The podium in the interior: zoning, bed and other 50 ideas in the photo

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High style, extravagance, luxury - these associations is only one mention of the word "podium". Architectural element, which in ancient times was decorated with ancient temples and royal palaces, today moved to private mansions and ordinary, typical apartment. Of course, modern interior podium in more laconic predecessors, but its functionality is only increased. He enriches the living space and gives him new and sometimes unexpected opportunities. Structurally podium represents a specific elevation of the floor area or otherwise platform. To create it using concrete blocks, wood, expanded clay lightweight concrete and other building materials. With the right design registration, podium fits well into the interior of the living room, bedroom, kitchen, modifying and decorating them.


  • Kinds
    • zoning
    • Storage
    • Way to hide communications
  • Ideas for the location and use of
    • The apartment-studio
    • The studio apartment
    • In the living room
    • In the children's
    • In the bedroom
    • In the bathroom
    • The kitchen-dining room
  • Bed-podium
  • Classification
    • Advantages and features of beds on the hill
  • their own hands
  • conclusion


Depending on its use, the podium in the interior can be functional, technical or decorative. This three basic types, each of which solves a specific problem. An idea of ​​the classification table will help.

View placement frame material material finish
Functional Living room Air blocks carpeting
Decorative Bedroom planed timber Particleboard
Technical bathroom Metal Ceramic tile
The interior with a podium

All the more common and versatile design. They combine all the advantages and capabilities of their "competitors". But whatever role was playing the podium, he inevitably attracts glances. It simply requires it to be beautiful. Thanks to cutting-edge and traditional finishing materials, you can create elevation in any style, from intricately baroque to fine-coarse loft. Detailed information about each is shown below.

Mural in the bedroomShelves on the wall above the bedBed with upholstered headboardSuspended seat in the nurseryThe projector on the ceiling


Decorative catwalks not only serve to decorate the room, but also for its visual separation of functional areas. They are also used to change the proportions of the rooms, creating visual effects. For example, it helps to "push" the wall, "lift" ceiling, visually increasing the entire space or individual areas. With the help of a decorative platform focus on interesting subjects, or, conversely, distract attention from problem areas.

Zoning of the interior with the help of the podium

Decorative podium height can be small - only a few centimeters. This option is suitable for rooms with low ceilings.

Otherwise, the sense may be, that the ceiling hangs too low, resulting in discomfort. If the room configuration allows, you can build and half-meter platform, which can be the main piece of furniture and at the same time emphasize the unconventionally high ceilings.

The partition between the bedroom and living room with computer deskKitchen and dining room on the podiumLiving room with niches in the wallGlass coffee table by the couchInterior with shelves along the wall


Podiums are a great alternative to sliding-door wardrobe and a mezzanine. Forming inside a sealed space, they are ideal for storing clothes, pastel accessories and other things. The default locations for the functional arrangement of the platforms are:

  • seating;
  • bedrooms;
  • children's;
  • kitchen;
  • balconies.
The interior with a podium for storage

A classic example of the functionality - bed-podium. Using it in the little Khrushchev, at the same time get a spacious wardrobe, a comfortable work desk and a spacious bed. A significant part of the apartment, however, remains free, the effect disappears cluttering and littering. Using the platform as storage of household goods - a marked increase in usable space. Another option - is set above the main zone of the interior, for example, on top of a TV set with columns. The internal space is filled with neat household things to the same stacked cables.

A bed with a headboard made of woodBranch with flowers on the wallShelves around the bedThe interior in the style of a loftBed by the window

Way to hide communications

Creating the interior decorative and functional runways, usually guided only by desire. While the arrangement of technical podiums in many cases is the only way to hide objects that spoil the interior.

See also:Compact furniture-transformer

Under elevations especially convenient to hide a variety of technological elements, including electric wires and pipes. This is a great option for older homes, where the communications system is particularly stand out from the crowd and can ruin even the most stylish interior.

Moreover, the creation of the podium is much cheaper than the radical reconstruction of the premises with the replacement of unsightly nodes of water supply and sewerage. The usual place setting camouflage platforms are kitchens and bathrooms, through which several pipes. The need to hide the cables can be in any room. Therefore the technical podium, despite its ordinary purpose, must also be aesthetically pleasing. This will allow it to perform parallel and decorative function: to give the room a modern look and personality.

