Update property many seem troublesome and costly exercise - this applies to both power and money. Often, a simple rearrangement of furniture is not enough, I want to make a radical change, until the complete redevelopment of apartments, houses or even entire site! However, demolish the wall or build a new one in an apartment building is not so simple - you must first ensure the legality of such action, to provide numerous drawings of the regulatory authorities, harmonize them. To speed up the repair is best even before you start to turn to the designer - it will help to define the interior, choose the appropriate colors and materials, competently perform zoning and at the same time will take into account the requirements of each member families. Development of a design project will more clearly present the final result, and, if necessary, in time to make changes.
Type of design project
- Standard interior design project
- Complete interior design project
- Author's supervision
The composition of the design project
- Technical task
- Obmerochny plan
- planning decision
- stylistic collage
- Plan of arrangement of furniture and installation plans
- Plan the installation of electrical devices
- Drawings of non-standard parts
- Preliminary decision
- Three-dimensional visualization of the interior
- Working documents
- conclusion
Type of design project
To get a result is entirely consistent with the expectations, it is necessary as much as possible to describe in detail the expert as that where you plan to remodel the premises. Design projects developed for different jobs on the scale, different set of required documents and drawings: it can simply be a sketch, limited options of furniture arrangement. If we beat the already existing features of planning with the help of an unusual color scheme is not enough, need more serious work. Professional design development give the interior a finished look, but also make it a comfortable accommodation for their owners.

Standard interior design project
Simple and economical, but at the same time functional and informative design project. It helps organize the process of repair and to determine the basic interior style gives opportunity to look at the room from the outside, to determine what is missing and what can be supplemented or correct. A distinctive feature of this type of project is the lack of specificity - there is no clear guidance on the invoice or shades, furniture arrangement about all these details are indicated on the sketch to understand the overall concept.

The development of the standard design project includes two mandatory stages: design and project. In drawing up the sketch takes into account all features of room layout: number of rooms, illumination, size, frequency of use of the premises. Designer helps determine the materials and color scheme, selects the best options for furniture and other interior items. Making any room - whether it's an office or apartment - needs careful thinking through the details, because they give the interior finish, will give him the necessary atmosphere. Of course, a sketch is not enough. It requires numerous technological calculations, which will provide fast and accurate embodiment of all design proposals. The project includes detailed drawings, which indicates the location of the wall or the transfer of registration of niches, if they are planned. Floor, ceiling, walls and doorways - all these items of repair work is also reflected in the draft. An illustrative example of a working team will perform repairs maximum quality.

Development of a standard design project will stay within the budget specified in advance during the renovation: careful calculation of all components allow to meet the estimate, the customer wishes to remain on the ground place.
Complete interior design project
Tech design approach provides the most accurate matching to the real intended result. Drawing up a complete design project will provide a thorough knowledge of how it will look after the apartment or house repair: furniture, small and large household appliances, decorative items. The sample with the end result will be the same one hundred percent, as indicated in the project, even the brand of decorative materials. The structure of the documents usually include several options plan with a detailed examination of the details of each.
See also:Textiles in interior
Plan all surfaces makes it possible to study in detail the dismantling of the old materials, see the transformation of premises in detail at every stage. A detailed plan for the placement of chandeliers and floor lamps, sockets and other electrical wirings, the plan of arrangement of furniture, sanitary and other equipment, Obligatory indication of the size of each room before and after the repair work as well as possible give a better idea of the work ahead, as well as how much it cost. Particularly prominent provides three-dimensional visualization. The presence of three-dimensional picture does not leave matters to detail design.

Lighting solution, zoning, compatibility of tones and textures - all this can be checked, and, if desired - to fix it. In addition, the availability of 3D picture format is convenient when carrying out repair work on a large area, because it is modern, and most importantly - fast, way to demonstrate immediately all the benefits and features of design interior solutions.

Author's supervision
In most cases, the repair or remodeling complex required permanent control of the designer. Often, when working issues arise, to resolve that, while not violating the basic concept of the future Interior, only by the author of the project. The developer will oversee a team and the quality of work, check the location of all communications with the plan, to help with the difficulties in the selection of materials. The use of this type of design project ensures the fullest compliance with the result expected.

The composition of the design project
Drawing up a design project consists of several stages, each of which is closely related to the previous and can not be excluded. Self-development, of course, is not prohibited, but it is fraught with numerous nonconformance legislation, so - Finalization of the project, followed by zatyazheniem repair indefinitely, but obviously a long, term. This is especially true of projects which include unification of the kitchen with the living quarters. An experienced designer does not just take into account all the wishes and ideas of the customer, but based on the experience, tell how to organize the space for comfort family better.

Technical task
The first step on the way to the ideal interior upgrade. The designer knew what result the customer wants to achieve, it is important at the outset to discuss all suggestions. The list of requirements for the design project usually includes a detailed description of the repaired areas, the wishes of colors and textures of materials. Maximum detailed answers about the preferences of all family members provide specialist a better understanding of how he sees his client housing. Requirements specification is possible, as in a personal meeting with the designer, and via e-mail - in this case it is necessary to consider all the items at once. Upon completion of the listing of all necessary work the customer puts his signature, after which the work on the interior of the project moves to the next step.
It is at this stage the approximate calculation of the cost of repair or remodeling.

