Tired of tripping over the shower tray? Give up this cumbersome structure for the benefit of comfortable, stylish and ergonomic zone with a ladder to the soul in the floor under the tile. The water goes to the sewer through the grille is mounted directly to the floor, but to protect the bathroom from splashes, use a glass cockpit wide variety of configurations. You can choose the fully enclosed version with a door or limit the length of the protective screen, placing it parallel to the wall.
- Features a shower cabin with a ladder
Varieties ladders - their structure, the advantages and disadvantages
- dotted
- Linear
- Perimeter
What to look for when choosing a ladder
- Material
- The size and shape
- shutter Type
- Culvert capacity
Stages independent installation
- Materials and tools
- Preparatory work
- Laying of sewer pipe
- waterproofing
- installation of ramp
- thermal insulation
- screed
- finishing
- conclusion
Features a shower cabin with a ladder
This version of the shower area is gaining popularity. It can be placed anywhere in the bathroom - built into a corner or separate the end of the narrow room. The design has undeniable advantages over conventional devices because it:
- does not clutter the bathroom, which is already little space - glass paintings perfectly reflect light, it looks light, airy and does not eat up the space visually;
- supports the concept of a "barrier-free environment", it is convenient to use the elderly, the disabled - no collar removes the problem getting in the shower;
- It looks stylish and modern;
- It has the floor tiles, which is much easier to clean and disinfect;
- It does not allow to clutter up the space under the pallet, in the absence thereof;
- It provides unlimited design choices, location, size and configuration of the shower area;
- It eliminates the costly acquisition device;
- It can be easily dismantled if necessary.

The installation of such booths require a specific preparatory work on the stage floor arrangement. The main question that must be addressed - effectively allocating wastewater. This requires sanitation slope of 0.03%. Therefore, per meter pipe need to provide a lift 3 cm. If you want to completely abandon the pallets have to either raise the level of the floor or equipped with drain pump drain system.

Varieties ladders - their structure, the advantages and disadvantages
Primitive ladders appeared together with the first showers. Since these devices range replenished various embodiments. Products differ in appearance, design features and intended use.
By type of construction can be divided into three large groups traps - point, line and wall.

This is a traditional ladder square shape. He is small in size and the presence of holes, deposited around the perimeter of the bezel. It is a compact device that can be placed anywhere in the cockpit floor. These traps often set in the center, ensuring a good flow of water. To do this, the tiles around it are placed at an angle. Such elements can be useful not only in the shower. They are often installed at the center of the room as an additional protection. In the event of an accident, they can help save neighbors from flooding, and you from having to compensate for their losses.

The product is performed in the form of rectangular tray with various slots and holes. In another way, this type is called a shower tray or gutter. In the decorative plate can be present perforation or slit extending near the edge around the perimeter of the product. The installation process is simplified slit species in comparison with the conventional arrangement of holes. Since the trap is set a side wall or at the exit floor slope is formed so that water flows only in one direction - to a drain. Linear ramps have a good culvert capacity, so they can be installed in areas with a "rain" shower.

Discreet corner design is placed along the wall and masking the joint between the floor and the wall. To mount the model must construct a false-wall, since the main part of the structure must hide. drain system closes concise and elegant rectangular panel with slots.

What to look for when choosing a ladder
Manufacturers offer a variety of types of dispensing devices. They differ in structure, shape, material of manufacture. In order not to get lost in a vast range of ladders and choose the product with optimal performance, please note the following points:
- material - the device must have a strength resistant to wear and to provide a snug fit to the floor covering.
- method of attaching the nozzle - exit in the sewer may have a vertical or horizontal direction. The first variant is suitable for installation in private homes. The second - is universal. It is great for sewers apartment buildings, as mounted sideways to the drain;
- Clutch diameter - has the same size as the sewage inlet openings. In most cases, the entrance diameter of 50 mm;
- integrity of the product - it must not be damaged - chipped or scratched;
- the type of construction - the collecting embodiment is more convenient for maintenance and cleaning. To gain access to the pipe enough to dismantle the upper part;
- shutter type - when installed in an unheated room where the shower will be used regularly - e.g., in the bathroom garden houses, the device should be selected with a mechanical shutter or dry;
- product height - depends on how much to raise the level of the floor. The design is, the better its ability Culvert. A successful solution - the ladder with adjustable height;
- appearance drain grating. The panel should provide sufficient water flow, fit the style of the interior, to blend in with the finishing and the right size for the elements of the floor covering.
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The main materials for the manufacture of the ladder are:
- Plastic - device an affordable cost, light weight, ease of maintenance. The material is resistant to aggressive cleaning agents, is durable. Plastic ladder may be equipped with a grating of the same material or from more attractive, stylish - metal, glass. The legs may be adjustable - screw or made of a steel strip with perforations. Recent articles allow you to adjust the height by bending metal.
- Stainless steel - construction entirely of steel have high strength and durability. Such traps are recommended for children's organizations, health centers, public swimming pools. Typically, they are used in offices with high demands on hygienic standards. Metallic lattice may have a shape of a square, strip. Stylish solution - slotted tray. Inside, it is filled with tiles or mosaics, which was used for the flooring. On view there are only subtle, neat slots.
- iron - is optimal for harsh operating conditions since it has a high resistance to corrosion. The service life of such constructions can be up to 50 years. They have a high ability culvert and are ideal for use in swimming pools, laundries, special laboratories. For wastewater - rainwater or hardware, only permitted to use ladders DN 100 made of cast iron.

