Housing area of 46 sq. m is quite standard for buildings of the last century - "Khrushchev", "stalinok" modern "sockets" and others. In these apartments used to be done from one to three rooms, in Soviet times, there lived three or four or even more people. Times have changed, and now this flatlet is considered intended for a maximum of two, or a married couple with a child. Ideally, it is being converted into a one-room studio. It is difficult to place everything necessary for the three, it is practically impossible - for a large family. To learn how to draw the most successful design studio apartment of 46 sq. m, choose the appropriate style to make zoning more in the text below.
- Development of a design project
- The choice of stylistic directions and colors
- Kitchen-living room
- Bedroom
- Entrance hall and cloakroom
- Bathroom
- conclusion
Development of a design project
Ready standard projects design apartments certain areas offered by many specialists. But when the plan is different from the usual, or you want something special, should develop an individual scheme of repair of the premises.

The design project includes:
- the original scheme of the symbols of all sizes;
- description stylistic solutions apartments;
- demolition plan, the construction of partitions;
- separate floor plans, ceilings, scan the walls;
- graphical wiring diagram placement fixtures, water, gas pipes, radiators;
- description furniture arrangement;
- 3D-visualization with the help of special computer programs;
- calculation of the necessary amount of material, all furniture items and accessories;
- technical information for workers who will do the repairs.

Looking "3D" images, one can understand, whether he liked the situation in this room, it's nice to be there live. If something does not suit, then at this stage you can still make any changes.
The choice of stylistic directions and colors
The different variations of the following interior design styles are used most frequently:
- classic,
- Provence
- loft,
- fusion,
- country,
- high tech,
- minimalism,
- art believe
- Modern,
- Art Deco.
See also:Design studio 25 square meters. m. - 30 interior ideas

If this "vest" all "odnushki" existing facilities are being refurbished - in a medium-sized studio. This apartment is better to draw in light colors, using a variety of mirrors, lighting to visually expand the space. Minimalism, modern, hi-tech - the most suitable for this. The one-room studio apartment can apply any style - it all depends on the imagination of residents, their financial capacity. For expensive Baroque or Gothic 46 "squares" is considered enough - decor involves a lot of bulk carved details, moldings, huge chandeliers, columns. But neoclassical well fit into the available space. Minimalism, classic, can be of different price categories, and the art believe industrial, is literally out of scrap materials.

Zoning any apartment depends on:
- the number of residents;
- occupation of each family member;
- their approximate age;
- the expected number of furniture.
A breakdown into separate zones is particularly relevant for studio apartments, rooms, where several people, each of whom must be some private space to work, rest, sleep.

Zoning is carried out by means of:
- partitions made of metal, plastic, or tinted glass, drywall, etc .;
- lung folding screens;
- any pieces of furniture;
- translucent sliding door;
- various decorating the floor, ceiling, walls separate zones;
- curtains, blinds, including the "rustling" - made of beads, acorns, paper clips, pieces of cards, etc .;
- local illumination of the individual zones;
- different ceiling heights, floor;
- arches, columns, fireplaces;
- plants in floor vases, aquariums with fish;
- different color schemes.

In the same room is not necessary to do more than three or four functional groups, they are drawn around in the same style.

Kitchen-living room
In such small apartments, as a result of redevelopment, the kitchen is often combined with a living room, separated from her desk, a bar that allows you to save space. The apartment has transferred one of the walls, "cutting off" a piece of the corridor or living room to the kitchen. It turns spacious enough "odnushka", with a small, partly insulated sleeping area. This space is not only a place for cooking, eating, but often also an office, a place to relax, sleep, individual family members.
See also:Interior design of the apartment of 45 square meters. m

In today's time there is a concept "evrodvushka" - a small apartment in which the kitchen-living room is combined with a hallway, bedroom, bathroom, toilet - separately. It can be easily remodeled into a studio apartment, where there is a "bedroom" - separate (possible separated from the rest of space) room of an area of ten or twelve squares.
Each logical zone in the room should have a separate lighting, as well as the total - for the entire space.

The master bedroom is usually a room behind a screen, wall, enclosing a double bed, a small closet, a pair of nightstands. If there are children, they also need a so-called "room". From the master bedroom is separated by a partition, a dense curtain, a folding screen, and a child's bed the first year of life may well be right in the parents' room.

For two children preferred to organize a two-tier bed. If the child is one and has large, perfect solution is to purchase a loft bed, which will be located under his workplace, located at the far end, a large niche. preferably the lighting in the bedroom muted, but if it has a place where residents are planning to read, write, work on the computer, a laptop, and there a brighter bulb.

Entrance hall and cloakroom
Designers recommend carefully considered design of the hallway - it's "calling card" of the whole apartment. Corridor in such places often very tight, because it is combined with other rooms or decorate the maximum light materials, mirrors, so it seemed more spacious. Spotlights here will be very useful, and the most preferred minimum furnishings.

Dressing is usually combined with a bedroom, more precisely it is part of the "rooms" separated from her wardrobe, screens, shutters. In the studio apartment under it emit any free corner, where the location is the most convenient. The dressing is required is a local illumination, which is mounted directly on top of the cabinet or the vicinity thereof.
See also:Design studio area of 28 square meters. 50 m interior photo

WC saves space. it is possible to place all necessary if you wish. To provide more space, choose a compact, corner, mounted plumbing, storage space beneath a bathtub for hanging shelves, high, narrow cabinets. The bathtub is often replaced by a shower, best of all - the corner.

Square bathroom, preferably elongated - place furniture, plumbing there much easier. Most often, this room can boast of its spaciousness, because of the visual extension of the space used mirrors on the walls, ceiling, flooring. Along the perimeter - a few spotlights. Lighting may be upper and local - about mirrors, each object plumbing, outdoor cabinets.

Apartment-«odnushka", the area plus or minus 46 sq. m, may well become a stylish, comfortable, spacious look, with everything needed for a normal life of a small family. It does not matter, it is located in a new building or a very old house, because you can change the layout and modern materials will transform any space. Studio apartment should not place undue clutter of unnecessary items, making out the whole room in a single style - furniture is better to buy from the "one set" as the decor. If it is impossible to work out in detail the design of your own, use the services of professional interior planners.