Kitchen shelves - a stylish and functional decor. If you previously used mainly headset with closed cabinets, the currently in vogue open storage systems that look original and fresh. They are arranged not only the necessary utensils, but also decorative objects: plates on trays, vases, cups, pots, cutting boards, and even books. The idea of using decorative shelves in the kitchen belongs to Americans, although European housewives are not averse to decorate your home with this piece. Open storage systems can make your own hands, while still saving on materials due to the lack of doors and opening mechanisms. Consider a series of master classes to create a beautiful decor.
- The role of decorative shelves
- Determine the size and structure
- The material and design of the shelves
Master classes on manufacture of shelves with their own hands
- Shelf plasterboard
- Shelves made of plywood (MDF)
- Shelves made of natural wood
- Shelves made of chipboard
- Master shelf of ice cream sticks
- Shelf of the cable channel
- Hanging shelves and fastening methods
- Creating a shelf of wooden boxes
- Master butylochnitsy
- conclusion
The role of decorative shelves
Kitchen decorative shelves have several advantages:
- Such a functional piece looks great in a long and narrow rooms. For parallel layout is used only open storage system, as with doors drawers will "hang" above the mistress, creating a sense of clutter space.
- Undoubtedly, decorative shelf, made by his own hand - a great way to stay within a tight budget.
- Filling the shelves can be quite varied. Here you can put utensils, which is not enough space in the cabinets or place the decoration items, giving a special charm to the kitchen environment and comfort. Decorative design usually portable and easily dismantled if required.
- Shelves are harmoniously combined with high Tecom, country, minimalist, Scandinavian and classical styles. This interior element is universal. If he make of precious wood, varnished or thread, you get an exquisite kitchen decoration. Branshirovannye shelves from old pallets, carelessly covered with bright paint, will fit perfectly into a number of rustic (Provence, Russian).
- The contents of the shelves is in "walking distance", ie a plate or spoon to take easier than from the cabinet. This greatly simplifies workflow and minimizes the time required.
Of course, the owners face and difficulty. For example, the contents of the shelves will be covered in the accelerated mode grease and dust. Regular cleaning will have to be held more frequently, and on jewelry made from fabric - refuse. Open storage is not always possible to integrate into the interior of small kitchens, which are already furnished.

Professional designers find the optimal combination of open shelves or closed cabinets in the kitchen. Both storage systems are complementary.

Determine the size and structure
Before you begin to create the decor, it is necessary to determine the three important aspects:
- Location.
- The size.
- type of construction.
- content features.

As for location, the shelves are not recommended to be installed near the stove or sink. In the first case, the content will still be covered by a layer of fat faster. Moreover, regardless of drawing power. In the case of washing the close proximity of the problem will splatter. If you hang a shelf high above the sink, the water is not exactly reach. Depending on the location of the shelves are classified into three types:
- Wall.
- Desktop.
- Floor (racks).

Separately, the corner shelves - the best option for close cuisine which saves space. The simplest design - rectangular. By the complex include stacked and shaped, built-in plasterboard box. By type of construction shelves can be open or closed. Second Embodiment rather refers to lockers. Upcoming structures can be simple or complex (retractable, light, sliding, spinning). Also shelves are classified into many types depending on whether they are designed for some content. For example, there are wine, tableware, a TV set, only decorative. Size affect the functionality of the space, and presumably the amount of content.
See also:Dimensions dishwashers: compact and built-in models

The material and design of the shelves
The cheapest and most accessible material for beams shelves - wood. You can purchase a pair of boards or dismantle old furniture. Beautiful "source" of the material will become pallets - pallets construction designed for heavy loads. Of these, by the way, not only construct the shelf, but also beds, coffee tables and chairs. A little easier would look storage of derivatives of wood (particleboard, MDF). On the strength they also concede. Rungs made of glass - perfect for the kitchen in the style of high-tech or minimalism. Drywall constructions can be given complex, the original forms that make kitchen shelves accentual decor. Also a big role in the design element plays a mount. With the help of metal cables, ropes, straps create a stunning overhead shelves, floating in the air. Standard, attached to the wall, too, decorate the wrought-iron or wooden support.

