Oily soot - the real enemy of clean, well-kept kitchen. Together with the ubiquitous dust it forms sticky black film, which is not so easy to be scraped. The formation of soot in the cooking process or avoid, but to save the white walls and the surface after repairing cabinets possible. This problem is relevant to become popular studio apartments where the kitchen is combined with a bedroom or living room, and by-products of culinary experiments are distributed to all zones Universal home. A ventilation system to correct the problem will not be enough. She came to the aid of a simple but effective device - hood. It "collects" any fumes, grease and odors. If the original hood was used exclusively as a functional technical unit, then later the designers have made it part of a modern interior.
How to choose
- Performance and noise level
- The size
- modes of operation
- filter model
- ways of working
- Additional options
- housing material
What are the different types of
- Conventional (classical) or wall
- Mounting
- Wood (dome) or insular
- Vertical (inclined)
- Unusual solutions for different styles
- conclusion
How to choose
Stretching is selected based on the characteristics of the kitchen space, the intensity of its operation, the machine set of specifications and appearance. The latter plays an important role, because the detail of the interior must not only work efficiently, but also look beautiful and harmonious. When buying the hood pay attention to the following aspects:
- Power;
- Dimensions;
- Type, model;
- Type of filter;
- A control method;
- Decor.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of the chosen technique depends aesthetic appearance of the kitchen and adjacent rooms.
Phones can be divided into two types depending on the operating principle:
- flow;
- Circulation.
Both types of extracts after the forced draft and create in the truest sense of the word air is "sucked". Flow kicked him outside the apartment (on the street or in a common ventilation system). lack of air will have to make up what is called a hand: open windows and doors. Otherwise, your apartment will start to get air out of the neighboring premises, it is unlikely that someone will like. In extracts of this type have recently started to install filters, although they are already "kicked out" all the children of the kitchen from the room with the large dust particles. Of the minuses models in holiday mode technology the duct is blocked, making it difficult to clean the air flow from the ventilation.

Circulation devices are considered to be a new generation of inventions. Their work is displayed in the title. Such hoods equipped with powerful filters which constitute a two-step purification system. The air inside the apparatus is cleaned in a special tank and returned to the room, so do not have to worry about constant airing.
When installing circulating hoods should be given to a systematic cleaning of the filters, which are responsible for the efficiency of the entire system. If flow type apparatuses draw contaminated air under all circumstances, the circulation system cycle depends on the purification plates.

Performance and noise level
When talking about the performance of the hood, it is a built-in fan power. This is a mandatory part of the machine, which is responsible for the appearance of traction. The fan is located at the entrance of the vent or side. Its capacity is calculated from the volume of air that it could potentially clear the unit of time. The fans run from the mains. In classical stretching establish venting one item, and "advanced" models for modern kitchens, their number can be increased to two. Powerful fans ensure high efficiency of the system, but have a significant drawback - noise operation. The higher the extraction efficiency, the louder it works. Systems with two fans cherish the ears of the owners, because the two parts can work half the power and performance they did not succumb to the hood with one fan running "full". So simple, yet original way the producers decided to reduce the noise of the veil without sacrificing performance.
See also:living room kitchen design 30 square meters. m. + 70 photos of the interior ideas

The size
The length and width of the hood play an important role. Dimensions it should exceed the dimensions of the cooking surface for about 10-15 cm on each side. Regardless of capacity, the machine will work less efficiently if evaporation area exceeds the area of its operation. Accordingly, before you buy be sure to make the necessary measurements, not to be trapped and not buy too small hood. Pay attention to the distance from the cooking surface to the cleaning equipment. For gas cookers, it should be at least 75 cm, for electrical analogues - less than 10 centimeters.

The last tip is not yet one of the bizarre rules, which can be neglected. This fire safety basics. In gas flame plates lying above heating is carried out faster. If the hood is positioned too low, it can easily overheat. Grease particles, soot and dust that collects on the filters are easily ignited, which could cause a fire.
modes of operation
Modes of operation, as well as types of hoods, there are two:
- recirculation;
- Exhaust.

In the second case, the air is cleaned of fat particles by the filter and removed from the premises. Recirculation mode removes not only fat, but also the smell. This effect is achieved by double treatment through an additional carbon filter. Then it has clean and fresh air system back into the room. Circulation devices are equipped in such a way that their regimes are changed as needed.
According to experts, the exhaust mode to effectively cope with air pollution. Although it is only one filter, but the air from the "street", which replaces the remote, cleaner than the one that passed the cleaning procedure. Sooner or later, the owners, yes, forget about timely care appliances. In such cases it is successfully "sends a" back the accumulated dirt.

filter model
Household filters for private use on the degree of purification are divided into two types:
- Coarse;
- Electrostatic.
Although it is the market and offers filters that must be periodically cleaned (metal), it was found more convenient replacement. When their life expires, the item is simply removed and put in its place a new one. replacement of the system is simple, so even the average person to cope with it. First remove large particles: lint, dust, oil. THE SECOND imperceptible to the human eye. They hold the smallest aerosol particles and residues of oil mist. Different filters and by type of material:
- Metal (mesh or net);
- Coal (porous);
- cloth;
- Fiber.

