Brown - it's color of the earth and all that is associated with it. It is the color of fertility, stability, safety and reliability of the hearth. In psychology, this color symbolizes coziness, comfort, tranquility and rural life. This color in the interior designers of premises operated throughout. He, along with white and gray, is indispensable for the creation of a neutral, calming atmosphere, resulting in a state of peace and rest.
Brown has a great variety of shades - from light milk chocolate to dark colors deciduous tree bark. He is very often used in decorating the walls, floors. Experts find wonderful designs combining browns of all elements of the room with furniture, decor and accessories. Brown - the color of conservatism and therefore its leverage to accentuate the other elements of a classic interior.
It is worth remembering that the use of the interior space brown should not contradict the laws of visualization. He, like any other dark color, visually reduces the room. Therefore, in small-sized rooms its use must be reduced. This is especially true colors of the walls, the staining of which the already small room, visually becomes even less.
For the successful use of brown in the interior should resort to its combination with other colors.
- Pastel shades
- The combination with the white
- The combination with the pink
- The combination of purple
- The combination with the blue and orange
- Dark-brown and green-yellow
Methods of application in the interior
- Bedroom
- Living room
- Bathroom
- hallway
Pastel shades
Pastel color is warm, so use it with brown in the design of the room giving it a soft, soothing character. Brown and pastel are one color, differing only by the presence of bright colors. Therefore, these two colors are perfectly combined with each other in a balanced complement each other. Brownish pastel interior personifies harmony inner peace, creating an aura security, peace of mind, that the beneficial effects on the internal state of the persons in room.

That is why the most frequently occurring color palette data is found in the bedroom and living room. These areas, which are areas of relaxation and restoration of vital human forces, expressed calm, protected from external stimuli. Ideally, the use of brown and pastel tones in the interior of any room pleases the eye, if you add some accents highlight. An experienced designer will always be able to find an optimal solution to this issue: the allocation of the key elements of the room pastel browns will make it with the help of decor items, proper lighting or textiles materials. But it must not be abused!
See also:The blue color in the interior and its combination

The use of bright elements should not create a sense of pomposity and cloying premises.
The combination with the white
White color in the interior always gives a sense of purity and freshness of the room. In combination with brown it beneficial, calming effect on the psycho-emotional state of people. Therefore, the combination of brown white is ideal for the decoration of the bathroom, bedroom, living room, hallway or other rooms of the house.
It should be remembered that the use of dark brown, chocolate alone - the wrong decision! This color is very dark for this application. He will have an oppressive, overwhelming impact on the psyche of the people in this room. Therefore, its application is possible with the addition of lighter colors, including white.
The combination with the white is a neutral version of the design space. To some, this palette of colors may seem boring, uncomplicated. To avoid this negative effect should add a few bright notes of for design: welcome to experiment with green, pink, purple flowers.
The combination with the pink
The combination of brown with pink lends elegance room makes it warm, even fun. This is why it is acceptable to use this combination in children's rooms. Pink - the color of happiness, tenderness, reverie, which harmonizes perfectly combined with a calm and peaceful brown. The use of this palette for the design of child - fundamentally and very harmonious.
However, with its pink is used not only in children's rooms. Making these colors give bedrooms romance its inhabitants. The use of different shades of these colors, as well as a variety of decorative elements, emphasize certain items are always widely used in interior design.
Experiments with pink and brown are always exciting for designers and connoisseurs of the beauty of the interior: the results can not be foreseen, but they always come out decent. Therefore, this combination can also be applied in the regeneration of the living room or in the kitchen.
The combination of purple
Quite popular combination of colors of the interior of houses in recent years. It is a combination of luxury on the one hand, and comfort on the other. However, do not neglect the advice of psychologists who assert that in a pair of brown with purple depressing effect on the psyche of people. This composition sterilizes emotions, suppresses the will, brings melancholy and melancholy mood.
See also:The color scheme of the interior - solutions from designers
Therefore, the interior of brown-violet tones is absolutely contraindicated creative people, strong-willed personalities, because here they will have nowhere to draw energy. Violet-brown room soon becomes a place of filling some sensual pleasures than comfort and seating.
The combination with the blue and orange
Blue and orange interior elements are harmoniously look at the background light brown walls. What is interesting, the harmony in the use of these colors is achieved by the effect of their completely opposite properties. Blue - the color of cool, emotional suppression. Orange - on the contrary, a source of heat, sunlight and a good holiday mood. The whole secret of a successful combination of the trio of colors lies in the predominance of positive attributes when exposed to them in person. Blue gives rigor, orange light fills the room depth and brown - restores a sense of peace to the mind.
These colors individually and look good on a brown background, but still, it is believed that the best combination of them comes in a pair.

Dark-brown and green-yellow
Combining this with a green color gives the feelings sensations spring harmony nature. This feeling is encouraging, and the use of different shades of green - from pale to light green pistachio - give the room playfulness and iridescence.
With the transition to a more yellow tone until golden duo these inks will give room to heat, sunlight. The small addition of golden tones combined with brown will epitomize luxury rooms and exquisite taste of its inhabitants.
The use of combinations of brown, green and yellow design is possible with any room: kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living room.
Methods of application in the interior
A huge plus is the proximity of brown color it to the wood. Therefore, this color-filled room will radiate a natural source, natural light. Its use may be perfectly acceptable in the interior:
- bedrooms;
- living room;
- bathroom;
- kitchen;
- hallway.

Combination with other shades, decorative elements, curtains, furniture, it will give the room an unforgettable charm with sophistication.
When placing bedrooms designers use tomno- reception coupling and light-brown. You can choose, depending on the wishes of the property owner, the wallpaper in various shades of brown, spreading at the same decoration with furniture coffee and dairy shades in its sole discretion. Yet, according to most experts, it is best to paint the walls white, and all other objects draw brown.
With brown combine in the bedroom is best to warm, pastel colors. It is highly undesirable to use bright, aggressive.
See also:50 ideas pastel tones in the interior
Living room
It combines perfectly in this application for the living room: white walls, brown curtains, soft, and built-in furniture and other objects stand out.
If, however, as a coating on the wall using dark brown wallpaper or paint in that color, in contrast, for to dilute the density of interior paints cost to pick up extra bright objects: beige, turquoise, pink, flowers. Against the background of the brown walls look great sofa with armchairs of pastel colors.
Bathroom - it's room, where you can experiment with the interior. In view of the small area of space it is not necessary to resort to the design of dark monochromatic design. This will lead to a visual reduction of the already small size of the bathroom. The walls of the best issue in light colors, but decorative objects, mirrors and bathroom furniture can be distinguished by a brown material.
It is worth remembering about the specifics of the bathroom: this room is characterized by its high humidity. Therefore, the use of wood is very difficult. This problem can be easily solved with the help of ceramic tiles, decorated wood. Shelves and other pieces of furniture can be from MDF material, stylized tree.
Use material red-brown color in the hallway looks very organic and refined. Coupled with it is very attractively rendered beige, gray or blue. This combination can be used by a furniture and decor.
To start decorating with brown shades should always be carefully and judiciously. You must place the necessary priority, examine the "pros" and "cons." You can seek the services of professionals, as in the planning of interior design has its own rules and laws, the implementation of which is mandatory.
Brown - it's natural color, the use of which is to be dosed, nepreuvelichennym. When choosing interior colors is not the last role played by the tastes and moods of the Host, his expectations for the processing facilities, where he will live. Therefore, the use of this color in the design premises - a purely personal matter, depending on the preferences of people preparing to live there.