The size and shape
Products are presented in the form of different geometric shapes.
Small point traps can be round, square or even triangular shape. Oval products also have a place to be, however, they are not as popular and are quite rare. Pristennye linear models and are presented in the form of bands in the entire length of the cabin wall.

Simple forms of square and rectangular models that provide them with greater demand, because they are easier to combine with tiles standard sizes. Elongated grille fit better in the finish of the large granite or marble panels.

shutter Type
In order to block the way to the room smells of sewer construction ladder equipped with special closures. There are various types of these devices. Each of them has its principle of operation.
Types of closures:
- Hydraulic - smells overlap using residues flowing water. To prevent freezing, such valves do not use in unheated rooms - bath in summer or country house. If the shower will be idle, the water evaporates and smells will be free to enter the room.
- Mechanical suitable for showers, in which there is no heating. Controlled by a special lever. If a shower is not going to be used for a long time, you can simply shut out.
- Universal - a nonreturn valve, which cuts into the drain pipe. Its mission - to cover the pipe in an emergency and to close access to the room and smells of sewage waters.
- Dry - equipped with a special valve, which hermetically seals the drain. During the shower water is discharged into the ladder, presses the shutter and the shutter opens.

There are three types of dry gates:
- Pendulum - pouring stream presses on the plate. It opens and allows the water. Thereafter, the flap returns to its original position and closes the outlet;
- float - tube by water drops. After the water flow is stopped again rises and seals the pipe;
- membrane - is compressed when it enters the water.
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Ladder with a dry-gate - very expensive in comparison with the hydraulic equivalent. It makes sense to install showers, which are not used every day - in the guest bathroom or at the cottage.
Combined - Another type of shutter. This embodiment is a combination of dry water seal.

Culvert capacity
The choice affects the design of the shower gangway installed a watering can. When using standard nozzles upper structure suitable point, having capacity of up to 24 l / min. Lakey "tropical rain" type require the installation of linear and wall ladders can take more than 50 l / min.
Do not skimp on the outlet unit. Otherwise the water just will not have time to flow down and into the shower your feet are always in soapy slush that is not too pleasant. In addition, it increases the likelihood of blockage.

Stages independent installation
If you do not want to allocate additional funds for the services of the designer and construction team, you can do on its own. You have to solve the difficult and responsible task, but the result is worth it. If you strictly follow the instructions and comply with the order of work, you get a comfortable system, flawlessly perform their functions.

Materials and tools
If you are installing the ramp was planned at the design stage repair of an apartment, then make the installation easier. Screed must be possible to install the sewer below the final level of the floor.
When working with your hands you can not do without:
- tape measure and spirit level;
- a screwdriver and a set of keys;
- hammer drill or rotary hammer;
- construction of the mixer;
- beacons for the uniform laying screed;
- roller with spikes for the distribution of the composition;
- Tile;
- spatulas for laying tiles;
- sealant gun.

Necessary materials:
- plastic or steel trap;
- glass panels;
- cement mixture to prepare a solution;
- tile adhesive;
- grout;
- silicone sealant.

Preparatory work
At the preparatory stage should determine the type of the installed system and the method of its placement.
Shower trap can be set:
- in the center of the bathroom. In this case it is necessary to provide a bias to the drain from all sides. This is the most popular option accommodation ladder, as it allows the device to select any shape - square, rectangular, oval;
- on the edge of the floor - you will need to arrange inconspicuous bias throughout the floor in the direction of the lattice. This is an excellent option for setting a rectangular lattice or slotted tray having high capacity and excellent aesthetic properties;
- in the corner - the triangular lattice best fit for this position.