Obmerochny plan
Of course, no repairs, and even more so if it involves the transfer of the walls or even their complete destruction, can not do without the measurements of the room. Measured the wall in several places the ceiling height, door and window openings. Often there are discrepancies in the standards - somewhere in the ceiling above a couple of centimeters, somewhere imperfectly flat wall. In order to properly remove all the errors in the finish, they must be fixed at the outset.
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planning decision
The main preparatory work is necessary on this stage, which can be several podzatyanutsya time. Designer of several examples Condominium (in the case of a house) layout and furniture parting, the number of options can reach even up to ten. Finally, to reach an agreement when absolutely all the amendments and preferences into account, there is a final plan of forthcoming activities. In developing the plan are taken into account not only the personal wishes of the customer, the designer also seeks to achieve the greatest ergonomic and functional environment at the same time to comply with relevant building codes, guests and other required standards.

stylistic collage
It provides visibility of the project for a better listening experience. To help the client to imagine a future interior designer can create a collage on paper and in electronic form. Different images, the most similar to the things used in a real project. In this way, the client can take advantage of, and in explaining its designer pans, any suit Image: photos, personal or copied drawings are quite revealing magazine clippings or newspapers. Subsequently, these examples can be used in the final stylistic collage.

Plan of arrangement of furniture and installation plans
Such documents may be several, the number of options for furniture placement. Customer must approve the one that is most appropriate. When a customer with the designer agreed on the arrangement of furniture and details redevelopment, it is necessary to fix all of the information for the construction team that will perform these works. Detailed plan and includes:
- granularity circuits laying flooring - tiles, parquet, laminate;
- the demolition of the walls and the installation of new ones - are necessary to indicate all the figures (height, width);
- construction of niches (by analogy with the preceding paragraph indicates the depth and the exact location);
- any multi-level structures (floor, ceiling, sunken bath);
- furniture arrangement.

The floor plan and ceiling includes an indication of the type of cover and structure. Additionally, provided is a sectional view.
Plan the installation of electrical devices
In the first place in the repair, you must decide which will be the outlet and lighting. Having the plan of arrangement of furniture is not so hard to make a plan of arrangement all electrical appliances, decide where will be placed switches, household appliances, public spaces and what boundaries will be laid warm floor. This step is very important, because inconveniently located outlet can significantly reduce the degree of comfort. However, much to delay the decision not worth it, because you can not skip this step, and therefore, the construction work has stopped.

A good example is the kitchen - in this room, a lot of home appliances, for convenience should be enough outlets to include several small devices simultaneously. Same with lighting - multilevel light zoning in the bedroom is much more convenient than a single chandelier in the ceiling.
Drawings of non-standard parts
Any custom designs, such as the built-in furniture, various shelves and niches, curly doorways, you need to display the details of individual drawings. The documents provide the most accurate execution and the result will be exactly as intended when planning.
See also:Decorative arches in the interior

Preliminary decision
Deciding construction and rough work issues, we should not forget about finishing. A sketch made by hand or electronically, will get a complete picture of what will be the new home. Performing a sketch based on the prior approval of the stylistic collage. At this stage it verified aesthetic harmony.

Three-dimensional visualization of the interior
The final stage of the creative work on the interior transformation. The advantage of volume rendering is the ability to see every room from any angle in the smallest details. In the development of 3D illustrations includes all previously agreed drawings, plans to deploy all the objects and lighting. By the way, three-dimensional picture can give a complete idea of zoning, where the light will fall, how harmonious furniture to decorative items.

Working documents
Upon completion of the design project of all materials, furniture and lighting products are entered in the summary table on the basis of which the estimate is made. The customer has to stay in the hands of an impressive set of documents:
- summary sheet for each room be repaired with a detailed list of all the finishing materials, including their articles, the estimated cost, stores addresses;
- summary sheet for home furnishings (furniture, lighting, decoration);
- drawings (for construction works, replanning detail, electric wiring, a phased installation atypical structures);
- visualization and sketches.

I must say, in addition to decorating the room designer area of responsibility applies only to the stage of finishing work. If you can not self-control, supervision is used for the prevention or resolution of difficulties in compliance with all points of the project. If you need to manage a team of builders, we have to go on the technical supervision and negotiate it stands with the foreman.
Complete redevelopment is possible at the level of not only the apartment or office, but even a cottage, in the latter case it would be appropriate even landscaping. Specialists will help unleash the potential of maximum facilities in full compliance with the wishes of the customer.

Development of a design project will expand the boundaries of imagination, will make a in the interior is not only creative, but also comfort. At the same time we should not forget about the legislative side of the issue: a lot of work, such as demolition, require approval of the regulatory authorities, as demolition walls must not jeopardize the strength of the house design, the same applies to any changes to the facade, as well as the manipulation of the space or balcony loggias. Permission for such work does not get the designer and the customer, it is better to do it in advance, to later not to delay the process of developing the project. Do not be surprised the involvement of third-party specialists, for example, for planning electricity breeding or installation of air conditioning. Summarizing, we can say that the development of the design project a competent and experienced professional help is not only embody all the most incredible ideas, but do it efficiently and meet the intended advance estimates.