In addition, modern hoods install additional components purification systems that allow you to set a special climate control. "Traps" include adjustable to them.
ways of working
Extractor may operate in either one mode or in combination. Circulation models can support, or only recirculation mode, or even extract further. Job type depends on the settings and the availability of access to the common ventilation system or the street. Flow, tend to support only the exhaust mode, because their design does not provide for an additional function. control panel in units come in three types:
- Touch;
- Pushbutton;
- A slider.
See also:We make a dining area in the kitchen

Recent gradually fading. Pushbutton still on the market among budget models. Touchscreens are considered modern, but even they are beginning to displace the so-called "feather-touch" panel. They are not visually different from the original, but the chips more reliably protected.
Additional options
The most advanced models have advanced features. It includes a number of additional options:
- Super sensitive odor recognition system.
- On Timer.
- Residual fan operation.

odor recognition system can automatically turn on the hood even if not near the hostess. She wisely autonomously controls the operating modes, depending on the vapor volume. The timer lets you select the operation of the machine at a certain time. For example, you put the soup to cook on a slow fire, but decided to move out of the apartment for half an hour.
After 10 minutes, the soup starts to boil slowly, and turn the hood there will be nobody. Here, the user convenient and handy timer deferred switching. The remainder of the fan provides extra work hood after cooking is complete. At low speed the fan will remove the remnants of fumes and odors, and then automatically switch off completely.

Each modern model contains built-in lighting, which also differ in the types of lighting. They have long ceased to be a rarity and are installed by default. If you want to dish in a pan looked the most natural, then give preference to halogen lamps.
housing material
A common material for economy class hoods considered enamel. It is convenient to wash, it is durable and resistant to mechanical damage. One of the most expensive phones of stainless steel. Steel is not only not inferior to the characteristics of the enamel surface, but looks much more elegant and richer. No less impressive look the hood of tinted glass. Unfortunately, the need to tinker with them during cleaning, because the material is easily scratched. Also, the surface unit decorate wood or materials based on aluminum. In the first case, the technique looks harmonious with the kitchen set of similar material, while the second - become a chameleon and easily reflect the color of nearby objects.

What are the different types of
Hoods are divided into three classes:
- Classic;
- dome;
- Recessed (flat).

Depending on the location of the drawing are classified into:
- wall;
- island;
- Corner.
Let us consider each of the models.

Conventional (classical) or wall
Classic model, although it has a name that speaks, is not considered obsolete. Filling a hood meets modern standards. But its appearance evokes nostalgic light and fits perfectly in the eponymous style interior. Traditional models include near-wall and angular hood. When a non-standard location in the hob (that is folded into an angle) is set to match it and additional equipment. Angled hood not only looks original, but also saves a lot of space.

The most advanced model - built. Kitchen sets usually already pre-equipped with special niches under a hood. All that remains is for the owner, so it fit the model of taste and mount it. Embed this extract is quite simple. Often, they established the "eternal" from durable metal filters. They can not be removed and cleaned periodically. In the opinion of these models fit perfectly into the design, but may be slightly inferior in performance to its more cumbersome "relatives."
See also:Decorative panels for kitchen

Wood (dome) or insular
Fireplace system visually resemble upper part chamber (dome), and therefore impart additional kitchen style. For this type one must have separate ventilation outlet in the duct. Initially, these units are not provided for the installation of filters.
Their effectiveness depended on the performance of the fans. Although the model at first glance seems outdated, it is on the market to compete with the most modernized types of hoods, and is still held in the top three. If the hob is not a wall, you have to buy an island type hood. It will hang directly over the plate and create the illusion of a piece of land detached from the mainland, and hence is the original name. It's fashionable to have the area for cooking in the middle of the room, where she serves as the dividing line between the two "worlds" in the combined areas.

Vertical (inclined)
This type of hood is very popular among buyers and high price is different. The main disadvantage of the design - special care. It filters in sight, so their cleanliness will have to watch constantly so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the kitchen clinging dirt particles. Only in modern models Filter mesh to extract the surface closed with special decorative panels. Sloping hood look stylish and fit perfectly in the picture of the modernist design of the kitchen, but they are characterized by high power handling. This will inevitably lead to energy cost overruns.

Unusual solutions for different styles
Hoods in the interior is often used by designers as an additional emphasis stylish kitchen environment. If the materials are not particularly experimenting models, preferring glass, chrome surfaces and natural wood, the form opens up the space for fantasy. In traditional design areas have resorted to imitate the first devices, which has a large size, but looked in the kitchen "grand." Modern styles allow freedom: absolutely flat drawing, triangular, spherical shape, in the form of a stub cylinder or surround ring from the filter mesh of the slant "bottom". Black, high-gloss surfaces can be combined with bright opaque colors, and decorative panels that hide filters will look flashy accents. In the same way, as well as furniture, interior hood has become a subject, an extra touch design, which embody the daring design ideas.

The hood is not a luxury but a means of basic necessities. If you want to save the kitchen from the side of cooking, it is necessary to purchase this unit first. Hoods installed and comfortable apartments, and in an old Khrushchev. Kitchen without this technique, see "lonely" and not well maintained. The hosts are unlikely to find time for a permanent general cleaning, and changing your wallpaper every few months. Cheaper to buy the hood, though unpretentious. The apartments, whose owners do not skimp on the environment, it will become the original detail of the interior.