a budget option. For the manufacture can take color, corrugated paper, use old books, newspapers, cardboard boxes. Images and inscriptions on the sheet does not play a special role. The finished product can be monotonous or colorful. When working with a herringbone pattern used all kinds of paper-handling: papier-mache, origami, collage, quilling, modeling, three-dimensional applications.

Christmas tree made of paper

There is a lot of master classes on making a paper Christmas trees. For example, in the manufacture of bulk products need a compass, which is drawn a circle on a piece of cardboard, scissors, glue, colored paper. Cardboard circle cut in half and rolled into a cone. The edges are glued together, can further hold them together using a stapler. Finished ground serves as a base for future toys, it can be applied fluffy spiral out of toilet paper beads, colored roses, twisted strips. Garnish with rain, ribbons, homemade toys.

Stars on Christmas trees

of thread

Make Christmas tree can be literally out of scrap materials. There are several ways to collect crafts. You will need construction paper or cardboard, scissors, glue, a set of thread and needles. mounting technique is as follows:

  1. Cone manufactured from a piece of paper or cardboard;
  2. Base oil cloth wrapped package or polyethylene;
  3. Smeared with glue thread randomly wound on the cone, starting from the bottom;
  4. At the final step be dried in crafts and remove paper base.
Christmas tree made of threads

To decorate a Christmas tree can be different components. Will fit all - candy colored cereals, colorful buttons, beads, beads, spangle, lace, paper snowflakes, rain various shades. To make the composition more original can be placed inside the lamp, lantern, light bulb.

The product is fragile, it should not be much load. It can have different heights, but the color version should be standard in shades of green. "

Christmas tree with balls

Wild cones

Cones have a solemn kind, but it is necessary to connect the imagination and to show a little ingenuity, as a natural material transformed into a luxurious fir. Make a decoration or holiday gift under the force of each. Find materials also will not be difficult, it is enough to go for a walk in the forest or city park land. Trees grow and near high-rise buildings, and buildings owned by the city authorities.

Simulated tree can consist of a single cone, mounted on the base (cork branch pot), or represent whole composition. To create a three-dimensional product, require spruce or pine cones, paint brushes, paint, glue, drive or cardboard for the base, decorating items.

Herringbone of cones

Before you begin, you must treat the bumps. So they were closed, they are coated with an adhesive, if necessary open - raw materials should be placed in the oven for a couple of hours, or cook them in boiling water for half an hour. Master class for creating the volume eaten is as follows: on the basis of the disk-shaped cut-out cardboard glued in a circle first row of cones, which consists of the largest shoots. The next series set more difficult, because there has to glue the cones with each other. This is a very laborious and long process, because until the previous coat dries, proceed to the next impossible. Rows are applied against each other, until you have a tip, where it is appropriate to look elongated bump with the sharp tip. Produced so herringbone paint and decorate. As the base, use cone and glue lumps directly thereto.

Christmas tree with balls

Christmas wreaths

Ancient Slavs and German tribes used this attribute as a guardian, placing it on the door at the entrance. There is a story about Hamburg Lutherans, who a month before the holiday wreath hung with disposed therein 28 candles. Over time, the wreath lost its symbolic purpose, become decorative elements.

See also:Decor bottles with their hands - 50 ideas

Christmas wreath

The material for the wreath can be spruce and pine branches, ribbons of different colors, Dried flowers, fabric, clothing, Christmas toys, jewelry, snowflakes with different shapes, cones, balls. To make crafts and all the staple need basis. For its creation, better to take a metal wire, aluminum is especially good. You can also use straw, cardboard, plastic, polystyrene foam as a base. Twisted wire must wrap round the newspaper or paper and secure thread. The finished base can be decorated with fir branches in different shades and add glass beads. How to decorate an object depends on the intent of the author of this attribute.

Hearts on branches

Fairy lights

One can not imagine New Year without garlands. They are elegant, bright, elegant. May be self-colored or multicolored, consist of paper, chocolates, yarns, fabrics, have a complex structure. Options for a variety of these elements of decor. As an example, consider a few original ideas.

