In the past, Khrushchev built throughout the Soviet Union, so their internal layout is familiar to millions of people. Lack of space in the kitchen - a standard problem for owners of housing. This applies to both old and new apartments. Modern furniture modules to help make the interior more functional and stylish. But for 5-7 square meters. m not always there is a place for a large refrigerator, or multi-roomy front. For this reason, people often have to postpone the purchase of new kitchen appliances and utensils. This reduces the comfort of work in the kitchen. The purpose of design ideas for small spaces - to ensure the right balance. Start standing with the changes the organization of space: it is desirable to get rid of unnecessary things. You can rearrange the furniture in a different way. Radical step will be the removal of walls to combine with other rooms, but it is sometimes quite small changes in the layout of the apartment.
- Features
choice of plan
- angular
- parallel
- U-shaped
- Linear in a row
- The arrangement of furniture and appliances in the kitchen
- Color spectrum
- interior style
- Characteristics of materials for finishing
- kitchen lighting
- Open plan
- Combining the kitchen with a balcony
- conclusion
Khrushchev in the kitchen - a compact room with a rectangular or square shape. It has a greater width than a tea room in the brezhnevki, but the total area of leaves a few options to accommodate a variety of accessories. It is about six square meters. The changes in the layout of the premises should be treated with caution, so as not to cause harm to the organization of space. Increase the size of the kitchen is not easy, because in this case will need to replan the dismantling of the wall and combined kitchen and living space (hallway, closet, etc..). If the wall is load-bearing, you have to look for another solution.

Most of Khrushchev in the kitchen has a gas water heater. This element is taken to hide behind furniture, as it looks presentable. Natural lighting in the Khrushchev at the right level: the windows in the rooms are wide enough.
Kitchen space can be optimized by the choice of furniture or changes in the layout of the apartment.
choice of plan
There are several basic options:
- corner;
- parallel;
- U-shaped;
- linear-sided (in a row).

In the kitchen, there is an important rule regarding Washbasin positioning plate and the refrigerator: the distance between them should not be too large so as not to bring discomfort hosts. It is desirable that these objects create an imaginary triangle. Angle and U-shaped layout is not only fit these criteria, but also combined with the parameters Khrushchev cuisine. On plan choice is not in the least affect the location of findings under the sink. wall configuration is chosen, after it is determined where to install the sink. It must be borne in mind: it is required a minimum of 40 cm margin on both sides of the plate. The most spacious embodiment is a parallel layout. Inappropriate will only "island" structure: they too need a large area of 30 square meters. m.

It can not be implemented in narrow spaces such plan, so it may be optimal in the room with approximately the same length and width as in the case of a kitchen hruschevke. This configuration is necessary for those who want a compact work triangle. Set and appliances put along two adjacent walls and in the corner will be an element curved shape: angular boxes, space for the trash can, sink, or some combination option. The table is placed in the opposite corner. The passage will be free - this is one of the main advantages of the angular layout. Do not forget about saving the angular space and comfort in the work. In the corner there is a place for deep and spacious furniture. The minus is that it is not so easy to find the front, perfect for corner rooms, and sometimes have to make a special order and spend time on preparatory work.
You must decide how you would open drawers and doors, so you do not arise inconvenience!

Two-line embodiment is less popular than the other - the angular linear in one row and the other. Two-row configuration provides the location of furniture and household appliances next to each other. One set make shorter to avoid any feeling of tightness. The minimum permissible distance between rows - 1 meter, the optimum - 1.5 meters. Kitchen parallel configuration is of two kinds: the entrance and impassable. In the first case, it serves as a connecting room, and in the second end wall with a window, a balcony or a dull surface. Two-row layout will be out of place in the narrow and very wide rooms. If the kitchen furniture you need an additional front, there is no other option but to create another series. The main advantages of this plan are expressed in a large area of the working surface and the variety in the selection of storage products.
See also:Gray in the interior of the kitchen: 60 successful combinations of colors

Set dishes in the form of "U" letter usually consists of three walls, but in some cases one of the parties is a bar or Peninsula. Kitchen room "apartment-Khrushchev" is suitable for the U-shaped headset, and it can be done as a separate and intact. In the second case, you will need to allocate space near a window: it will house a wash basin and other low section. It is necessary that the sill had a height in the range of 85-90 cm. The width of the passage between opposite sides of the ideal is 1.4-1.6 m. In the kitchen, all located in the immediate proximity to each other. Due to this it will be well suited for cooking. If the apartment redevelopment takes place, and the wall between the kitchen and the living room is deleted, it will be possible to use the extra pass, and a convenient kitchen area will appear in the space of the apartment.

Linear in a row
This is a classic version with a straight arrangement of the whole kitchen furniture. Refrigerator thus put on a par with the other elements or separately. Khrushchev in the kitchen This layout is not the most comfortable, but small wall will have the way. In addition, extra space for headset can occur when the redevelopment of the apartment. Small linear wall for those who have little trains, as well as young families who do not have children, because they need a minimum of cooking utensils. Direct set to leave a lot of options for the placement of other furniture, such as a corner sofa and a large table. The sale of a variety of linear walls; You do not need to make an individual order and wait a few months until it will produce. Rectilinear facades have a simple configuration and hence less cost.

The arrangement of furniture and appliances in the kitchen
Priority - saving space. In this regard, useful element such as a bar - it will replace the dining table, and will be located as close to the headset. Narrow stools also save space. If you need a regular table, the better to give preference rectangular models. Not recommended to buy the round tables. Another important element of the refrigerator should not divide the parties at regular intervals. It is put in the corner, but except when because of this need to obscure the window. Gas column made mask behind the facade.
See also:We make a dining area in the kitchen

Extractor hood, fridge and stove are placed far away from it. Niches in the walls will be placed small microwave and separate oven. The hood is placed exactly over the stove. Washing machine installed next to the sink, but if possible, it is better not to use the kitchen. This place is better to set the dishwasher.

