Most of the furniture is made of the typical standards. But the size of a kitchen table and a headset often do not coincide with the wishes of the owners of apartments. To choose a suitable option in the first place affected area of the premises. Necessary piece of furniture does not occupy much space, it is necessary to leave sufficient space for free movement, opening doors, drawers. To choose the right table in the kitchen, many factors must be considered.
- The shape of the kitchen table
standard dimensions
- Height
- Width
- Depth
How to choose
- material articles
- number of legs
- design table
- conclusion
The shape of the kitchen table
The classic version - table rectangular object. It can be positioned anywhere in the room, move up to the wall, window, left in the middle. Significantly save the kitchen area of a square table. If a small family, it can be pushed into a corner, that will release the room to accommodate other useful items. At the time of eating a square table, you can move away from the walls and behind it, with ease, accommodate for 4-and humans.
Tables semicircular shape suitable for small kitchens, which area is less than 6 m2. Pushed against the wall of the subject will allow to sit quietly for the whole family. The spacious rooms it is located at the center than create a special atmosphere and emphasize the wealth.
Round table top allows you to accommodate more people than the standard rectangular version. No sharp corners will be by the way, if children are present. The special shape allows to use comfortably only small models as bulky tables will be uncomfortable and make it difficult to communicate sitting opposite each other people.

standard dimensions
Dining tables often have a standard height. This index is composed of the conventional medium of human growth - 165 cm. If the size is not suitable, the issue can be solved by buying a certain height chairs. To the location of the people at the table was the most convenient, it is necessary to calculate the landing area at each sitting. Only in this case will not have to push the neighbor's elbow during meals or far-reaching for bread or salt shaker.

The kitchen table one spends enough time, so this piece of furniture should be perfect settings. Incorrectly selected height would create difficulties during the meal cooking, discomfort while taking food. On a low table will have to bend, but for a high seat will be tedious.
See also:We make a dining area in the kitchen

Standard height dining object regulates GOST 13025.3-85. The distance from the floor to the top of the countertop - 71-78 cm. This option can be selected individually, depending on the destination table. Furniture for food intake may be lower than normal, because this process is sitting. Table cooking must be much higher.
To decorate the kitchen interior also use tables of attached type, various sliding design. This is the lowest version with minimal functionality. The height may be different, but this option does not stand out from the crowd. Auxiliary mobile tables transformers must be less than 10-20 cm core countertop to provide an additional four, six seats.

Standard table width to accommodate 4-6 people - 70 x 110 cm. The problem with guest places will help to solve a special folding model is added to one side of 30-40 cm. According to experts, one person should be allocated space at the table for at least 0.6 m. This width is sufficient for a relaxing and comfortable stay in the family.

The width of the table determines the total area of the premises and the number of households. Measured value in the cross section of the subject. Standard sizes tabletops for different number of people as follows:
- At the 4th and human - 120 x 80 cm;
- At the 6-Th persons - 150 x 90 cm;
- At the 8-NIL persons - 200 x 110 cm;
- At 10-Th Reviews - 260 x 110 cm.

The standard depth for one sitting -. 0.4 m If the table is located in the middle of the room, then this value add an additional 0.2 m. It is the best solution, considering that the dishes with bread and salad bowls put on the middle table. Dining object set over the wall must have a depth of not less than 0.5 m. Table with impressive dimensions and equilateral landing may have a depth of 1 m.
The approximate area of knowledge standards, accounting for one person, will help to calculate the depth of the individual parameters. For round and oval tables, it is important to determine the diameter of the circle, to comfortably accommodate guests against each other. To do this, the average width should be multiplied by the projected number of seats.
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How to choose
Creating the interior of the kitchen, you need to pay special attention to the choice of the dining table. He can not hold more than a third of the space, followed by all members of the household should be easily located. This type of furniture should be fully consistent with the overall interior room, in harmony with the decoration and textiles in color and form. The dining table is simply obliged to summon all family members and guests only positive emotions.

material articles
The main piece of furniture for the dining room can be made of different materials. Many popular options. To understand, you need to get acquainted in detail with each of these pros and cons:
- Glass. Only the countertop is made of fragile material. Support for it are metal or wooden legs. Original models look stylish, combined with all modern interiors. Transparent surface creates a feeling of spaciousness and freedom. It is highly safe because it is a favorable environment for growth of microorganisms. Lack - instability to mechanical pressure, the risk of injury during collapse of the structure.
- Plastic. An option for a balcony, terrace. Plastic parts are in budget group, poorly blended with elaborate contemporary interiors. The main advantage - the ease, cheapness. Disadvantages - aesthetically pleasing, poor resistance to damage, fragility, small lifetime.
- Wood. The traditional material for the manufacture of items for the kitchen furniture. Tables can be of various shapes and models. Small items often make a sliding, greatly increasing their functionality. Wood products lighter and stronger, which allows them to move freely around the room. The surface does not require special care. Disadvantage - more likely to leave deep scratches, poor moisture resistance.
- Metal. Fashionable items of metal furniture is gaining popularity. This is due to practical, attractive appearance of products. They are treated with special anti-corrosion compounds to for decades to extend the service life. These tables are suitable for any design chairs. Disadvantages - heavy, angular shape, feeling cold to the touch.

Use a metal dining table in the kitchen it is necessary to very carefully. Sharp jolt can damage the flooring or injure a person.

number of legs
Modern design kitchen tables provide a different number of reference designs. In some cases it will be appropriate one central support when other modifications useful accessories with two, three, four legs. Choosing dining subject to the dining room should be based on the following characteristics:
- On one leg often massive wide base is placed. It provides good stability of the structure and the extra space to sit down.
- Two large support look stylish and presentable. But for such a table would be nice to sit only to those located along the countertop. At the bottom of the legs are mounted along the length of the additional crossbar.
- Three legs look elegant and exclusive. To sustainable basis can build any size tabletop.
- Option with four legs - the classical solution for the majority of the furniture. The support posts are conveniently located for all seated, providing the best support even for heavy metal countertops.
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design table
A piece of furniture for dining may be fixed and sliding. Lineup of various designs large-scale and diverse. The collection of each manufacturer can meet ergonomic modifications to miniature kitchens and luxury products for the spacious dining room.
In a small area a full kitchen furniture perfectly replace the bar table. One end is mounted to the wall, the other is directed to the center of the room. The space under the sink is used to store useful things. A small round table for a family of 2-4 people. Folding table top, bolted to the wall or windowsill can help save a lot of valuable space, because when folded will be in the same plane as the vertical surfaces. For such a table freely accommodate two or three people.

Multifunctional tables transformers can have a frame made of any material. Variability in size is provided by a special mechanism, which can accommodate eight or more people. You need to replace the countertop of such a model at any time.
Of great importance is the quality of the construction assembly. Before buying it is necessary to carefully examine all the details and attachment points. Folding models should not make extraneous sounds during operation.

The quality and size of the dining table are determined by the manufacturer. Modern kitchen distinguished by its beauty and durability. When selecting a new product into the kitchen need to consider the style of decoration of the room, its size and other important features. Some models will look favorably covered with a cloth when it is appropriate for other cold steel worktop.