Christmas garland
Name materials How to do
Balls of twine Balloons, glue, string, needle, LED festoon, cream, water Inflated balloons coated with cream. The glue diluted in water and soaked twine wound on the ball. After drying, the balloon burst and removed and placed into the light garlands.
edible bulbs Multi-colored sweets, marmalade or jelly, thread Jujube cut in the form of a small cap, and heated to the hot edge fastened round or oval candy. Then the resulting elements strung on a thread.
Garlands of salt dough Flour, dyes, tins, paint Flour and salt are mixed with water and filled with dye. The dough is kneaded, then it rolled and extruded molds figurines. A match or toothpick is a hole. Figures left to dry for a couple of days. Once dry the preform, they can decorate a brush, apply spangles. At the final stage the figures are strung on a thread.
Christmas trees on a string

Christmas decorations

The process of decorating the Christmas tree - a joyful event, in which all members of the family. For this purpose, glass toys, rain, garlands - that you can buy. But far more interesting dress crafts wood, made his own. This decor will be enjoyed by all members of the household, will create comfort. In order to create crafts for the New Year, you can use any improvised material.

Christmas decorations

Toys can be made from yarn. Simple crafts will provide a spectacular decoration. In just a few minutes of free hack is created from a wire. From herringbone ribbon formed and divided by the layers of beads. Knitted reindeer, folded card, paper ball, caps of thread - everything will be in place. Let us dwell on popular materials:


From old light bulbs

Useless at first glance, a light bulb, can be a good basis for the Christmas decorations. Painted object will be the perfect replacement of plastic balls. Be smart, can be made:

  • Snowman. This will require to paint a light bulb in a white color and draw on it a cheerful face. Then glued the nose, made of porcelain, salt dough. On crosslinked cap hangs from the fabric cover. If desired, it is possible to attach the hands of the ordinary wooden sticks or paper.
  • Santa Claus. All that is required, so it is to draw a characteristic face and suit, put on a cap, for the production of which will suit even the rolled paper tube.
  • Dog. Buttons on the base is glued or stone, imitating the nose, around using the yarn or thread is a furry muzzle. Next, glued eyes, eyebrows and mouth. Top you can wear a beautiful hat.
Toys from the old bulbs

From light bulbs come good imitation of the original glass toys, whether it is the Snow Maiden, a bee or a bag. "

Angel with wings


Cones may act as toys additions, or become the basis for many Christmas crafts. Door, shelf, box too well decorated with scenery of this raw material. Walking down the street and collect the necessary material, you can safely get to work, but first they need to sort out and process.

Toys from cones

When creating products need cones, items for decoration and fantasy. From blanks can make merry dwarfs, penguin family, birds, hedgehogs, elves, squirrels, foxes, mice, butterflies, bees, owls, skiing snowmen, angels, and many other characters. Of the cones can be made garlands, stars for the Christmas tree, a miniature holiday tree, ball, or just paint and used as a separate element of the decor.



Crafts you can do of the most common threads. They make unique beads, stars, Christmas trees, various flat decorations, which are optionally crosslinked. To create enough toys readily available materials, which is in the house - the thread, glue, scissors, needles.

Toys made of threads

Work with pictures must start with a template. He cut out of cardboard or heavy paper, after they applied a sketch of the future product. With templates you can begin to translate design. For this purpose the substrate stencils laid and secured thereto by needles located in all corners. Further, the adhesive is poured in any convenient container, it can be diluted, if necessary. Thread dipped in a container of the diluted liquid, they are given a soak. The wetted filament is stretched between the needles chaotic manner. All the product is almost ready. It only remains to dry naturally or artificially, carefully separated from the substrate and allow to dry the back side. Homemade products can be decorated with sequins, jewelry, rain, ribbons.