Masking communications using the podium in the bathroom

Ideas for the location and use of

The apartment-studio

The apartments, studios and designers especially often use multifunctional podium, which simultaneously serve for storage, and to mask the wires, and zoning. With catwalks sleeping area separated from the work or dining. Originally looks on a low dais kitchen area. Welcome smooth and glossy surface monophonic tone. To maintain the style of techno and minimalism. If the studio area is small, the high podium raised work area with a desk and shelves for books. The recess is placed podium sliding bed. Since high podium will need to build a ladder. Its stages are placed drawers, which can contain as bedding, as well as CDs, documents, first aid kit. If space is sufficient, settling 2-3 podium that allows you to select all of the functional areas is convenient and beautiful.

The podium in the interior of the studio apartmentA table with a chair on the podiumBrick walls in the interiorThe partitions between the kitchen, living room and bedroomLaminate in the form of boards on the floorThe headboard of a large mirror

The studio apartment

The specifics of one-room apartment is the need to create conditions for sleep, work and reception in the same room. Problem is solved by a high platform, decorated in oriental style. It will replace and a sofa for guests and a bed for the hosts. Characteristic features of this design:

  • pillows and blankets in colorful covers;
  • carpet covered with a fringe;
  • drawers;
  • decorative elements with ornament.

A long, narrow room, a small round catwalk beautiful bisect. Another option - to set the rise up against the narrow wall, but not near the window. The room will be much more comfortable. For square rooms suitable for narrow and tall podiums, in which a storage space. Comfortable and built to be a bed that did not have to carefully refilled every morning and before the arrival of guests.

Podium in a studio apartment

In the living room

If the living room there are families with young children, guest area is raised on a platform and game - settling on the floor. This solution is convenient for both kids and their parents. A similar version of delight for lovers of dance. On the podium in the living room looks organically:

  • Piano;
  • home theater;
  • sofa;
  • dinner table.

The upper level with a sofa or table becomes the ideal space for relaxing and peaceful communication. If the podium is used as a kind of support under plasma panel and speakers in its cavities perfectly hides all cables and adapters. Due to this, the technical details will not spoil the impression, and the interior will appear in front of guests in all its glory. Creating the podium in the living room, take into account that he will focus on the attention, so think through every detail, including the color of trim or drapery.

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Podium in the living room

In the children's

room design for children is created in accordance with their age needs. Most attention is paid to security issues. It is desirable that each element of the interior contributed to the development of children, and the atmosphere in general was the most comfortable. For twins settling the podium, the top of which is a place for learning, but inside - two beds. On a low podium is possible to arrange a play corner. Place for toys will drawers, "hidden" inside. For older children, the podium can serve as a large table with bookshelves. Interesting design solution for a boy older than 5 years - high two-story podium. On the first floor is a dressing room with clothes, and the top - a bed with boards. With this design a child's room is a lot of space for outdoor games.

Podium in the nursery

In the bedroom

Many people in the childhood formed the image of a bed worthy of princesses and queens. It definitely stands on the dais, and to go to bed, you must climb the stairs of the podium. Luxury canopy that hides a spacious bed, adds to the mystery. Due to the podium ceremony of the daily bedtime acquires an aura of solemnity and importance. On the near-wall catwalk looks great make-up table with a mirror. A good idea would be to pick a mirror, repeating the shape of the podium. Of course, the use of such a large and complex designs like the podium, should not simply be a tribute to fashion. It should be dictated by the urgent need to improve the living space for themselves and their families.

Podium in the bedroom

In the bathroom

Classic design option - a bath built into the podium with steps. It looks beautiful and solemn, but requires measures to ensure safety. Anti-skid will feel more confident. Technical podium in the bathroom is designed to hide the pipe. To have access to key communications nodes, the podium is equipped with doors. In private homes risers can not be placed in the bathroom, and in other areas. The very same bath is often installed in the center, which creates difficulties in sewage disposal. The ascent to the podium bath helps to remove this problem and ensure proper draining. To the podium in parallel with its technical function, additionally zoned space, use tiles of different shades. The bright colors and trim the walls and floor, and lay out the podium darker tiles. Multi-level backlight makes the interior a richer and more comfortable, even more will attract attention to such an original subject.