Master classes on manufacture of shelves with their own hands
Before you begin, you must create a project and to determine the place of accommodation shelves, its shape, size and design type (choose the attachment). Be sure to take into account the peculiarities of stylistic solutions cuisine. Modern glass shelf with the metal fixings will look ridiculous and out of place in a classic or rustic interior. Consider a series of master classes to create decorative storage.
Shelf plasterboard
For plasterboard work required:
- Shears for metal.
- Puncher.
- Knife for drywall.
- A plumb and level.
- Screwdrivers.
- Pencil, compass, measuring tape.
- Dowels and screws.
- Guiding profile, suspensions, corners.

For decorating the shelves need a trowel, putty and paint, wallpaper, plaster (depending on design variant). All the work is divided into the following stages:
- Training. layout drawing of the wall of measurements using a plumb, level, tape measure and pencil.
- Installation of the foundations of the framing profiles (Angular guides) using a knife, metal, screwdriver, screws and dowels.
- Trimming the drywall. Installation of prepared sheets.
- Masking the joints with the help of putty.

Quits dressing. The easiest option - painting. Plasterboard is convenient because its surface can be adapted and combined with any finish. As a result, the regiment and the wall will look like a single unit. If you plan on placing heavy objects (TV or microwave oven), it will often have the attachment and use drywall thickness not less than 1.6 cm.
Shelves made of plywood (MDF)
The preform is next shelf is most easily done from a sheet of cardboard or hardboard. It is applied to plywood and is outlined on the edge of a pencil. Then, the shelf elements cut out. The back of the rack cut slots for fixing. Then collect shelf, fastening elements by glue and screws. The face ends of MDF paste decorative ribbon of veneer. Itself shelf varnish or stain. After drying, the composition of a storage system is fixed to the wall.

Shelves made of natural wood
Shelves made of natural wood mounted on the same principle as the construction of the MDF. Stylish addition to the country or eco design of the kitchen will raspolovinennogo logs instead of beams and thick forked branches as support. You can use the boards of the pallet. Pallets simply disassembled into components. The main thing that the pallets were still strong without Gniltsy. Their surface would have to be further processed, either remove the old layer of thick timber or branshirovat (clean the surface along the grain, giving the tree the original invoice). If you tinker with the disassembly no desire, the pallets can be used in its entirety. For example, for the hinged shelf tray simply fix "front" side of the wall, so that the internal crossbar formed shelves. Decor looks so pretty rough, but perfectly combined with the style of the country. Also, the pallet can be dismantled only partly. Loosened boards used as horizontal shelves and fix them on the pallet frame via screws.
See also:Kitchen design in a rustic style - interior design with photos

Shelves made of chipboard
For kitchen shelves selected particular type of chipboard sheets which are coated with a special moisture-proof film. It protects material from aggressive microclimate premises. The main question that arises before the master with the manufacture of the shelves - method of joining structural members together. Method only three:
- By means of wire holders.
- With pegs and glue.
- Using turnbuckles (Trapped inserts).

The rest of the work with the DSP does not differ from the production of MDF shelves. The ends of the elements after the construction of the installation will also have to decorate veneer tape, masking unsightly sections.
Master shelf of ice cream sticks
For manufacturing shelves need:
- Ice cream sticks.
- Varnish or stain.
- Clay and bristles.
- for decor elements (twine, burlap, silk ribbon).