See also:Articles made of stones and sea pebbles


volumetric snowflakes

Snowflake - traditional decoration. This is one of the first craft, which the child performs at New Year. Standard attribute of decorating the windows in the kindergarten and school. Without them, hard to imagine a holiday.

volumetric snowflakes

Simple products can do. Volumetric snowflakes more difficult to manufacture, though the materials used to create them, the same as for the flat. They look spectacular. Created a miracle of a different material, they can be woven from elastic bands, made of fabric, filling a cotton filler wrap surround carcass threads. Consider the most common options for the manufacture of Christmas decoration elements:

snow crystals

From paper

Paper - the most suitable material for creating snowflakes. At its manufacturing can be used for landscape, newspaper, cardboard sheet. The simplest scheme for bulk crafts - accordion. To create such an element requires two paper sheet. The work begins with the folding bellows material. Then using a pencil on compressed sheets middle notes. Departing from her for a couple of centimeters on each side, make notes for the cuts, as well as marked rounding sharp corners. Cutting the marked places scissors, gently concertina give birth ends into each other to connect the first apertures and threads. To bring the product until it is ready, it remains only to stretch and glue the resting places of two sheets.

Snowflake made of paper

Interesting in its structure 3D snowflakes. Patterns for an element can be different. They can be executed by applying the cut blanks to each other or glue of chopped leaf of colored stripes. The finished product is decorated with sequins.

winter feather


The foam is available in every home, in extreme cases, it can be purchased. Material popular in needlework. To make him a snowflake, will need pencil drawing sketch, stationery sharp knife, glue. The main condition for getting started - the existence of the template. It can draw on their own, sketch to download from the internet.

Snowflake from foam

The cut paper of a stencil is applied to the workpiece foam in which the image is transferred pencil. You can then start to work, the first cut off the edges, and then make accurate cuts. The finished crafts can be smeared with glue and sprinkle with salt, such steps will allow it to reflect light overflow. Place of work must always lay a cloth, otherwise the foam will spread throughout the house.

Ice crystals

New Year's cards

Create a Christmas mood is very simple. It is enough to give a friend or relative original postcard made independently. Children especially like to make such gifts to their peers in kindergarten. Inside often write wishes, do pull-down figures.

New Year's cards

Ordinary postcard can be done without much effort, enough to fold a sheet of paper in half and draw on it some ornaments. But Christmas crafts - it is something more. To create them fit with the soul. To do this, come up with different decorations: decorated with appliqués product glued different origami, creating 3D compositions which appear at its best when opening, use Kvilling, textiles sheathe elements.

Snowman on a postcard

Christmas Topiary

Topiary is represented by a beautiful homemade tree planted in a pot. This is especially interesting artifact. As with the original plant, it consists of a stem and crown. Additional attributes are the scenery and the pot, constituting the product base. Topiary is created as follows:

  • It all starts with the basics. The vase decorated of poured alabaster solution and allowed to harden;
  • Trunk. As raw materials will fit the natural threads, wire, plastic. It is installed in a pot with yet unhardened solution and fixed;
  • Crown. Made of paper (ideal for simulating tree), thread, foam, foam. Is attached to the trunk;
  • Decor. These are all the elements that give the original look of hand-made article.
Christmas Topiary

Options jewelry champagne bottle

In such a festive day everything has to be compelling. This also applies to the table on which the main role is assigned to a bottle of champagne. It can be pasted stickers New Year, after removing the label. Good will look sparkling wine set in a basket, which is decorated with flowers, balloons, snowflakes, ribbons, chocolates.

Decor champagne bottle

Interesting ideas quite a lot: bottle wrapped corrugated paper, tied with ribbons, decorated with balloons, flowers; container wrapped in the felt red, supplemented with decorations, turns in a Santa Claus; Champagne can be pasted rain, attach the jewelry and make it a New Year's fur-tree.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka


Christmas crafts - a creative process in which all family members can participate. Made by hands the most valuable jewelry. They always will delight children and adults. There is a limitless number of decorative elements and materials to create them.