Staircase - rather unusual living element. In a typical (especially - prefabricated) houses are practically no two-storey apartments, so the staircase in the living room is most often found in cottages. This element must be well fit into the overall interior of the housing, while maintaining its functionality. It can be in the living room if the room is big enough. Otherwise it is better to set this structure in the spacious lobby. Stairs should be comfortable and durable. The exception is when on the second floor above the living room and hallway is a pantry, which come very rarely. Then, the ladder can only play a decorative role. However, if a family has young children, you still need to take care of the levels of strength and safety railing. The room with a staircase looks stylish and impressive, so it is not necessary to hide.
Interior features a living room with a staircase
- Benefits
- disadvantages
- Technical requirements
- Methods of location
- Construction of the space under the stairs
How to choose
Securing and construction
- design
- Mounts
- Material
- types of ladders
Securing and construction
- Designs and styles
- Lighting
- conclusion
Interior features a living room with a staircase
Interior living room with a staircase you need to work out in advance. This design should be incorporated into the design project at the first stage of development. A place for its installation should be chosen with regard to ergonomics, to a staircase does not interfere with the functionality of the room. If desired, it is possible to equip a small kitchen, room, bathroom or pantry. And even a small room will have a door and lockable. If desired, it can be converted into a cozy play area for children with soft colored ottomans and wall bars. But this space can be left free. This decision will make the living room more spacious and brighter. Similar designs are placed not only close to the walls, but also the middle of the room, which looks elegant and modern. On the edge of the steps at the same time can be supplied:
- large pots of flowers;
- elegant, floor lamps;
- desk with books, etc.

Stairs - is the original decoration of a living room addition. This design can effectively underline design ideas. Wide classic staircase makes living more status, and interesting design of metal steps, as if flying through the air, once again underlines the futuristic and avant-garde style interior. To give the interior a personality, experts advise to play with light. For example, to set the backlight level for each of a certain color. The presence in the living room ladder extends the design of the room. Ladder enlarges the area of ββthe premises and connects the first floor to the second. This design allows harmoniously fit into the overall interior design objects: they can simply install under it without loss of functionality.

Having stairs in the living room has its drawbacks. Firstly, this room will actually pass. It will be impossible to be alone or to sit quietly with friends. If on the second floor will carry only one staircase, and it will be in the living room, you will not get to go down unnoticed. For example, if one member of the family does not want to communicate with the guests. Secondly, because of this design is considerably reduced insulation space. In the living room all the sounds from the second floor to be heard. Thirdly, the Living is the hallmark of the house, so it is traditionally made out prettier and richer than the other rooms. The staircase in the living room should meet the rest of the interior, and therefore it will have to be made of expensive materials. If it is located in the hallway, then the design can be saved.
See also:Interior of modern living room - 100 photo ideas

Technical requirements
By staircase installed in the living room, impose certain technical requirements.

When installing these designs should be guided by standards building codes and the requirements of GOST. Stairs should be comfortable and safe. GOST its tilt angle must be in the range of from 26 to 45 degrees, wherein for screw structures maximum tilt angle is 35 degrees. GOST defined sizes and grades. Steps must be the same size. Their width depends on personal preference, but it is not recommended for 60 cm stage. Rotary marches this value should be about 70-80 cm, and for the usual - meter, but in a small two-level apartments or private homes compact ladder can have a width of 80 cm of the march. In one march should be at least 3 and not more than 16 degrees, ending in pads. railing structure shall be designed in advance. Handrail and uprights are made based on the design load with a small margin.

Methods of location
The staircase in the living room can be located in any part of the room, but it is better when choosing its location to consider individual preferences, the selected style of interior design, layout and floor space. To reduce the perception of the living room as the entrance of the room, stair structure is mounted directly at the door. If you need to zone the space, you can install it in the center of the room. Stairs without rails or with minimal barriers is better to install next to the wall and away from the fire equipment (if any) to reduce the risk of injury. Staircase design should not "eat" a useful area or cover the essential elements (for example, a conventional electric heater or fireplace). It should be arranged so that the overhead rising human allow sufficient free space (about 2 m). If possible, this structure should be set near the window to ensure a comfortable natural lighting.

Construction of the space under the stairs
Before the arrangement of the space under the stairs, make sure that there lie the important communication. If they are present, they must be something (for example, drywall) must close and seal the soundproofing material. Under the stairs can be equipped with a complete storage room, a corner of home appliances (washing machine and put dishwasher), wardrobe, storage space for groceries, a small wine cellar, an extra bathroom or office. Design options of this space there are many. We need to focus on the needs of family members and the general living style. In the niche under the stairs can be equipped with an extra bed for guests with a slide bed or install compact kitchen without a gas stove if living aligned with the kitchen.

