Room with two windows are found in normal city apartments (even in the Khrushchev), and in private homes, so their options for everything of interest to many property owners. Intelligent design bedroom with two windows will help make the interior elegant. Windows - a source of natural light. The more of them in the room, so it will be lighter and visually more spacious. If necessary, they can always hide behind heavy curtains, but it is better to focus on these windows. Bedroom design project should begin with the development of the styling of these windows. When it comes to the private housing construction, one of these windows can make panoramic room to become more bright and spacious. But we must understand that the development of the design space must take into account the location of the rooms. They can be on the same or different walls.
Features furnish a bedroom with two windows
- Advantages and disadvantages of a bedroom with two windows
- Errors in the design of a bedroom with two windows
zoning regulations
- Useful tips when zoning bedroom with two windows
- By means of what can be zoned bedroom
- The choice of furniture and environment options
- choice of style
- color solutions
- Lighting
window decoration
- Tips for choosing curtains
- Making panoramic windows
- conclusion
Features furnish a bedroom with two windows
The windows in the bedroom - natural lighting, but sometimes bright dawn sun can interfere with sleep, so in the design stage of the room you need to take care of the black-out curtains. It is best to focus on the unusual windows: panoramic, circular, triangular, etc. If you can not make the window openings unusual shape, but want to somehow distinguish them, you can paint the frame in a bright color or shape them unusual paintings. If present in the bedroom desk or library corner, it is necessary to install them near windows, but the bed is better positioned away from them. The presence of two windows allows interesting share a room, making for each opening a conditional zone. Also in the room with two windows, you can emphasize the brightness and sunlight, because in this room during the day is really very light.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bedroom with two windows
Bedroom with two windows has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the fact that there are two window openings already gives the room an original. To emphasize the unusual interior, just enough to hang curtains interesting. Two windows allow you to create unusual light effects and solutions through a combination of natural and artificial lighting. This bedroom requires much less energy than a room with one window. If the room two windows, it increases the number of options for placement of furniture and decoration of the premises. But the original plan has some drawbacks. Repair bedroom with two windows require large material costs, because there will be more need to adjust and trim materials. Also high illumination in the bedroom is not quite appropriate, because it is a room intended for recreation.

Errors in the design of a bedroom with two windows
And the designers and ordinary homeowners often make mistakes in the design of a bedroom with two windows. Better acquainted with them in advance to avoid in the future even if these errors. Can not be limited only in the bedroom ceiling chandelier. It is not comfortable. If the floor is spread a carpet, it must conform to the size of the room area. Do not ignore the accessories. For example, the bed will look much better if it is to decorate decorative pillows. All photographs, paintings or drawings of children must have their place. They can be hung on a wall (preferably at a height of 1.5 meters above floor level) or placed on a specially designed for this purpose shelf. If the room low ceiling, then you need to give up the furniture in dark colors, because it makes the bedroom dark and stocky. And, of course, no need to make an extra bedroom furniture.
See also:Design a small bedroom in a modern interior

zoning regulations
Even in a large rectangular room with two windows is not recommended to install additional plasterboard partitions, because they negate the originality of the room layout. For the room is better to use zoning of different lamps, combinations of colors or interior. In this bedroom has two centers: the bed and the area near the windows. They can be divided not contrasting and calm combinations of colors. Just for a place near the bed you need to use pastel shades of the same color. For example, some windows have a turquoise color scheme wallpaper, and next to the bed - light blue. Furniture can only conventionally delimit the space, do not put the cabinet in the middle of the room to divide it into two. When zoning of the room do not need to mix styles. Modern bedroom should look like a single logical completion of the complex.

Useful tips when zoning bedroom with two windows
Zoning bedroom with two windows suggests a mild separation of the different parts of the room. Rather walls in the room, it is better to put the screen. These structures will prevent the spread of direct sunlight. If you need to isolate the bed from the rest of the premises, it is necessary to issue a canopy. Area Bed needed a little obscure (as compared to other areas of rooms). Different colors, textures and materials make it possible not only to zone the bedroom, but also highlight the main advantages of the interior compositions. Zoning bedroom should be as calm. Just one shade smoothly into another. To make smooth transitions of color, it is best pokleit in the bedroom non-woven wallpaper for painting. They are multifunctional, they do not have to change, if the homeowner decides to issue a bedroom in a different style.

By means of what can be zoned bedroom
Zoning bedroom often made to create an optical illusion with the aim of increasing the visual space and make it more attractive for the design of the room style. Zoning helps to divide the room into different functional areas. This is necessary if at different times bedroom is used for various purposes.

Most often space is zoned by means of arches, but there are unusual solutions in the form of an aquarium or the heater. It is also possible to allocate a sleeping area with a small podium, which is established bed. And the room can be divided into 2 equal parts by means of conventional curtains. But this method is not suitable for all styles. For example, it would be out of place in the premises of country style or high-tech. Therefore, before zoning is necessary to consult with the designer, and only then repair the premises.