Laying of sewer pipe
Work on wiring and installation of sewage systems are quite complex. Before you begin to implement it is required to make the layout of its elements. Thus it is necessary to consider features tubes - diameter deviation, to ensure the absence of sharp turns, and sharp bends. To place the tube at the correct angle, which will provide necessary to consider their effective diameter drain waste liquids. If it is less than 50 mm, the bias level should be 3%, from 50-100 mm will suffice 2%.
Sewer system device in the bathroom is recommended to use the following types of pipe:
- polypropylene;
- polyethylene;
- , PVC.
special couplings need for tight fit places connection elements. Pipe size depends on the proximity of the sanitary appliance to a central standpipe. The closer they are placed to each other the larger tube may be used. This rule is true even for the bathrooms are small. When correctly executed wiring drainage will operate effectively for a long time.

This is one of the most important stages of the work. To prevent the possibility of occurrence of sex, you must provide a good waterproofing. It is better that it is multi-layered.
As a rule, for this purpose use obmazochnuyu technology. You can use bitumen mastic, or specially formulated for waterproofing pools. Apply it with a brush in several layers, not only on the floor but also in the lower part of the wall - about 30 cm in height. The result is a seamless elastic film, impermeable to water. Such waterproofing has a high degree of protection.
The weakest link - the corners. They also suggest glue stripes waterproofing roll after applying the first layer of mastic.
If you want to protect themselves even more thoroughly, you can make a waterproof layer before the tie arrangement. In this case, the roll waterproofing, which is glued on the layer of coating material from entering the wall of 30 cm. Sheets of material laid overlapped by a distance of 15 cm. The connections are coated with mastic carefully.
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installation of ramp
In the next step the ladder is installed. It is mounted on selected location and connects to the entrance to the sewers. When mounting the pipe is necessary to provide a bias for efficient drainage.
The sequence of execution of work. You will need:
- remove the ladder decorative panel and the container for garbage collection with a siphon;
- combine with siphon trap making the correct angle connection;
- okleit construction tape all the decorative surface;
- Refit the ladder;
- connected to the sewer pipe structures forming a bias towards the riser at least 3 cm per meter;
- to make installation of the pipe to the riser;
- if necessary, attach the additional pipe, not forgetting the deviation;
- adjust the position of the ladder legs or by using available tools;
- degrease ladder;
- device to fix a small amount of diluted mixture and leave until solidification.

thermal insulation
In the next step, a layer of insulation. On the floor of the stele of insulation boards. Prune it in such a way as to impose a fixed ladder. Paving the damper strip of styrofoam around the perimeter of the room. Its function - to prevent the loss of heat, do not let him go into the wall.
Compounds of polystyrene sealing tape to prevent leaking of concrete screed. large slit hammered pieces of material, and only then close the adhesive paper tape. If you wish to make use of the shower more comfortable at this stage it is possible to install the system "warm floor".

Atop the insulation layer is placed a reinforcing steel mesh with a mesh size of 10 sq. cm and a wire diameter of 3 mm. She cut right on the floor size.
The next phase - installation of the beacons. The floor in the shower area should have a slope towards a drain device. For proper screed need to put special beacons. For this purpose, you can buy special designs or use conventional wooden slats. Beacons mounted in such a way as to set the required level of surface slope.
The next task - to orient the cup with respect to the walls of the ladder. In this case, it will help building square.
After that, we proceed to the formation of ties. Fill the floor with drain and ladder set cement mortar composition. For the manufacture of the mixture will need to mix 1 part cement to 4.3 parts sand. Brand Cement should not be below M400 and sand have a coarse structure. To make the water-repellent qualities should be supplemented by part of the necessary additives.
Maturation of the solution usually takes 28 days. Concrete screed requires care. The room must provide stable humidity level, to prevent lowering of the temperature at + 20 ° C and exposure to sunlight directed. It is recommended to cover the surface of the film tie and the first few days moistened with water.
It is necessary to accurately calculate the thickness of the screed. Thus it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the tile and the tile adhesive. If, because of the design features of the ladder you want to install the flange, the concrete mixture should be laid on a par with him.

For floors in the bathroom with shower without shower tray should choose a tile with a high resistance to moisture. Laying begin to perform from the sink and continued until the walls. This technique will help you arrange a place around the array, reduce errors, and enable the use of tiles of all sizes. Cut parts are not so visible in the walls than in the center of the composition. For such projects, ideal mosaic. With it's much easier to make a liner and create a local bias. Places undercut mosaic absolutely invisible. Tiles must be laid on the glue, if necessary, to align the joints are set crosses. After that, the gaps are overwritten by a fugue. Joint compound can pick up in the tile color or pattern.
If the lining is used for granite such procedure is not necessary. This material is connected seamlessly to form a flat and smooth surface.
In order to prevent water leakage at the coupler in the ramp area, the gap between the device body and the coated tile was sealed with silicone.
It remains to collect the trap and install the grille. Your stylish shower ready.

If you are tired of the uncomfortable "trough" in the bathroom, discard it. Install the shower with a ladder and get comfortable, spacious and modern space.