Despite the apparent fragility of the sticks for ice cream, you can build a strong enough shelf. First, the design configuration defined. Material allows to produce complex shapes for the shelf. The first series of rods must fully follow the contours of the future construction. Their tips bonded together with an adhesive. The rounded end of the previous stick is applied to the subsequent, after which the geometric shape "short." assembly method is somewhat similar to the construction of Russian log home where the logs are placed overlapping. Rows spread alternately, still fixing glue sticks. The height of the "wall" and is wide rungs shelves. After assembling the cover structure stain, lacquer, and then decorate. Now you can rack to hang on the wall. It is worth noting that the storage system has a purely decorative function and is not designed to accommodate heavy objects. On this shelf you can put a glass bowl with dried flowers or a bowl on a stand. On increasing the strength is not intended shelf.
Shelf of the cable channel
The shelves of the cable channel are pretty unusual. Supernarrow designs are ideal for storing small jars with spices. Thanks to the cable channel can build a practical organizer and classify their holdings of spices. structure manufacturing method is very simple. First on the cable channel, take notes along the length of beams and uprights. From the elements, which will host bottle, cut off by a small strip with lateral edge. So it will be easier to put the jars, if a crossbar often. The two lower element can be left in complete set. Then, the side of each cross incision. Its pushed onto the groove on the vertical column (the lid the cable channel). In this way, fix all the crossbar. The shelves of the cable channel are good because they do not deteriorate from moisture, as is often the case with wood. Material does not care what the temperature is in the kitchen and how much moisture has settled on the surface.

Hanging shelves and fastening methods
Hanging shelves - an unusual, beautiful decor. They are only in modern style can be used. The spokes are made of wood, glass, metal. MDF and particleboard manufactured more traditional shelves model. The most unusual of the whole structure - the way of fastening bars. It is not necessary to connect them to the ceiling. Suspended shelves may be fastened to the top board, which in turn rests, for example, to cover the two cabinets. Secure the shelf and can be on the wooden "cornice" nailed to the wall. It fixed the ends of ropes or straps. In addition to the stylish appearance of the shelves have high functionality at any moment to them, you can add or remove unnecessary crossbar that is going to design the constructor. The most popular type of fastening - cable rope. It is combined with wood and is suitable not only for sea or beach decor. Rope ropes look appropriate with the Scandinavian eco style, Provence, country and even high Tecom. As a suitable fixing and old, but still strong straps. Ropes sometimes fastened to the side of each cross, but it is much safer to thread them in specially prepared holes. Shelves like "strung" on the rope, adjusting and fixing the height of their location with the help of nodules.
See also:Kitchen in a modern style: design examples

Creating a shelf of wooden boxes
Shelves and shelves of wooden crates collected by a simple algorithm:
- Packagings treated cloth to remove the dusty, dirty topsheet.
- The surface is coated with varnish or waterproof paint.
- Then, the boxes connected to each other via the corners with screws, clips or even stationery conventional gums.
Because containers can be stacked shelves or towers-fix their bottoms on the walls alone, making the original composition. If the box is too large, the middle is attached additional bar. Original addition to modern kitchen becomes asymmetrical arrangement of shelves of box, which is placed both vertically and horizontally.

Master butylochnitsy
Butylochnitsy - special shelves for storing the glass and plastic containers, preferably with liquids. Cargo, as they are called, is mainly made of thick wire. It is a mistake to say that butylochnitsah store only wine. They are suitable for containers with oil, vinegar, alcohol, sauces, for jars with cereals. The kitchen set such storage systems are usually built in one of the cabinets. If butylochnitsa the kit is not included, it can be purchased separately or make their own hands. Sold mainly wire products. However, in addition to cargo found wood, metal, wicker, plastic and even glass butylochnitsy. The easiest way to make a shelf-rack of multiple boards or plywood. The rungs are provided with bumpers with special notches (under the bedplate and neck), or a cut sheet of particleboard round holes. Butylochnitsu can be built out of the box, where part of the contents will be stored in a horizontal position, while the other - in the vertical. Bumpers are made of metal rods. Bottles are stored even in the logs, which cut "hollow" under the container. Suspended cargo is very concise. For this design only two modules with metal hooks, which play a supporting role for the bottle. one is another option: a double rail with through-holes for the necks. The bottles do not fall out of the holder, threaded neck in two circles, which are securely fixed container.

Open shelves in the kitchen will not only be stylish complement to the interior, but also a great incentive for the hostess contain utensils in perfect order, for now, the chaos will become the property of "the public", ie guests, Newbie to the cup tea. In modern homes are increasingly the entire upper part of the kitchen units are replaced on the shelves system. Thanks to this solution, rooms are visually more. A furniture sets are gradually moving to the status of "outdated version". The kitchen is no longer a room exclusively for food preparation. This room is also in need of decorations.