The choice of furniture and environment options
Sofas are uncomfortable, they are spoiled posture and back pain. The bed should be placed even in a small bedroom. You can save on free space, not on his spine. It is best to set the bed in such a way that the light from the window fell on her side. If you allow the area of the room, near the windows, you can put a small sofa, coffee table and chair-sac.
See also:Design a bedroom 16 sq. 50 m Photo of interior ideas

If the window openings are located on the same wall, between them can fit bookcase, full-length mirror or dresser with TV. One of the walls of the room must occupy a wardrobe. It is better to design it in the same style to the bed. The large airy bedrooms near windows can be designed work area with a computer desk and a chair on wheels. Between the window openings can also install shelves with books.

The best sleeping is considered a bed with orthopedic mattress.

choice of style
There are many styles of bedroom design. If possible, its design must be in harmony with the rest of the interior space in the house, but experts do not impose any restrictions in this regard. There are 3 basic styles, which are suitable for the bedroom with two windows. Mediterranean style give the room a certain romanticism. He's not luxurious, but quite elegant. For its design does not require spending serious money. Also, for a room with two windows fit Scandinavian style. Bedroom, made in the Scandinavian style is simple and functional. But most of the rooms are decorate in the style of Provence. This style is characterized by bright colors, rustic motifs and colors of the image. But other interior styles can be appropriate for a bedroom with two windows:
- the avant-garde;
- high tech;
- baroque;
- minimalism;
- retro;
- constructivism;
- postmodernism;
- mannerism;
- conservatism, etc.

color solutions
In the natural and artificial light shades look different, so you need a good try, to the room was spotless and the afternoon in bright sunlight, and in the evening when the light fixed lamps. Too bright colors can be annoying during the day, because they will look even more saturated. Needless lighter shades can irritate their whiteness. Excess light may be slightly mute and use predominantly quiet pastel or natural colors. They can be successfully combined with each other. The presence of two windows in the room allows you to play on contrasts, not afraid to make the room visually less. In this bedroom will look spectacular combination of black and beige, white and blue, blue and red. Also, the room with two windows can be formalized in the following colors:
- peach;
- yellow;
- sand;
- terracotta;
- pistachio;
- lime, etc.

The presence of two window openings complicates the task of choosing a suitable color palette.

Although the room with two windows in the afternoon there is a lot of sunlight, you need to take care of artificial light during the night time. The bedroom has to use several types of fixtures. Firstly, in the room there should be a ceiling chandelier, color and shape of which are caused by the chosen style of interior. Second, some on each side of the bed should be on the lamp. These may be conventional lamps on bedside tables or wall sconces. Third, additional lighting should be and the area near the window. There is often a workplace, a boudoir or a mini-living room, and they also need individual luminaires. They can act as floor lamps in the corner, wall or ceiling spot lights. To give spice to the bedroom, you can integrate all the lights in the bedroom "smart house" and set the dimmers.
See also:Bedroom design-cabinet 75 photos zoning examples

window decoration
In the bedroom, all should be fine: the bed and a chandelier, and, of course, windows. If good draw window openings get finished the stylish interior. A method of processing depends on the overall style of bedrooms, square rooms and a location in her windows. When it comes to small window openings, which are located close to each other, they should not do an accent. For their design fit just opaque curtains. If the windows are located on opposite walls, they can be decorated with simple drapery. Window openings are on adjacent walls of the corner room can be closed by Japanese curtains, blinds or light curtains. Leave the bedroom window without curtains can not. In such a room would like to retire and hide from prying eyes, as well as from the scorching morning sun, so it is necessary to hang the curtains, even in the unusual shape of the window.

Tips for choosing curtains
Curtains should fit the interior space, so they should be bought or ordered at the final stage of finishing. But the choice of curtains depends not only on the design of the room, but also the height of the ceiling in the room. For a room with low ceilings suitable light light curtains. In the bedroom with a working area can be hung curtains French. In large rooms with high ceilings, stylish look long drapes of all colors. the color of curtains should be selected in the color of the furniture to the interior looked interesting and concisely. Neutral colors (sand, cream, beige, etc.) are suitable for any design projects and create a calm, cozy atmosphere. The curtains in the bedroom can not look solid and stylish, because this room is not grand. For some styles is acceptable replacement curtains to blinds spectacular.

Making panoramic windows
A large picture window requires additional clearance. In this case, the curtains easy to close the opening and emphasize the size of the window construction, but also to connect the interior of the room with an opening overlooking the street. For panoramic windows contraindicated finely patterned curtains or diagonal lines. Such window openings can not hang curtains short. Panoramic windows always becomes the center of the room, so you can not save on its decoration. On these windows will look spectacular horizontal or vertical blinds, Japanese curtains rectangular, translucent blinds and curtains, muslin. Roman blinds are also stylish look in a bedroom with two panoramic windows, but they should not burden the cascade structure. Also on the panoramic windows looks interesting combination of all these curtains.

The bedroom with two windows you need to focus on the bright daylight. And this applies to every interior, because good lighting is even necessary room, decorated in the Gothic style. For convenience in the bedroom should be set some versatile lamps. An important place in the development of the design project bedroom occupies the zoning premises. If space allows, you need to install the bed away from windows. In the small bedroom window openings can be closed by heavy curtains opaque. Selection of suitable colors for the decoration of the room depends on the type of interior. But do not be too hard to experiment with colors and materials. Because of too contrasting color combinations room may cease to be comfortable. Keep in mind that should be comfortable in the bedroom.