How to choose
Stairs can be accent the room, but it must comply with the overall style of the room. So you need to determine in advance the type of interior design living room. We must try to connect rooms on the first and second floors of the style using the design ladder. For the living room for a small compact stairs, take up little space in the room. Bulky design will only interfere. The selected material depends on the specific design of the room. Staircase construction in classical style are usually made of wood or metal. Stairs made in the Renaissance style, usually made from environmentally friendly natural materials. Rustic motifs in the interior suggests the installation of stairs entirely of wood. For the style of hi-tech suit of metal ladders.
See also:Design living room of 20 square meters with one window (30 photos)

Securing and construction
There are many types of ladders and types of fixtures for them. Standard ladder consists of protections, steps central supports, fasteners and other items. Enclosures provide security, but they may not be available as part of the design solution. Such designs look impressive, but not suitable for homes with small children or retirees. ladders are often the site. They need to put, if the family has old people, it is simply convenient. Usually ladder type fasteners and determined by the area premises, ceiling height, overall style of the room and the materials from which the stage will be made. Bearing structural elements should be as strong and meet all the requirements of GOST and SNIP. Stairs must be strong and functional, and only then - beautiful and stylish.

Direct odnomarshevaya staircase is considered the most simple in construction, and that is why it was constructed in private homes. It fits well into any interior. Odnomarshevye indirect ladders with zabezhnymi steps on one or two sides put when it is impossible to put the usual straight ladder, and therefore need to slightly modify it direction. This is typical of a small living room. Direct ladder with a platform or structure with zabezhnymi steps and platform are installed in buildings with high ceilings. Direct or half-pace trehmarshevaya ladder having parallel marches and pad (or two) between them, as set in buildings with high ceilings for a rational use of the area premises. L-shaped design is always mounted to the wall for a significant space saving.

Screw, arched, and other spiraling stairs with zabezhnymi steps are set for efficient ergonomics and to give the room personality.

There are several basic types of ladder brackets. Stringers - a way of mounting. When the beams are made therein recesses in the form of a comb beneath the tread and riser. In them you can see the side of the end stage, if it does not close the panel. String - is the way of fastening, in which the base beams in doing grooves on the inner side of stages. At this stage hollow closed end. Bolz - This special attachment frameless stairs. Actually rails are large metal bolts in the wall, which hold stage. Bolz look insecure, but they are able to withstand the weight of 1.5 tons! The helical ladder constructions are used as a support sturdy rack made of thick-walled metal pipes diameters from 5 cm. They are mounted vertically without any inclination.

The avant-garde style fit perfectly into the design of glass and metal ladders are ideal for high-tech. Metal constructions are very durable, reliable and relatively inexpensive. Wood can be used in almost any design project. It refines any room, giving it a feeling of comfort. Today staircase of solid oak, beech, ash and larch are very popular with the owners of private houses. Concrete stairs are not as popular due to its fire protection properties and ability to withstand heavy loads. But they are only suitable for a strong walls of houses (not wood!), Because concrete is heavy. Often these stairs is lined with ceramic tiles. Ladders of stone have a solid appearance. Stairs made of natural stone look luxurious, but are expensive, and the construction of artificial stone may gradually fade when exposed to sunlight. can be successfully combined with each other all the materials mentioned above.
See also:The interior of the living room in a country house 75 photos

types of ladders
The choice of varieties of ladders due to the overall room style and individual preferences of the homeowner. All stairs can be divided into direct march, curved, spiral and construction and rails. Straight stairway - a simple design with familiar steps, handrails and floor pads. Curved stairs may have one or more turning radius. Screw structures are twisted spiral stairs, railings and metallic fasteners - rack. If you are installing a spiral staircase, then you need to set up and direct the march, because spiral structure is not suitable for the transport of heavy objects (e.g., furniture). Ladders and rails - a modern design, in which the steps and rails are mounted directly to the wall with metal bolts.

Designs and styles
Each design has its own way to design the ladders. Egyptian style involves the presence of the original showy ornamental, Greek impressive stylish script railing and striking Romanesque solidity. Stairs in Roman and classical style, concise, and gothic are unusual combination of bright colors and darkness. Indian ladder colorful, and Japan (as well as the stairs in the style of minimalism) - simple and functional. Structures in Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Art Deco, or the Empire are complex and royally luxurious.

For stairs in a modern style characterized by interlacing techniques and thoroughness. Country pleasing simplicity and comfort. Provence suggests light colors and floral motifs. Staircase construction in the style of constructivism differ simple geometry and the presence of the turntable. For high-tech characteristic of adaptability of all the elements. A staircase in the style of kitsch contain inappropriate each other's parts and materials.

All stair lighting should be as safe to operate. Lighting can be ceiling, wall, local and ornamental. When the ceiling light above the staircase hang chandeliers suspensions with or without them. This method is ideal for classic interiors. Also, the stairs can be illuminated by a wall sconce. This is the easiest way to light. For typical local illumination lights individual ladder sections (e.g., marches or pad). For these purposes, you can take halogen lamps or diodes, integrated into a system of "smart house". That is, they light up when a person is on the step. Decorative lighting is needed to make certain atmospheric house. It is in addition to the basic coverage and is usually included in any celebrations.

Living room with a staircase to be stylish and beautiful. No need to ignore the general rules of building design project. It should be reasonable to combine colors and materials. Staircase design should not stand out from the general style. It is possible to emphasize, but within the framework of an existing design. You need to carefully plan the location of the stairs in the house, because in the future it will be difficult to rearrange to another location. As for the material ladder, his selection depends on the financial capacity of the homeowner and interior style of the room. Some materials may simply not fit into the already agreed design project. If in the living room will be non-core staircase to the second floor, you can experiment with its design, for example, to make a screw or frameless.