The podium in the bathroom

The kitchen-dining room

Whether to use the podium in the kitchen-dining room, it is directly dependent on its plan. The large space is necessary zoning. On the podium mounted bar with a pair of chairs. Given the severe pressure, it is advisable to choose for the kitchen (and bathroom) monolithic podium. The room is medium in size elevates dining area, separating it from working.

For a better indication of the limits between the contrasting colors used functional areas. A bold idea - the kitchen in the style of high-tech in black and white.

For its realization the floor spread a snow-white tiles, and the podium - black. At a considerable height ceilings, elevated platform tolerate pantry with household utensils, which does not fit into the existing interior. Inside - drawers for detergents. This decision will help to maintain perfect order in the kitchen and will emphasize its individuality.

Podium in the kitchen-dining room


Contemporary bed-podium can become the core design bedrooms, around which will line the entire interior. Another Japanese discovered the convenience of multi-tier place to sleep. It was the first time they have seen in the space under the mattress suitable place where you can lay down a variety of things, from everyday clothes, to weapons and jewels. Today, bed-podium traditionally provide additional storage space. They transform the room visually and give it a new, more harmonious proportions and shape. When planning the purchase of such an important piece of furniture, with all the serious approach to the process of their choice. With the interior of the podium beds, their advantages and classification will help to create a pleasant environment for rest and sleep.

See also:Decor a coffee table with his hands

Bed-podium in the interiorPalma in the bedroomWalls with holesA large mirror on the floorPodium and a headboard made of woodThe shelves above the desk with the computer


Despite the diversity of design performance, bed-podium structurally divided into two main categories: a bed with a sleeping place, located on the podium and pull-out beds located inside. Classification podium beds of functional features in many respects similar to the conventional classification of podiums. They are also divided into:

  • functionality;
  • engineering;
  • decorative;
  • complementary.
The podium in the interior of the bed

Functional frame structures with a mattress on top of the podium supplemented internal storage system, e.g., in the form of drawers. In general, for the bed-podium inherent versatility. The sleeping area is easily transformed into a place of work or relax with comfortable seating and hard surfaces, where you can put your laptop or put a cup of tea. There are special boxes for cables.

Sofa-bed in the bedroomBlack carpet on the gray floorShelf under the bedLight furniture in the nurseryThe headboard of the boards

Advantages and features of beds on the hill

Bed-podium - functional, practical, good save heat in the winter, and in summer - cool, which makes the dream a strong and pleasant. Among the main features:

  • Zoning space;
  • correction proportions of the room;
  • careful storage of things;
  • room decoration.
Bed on a hill

Upon visual change in space show excellent self-bed catwalks not rectangular or square, and circular and oval. This piece of furniture does not occupy the area of ​​the apartments in vain, and on the other hand, allows a limited private land to restore complete order and later easily maintain it.

The tree in the interior of a bedroomBedroom with lilac interiorBrown paneled wallsThe windows on the wall in the bedroomUnusual lighting in the interior

their own hands

Assemble the bed-podium can be their own hands, even with no experience of similar work. Given the height of the ceiling and floor space, calculates the optimal height of the podium, its dimensions. The weight load on the floor to be within 600 kg per sq. m. creates drawing showing all the structure elements, each including a box. Stepwise creation instruction bed with dimensions of 2 m (width) 1.5 m (depth) 0.5 m (height) comprises the following steps:

  1. Using small bars (50/50) is constructed frame, leaving a gap between joists and a wall approximately 2 cm for laying insulation.
  2. Constructing vertical racks (supports).
  3. Fix the upper struts and joists.
  4. Sheathe a front and upper portion of the carcass chipboard sheets 15-18 mm thick.
  5. Set of covers for boxes hinges and drawers themselves.
  6. The final lining of the podium carpet.
  7. Installation of the mattress.

This is only one embodiment of the hundreds of other, more complex self-assembly. To get the best results, select only high-quality materials and perform all calculations with maximum accuracy.

Bed-podium with his own hands


Venturing to this step, as the installation of the podium, you need to anticipate what would happen in the end. If earlier, undertaking repairs, could be faced with a variety of surprises, now three-dimensional modeling computer programs allow you to see the result coming in the details. Due to the desire to improve the interior, to implement the most daring and original design ideas. Podiums in the interior of modern apartment - is not the usual craze. With their help, using the full potential of the available space. In place of the standard solutions come individual, and each person gets the opportunity to equip your home to fit your personal needs.