The right-hander will be more convenient to use the dishwasher, the right of the sink.
Color spectrum
Khrushchev in the kitchen may look visually more due to the chrome-plated surfaces, pictures with the effect of "volume." Appearance of small rooms transformed by a game of colors and their combinations. Preference should be given to pastel, deep, rich tones. Designers recommend to stop at two main colors, which will form the basis of color. The use of white in combination with a cyanic color - a great choice for a small kitchen. In this case, selected white furniture and walls painted in cyan color. Beige and light blue tones create a minimalist environment.

The combination of white and red colors on the furniture will organically look at the background light walls. The optimal combination of white and red - one to one. The combination of pink with a blue or green will add a kitchen light and festivity. Yellow to brown or chocolate inclusions considerably improve the visual perception of the small dishes. Beautiful color combinations increase appetite.

interior style
Most of the designer kitchens are made in one of the following styles:
- classical;
- high tech;
- Art Nouveau;
- Provence;
- minimalism.
Classic style requires attention to individual detail and is very limited in terms of choice of materials and colors. Standard variant the kitchen units in this style is a wooden furniture in some of the brown color shades.

Hi-tech - yet another interesting style: glass and metal are appropriate in a small kitchen. Of modernity is characterized by wide garniturnaja units, built-in appliances, a variety of color and a minimum number of parts. Provence style is largely similar to the American country and is typical in the French countryside. However, it is widely distributed throughout the world. This is one of the best options for the design of a small kitchen. Welcomed presence of a large amount of ceramics and textiles on the surface. The color palette must contain muted pastels. The main purpose of the minimalist interior is comfortable and orderliness. Furniture selected with a simple rectilinear forms, ideally monochromatic.

Characteristics of materials for finishing
On kitchen surfaces are continually exposed to heat, steam and moisture. Next to the work area, they get dirty in the first place: the fat droplets, etc... For wall tile is most often used, decorative plaster, washable wallpaper and paint. Tile is of several types: matte, glossy, textured and smooth. This material is usually formed the bottom half of the kitchen.

Recently apron often made of glass, as the seams between the tiles quickly get dirty, and wash them difficult. Water-resistant paint easy to apply, but the shortcomings have appeared on it will be evident. More practical are washable wallpaper, for example, from a nonwoven fabric. Decorative plaster can be Flok, silicate, resin, sand-lime, Venetian et al. The floors are finished with linoleum or tile, or a conventional heating. As for furniture, it is necessary to select the most resistant materials.
Other materials for the finishing of the kitchen:
- Flexible stone.
- MDF panels.
- Decorative rock.

kitchen lighting
In the kitchen, you need to have additional light sources to be able to include the bright, then dim lights. Easy lighting is required in the first instance to facilitate the cooking process - it can be used at any time of the day. Small spot light bulbs - the perfect choice for kitchens, especially small. First of all they are meant to illuminate the work surfaces and dining table. Mounted spot lights in a straight line. If desired, within one of the walls is mounted a small lighting unit to change the focus of illumination. On the ceiling is not recommended to install the large chandeliers, the ideal option - a flat luminaire with a closed canopy. If it is possible to design the main lighting, it should build in the center of the quadrangle, bordering the kitchen set.
See also:Placement and installation of sockets in the kitchen

It is desirable that the light from all the lighting has been around in one color temperature.
Open plan
The combined cuisine is characterized mainly for studio apartments. However, in the Khrushchev-like figure stands more of a necessity than design techniques. Recently, this "transformation" has become very popular. In the process of preliminary calculations and measurements is selected the most ergonomic layout of furniture elements and distributed functional segments. Furniture in the kitchen and in the living room should not be very different in styles. Combining these rooms will bring a number of positive changes. Firstly, the apartment will be easier to navigate.

Another plus is the possibility of transfer of the dining area with the kitchen in the place where it goes into the living room. It should also be noted that during the preparation of food will be easier to look after children. Major shortcomings - increased noise and odor spread in the room.
From these unpleasant moments can be eliminated as follows:
- High partition wall a meter away from the kitchen area will help to reduce noise pollution to acceptable levels.
- To protect against unpleasant odors will need a strong extractor fan in the kitchen and air conditioning in the living room.

Combining the kitchen with a balcony
If there is access to the balcony, then it can be used for the expansion of space. By eliminating the walls between the rooms, size of the kitchen a little increase. This will allow build a new place for the storage of kitchen utensils; change the alignment of furniture modules. The kitchen will be much lighter.

Instead of the balcony makes breakfast bar, dining area, and others. From the kitchen is a panoramic view - another significant advantage. Among the shortcomings should be noted a few moments. Require legalization, and this procedure may be delayed. It needs to be changed and to insulate the floor covering. Another negative - the room will be colder in the winter. Kitchen often need to be aired - it will be harder to do. Some products are easier to keep on the balcony of the ordinary, and after redevelopment to accommodate their need extra space.

Khrushchev equipped compact rooms, so they often make repairs. small room planning requires careful attention to detail: the individual elements, the number of auxiliary devices, configurations of furniture set, color palette, and coverage. Khrushchev in the kitchen small but relatively broad, compared with kitchen facilities in brezhnevki. This compact layout should be used in full. Everything for the room set U-shaped, parallel, angular and straight furniture sets. To make the right choice, you need to follow the specifications and practicality. Better to give preference to furniture with hinged doors. When selecting colors, finishing materials, lighting and visual style should consider the visual aspects of the perception of space.