Rose is one of the most recognizable plants. It is because of the natural beauty it has become a welcome gift. Masters learned to make paper roses and shape of these beautiful bouquets. Artificial product in itself is a complete decorative object. However, craftsmen have gone further - at first glance this paper rose and not always possible to tell the difference. Crafts can be purchased in the store, but it is better to spend your time and make the product their own. The experience gained will help to develop the skills to continue to come up with your own original embodiment. Beginners should not start with the production of complex products. To practice in this case made up step by step instructions on how to make a rose out of paper - the usual or decorative. If you read this information, the implementation of the principle of operation will be as clear as possible.
- The story of paper flowers
- Production rose in the art origami
Rose paper in the art Kvilling
- Of colored paper tape
- From carved spiral tape
- Rose of crepe paper
- Rosebud with candy
- We make money rose
- Bulk rosette of napkins
- "Musical" rose from note pages
- Production of giant roses for photo zone
- Decorating ideas gift paper roses
- How to make a postcard with small roses
- conclusion
The story of paper flowers
Artificial flowers have appeared in ancient times. Some sources advance version of the origin of the art of making flowers in ancient Egypt for a few thousand years before. Flowers made of paper appeared later, in the I millennium. The material itself Chinese invented, and it happened in the year 105 BC. e. Already in the early period of the Middle Ages artisans were making paper flowers. Many knowledge is passed from the time of ancient Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, artificial flowers adorn statues and religious objects. More often - me-nots, lilies and roses. Popular paper flowers used in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. Pope even handed the Golden Rose - the award for the people engaged in charitable activities. It is best known in the history of artificial flower. The first guide for the production of color paper in Russian appeared in 1894.

Production rose in the art origami
To create a flower need glue gun or PVA glue, scissors, pencil, origami diagrams, wire and paper (special color, corrugated or office), preferably double-sided. First, cut out a square with sides of 20-30 cm. Bend your figure in half, and then turns around to do the same in the other direction. Then double-folded along the diagonal. Next, make a triangle with a hollow upper corner. After tighten all the ends of the apex - forming kinks. All the top go too until the middle to get a triangle. Harvesting takes place, and the next stage. Top bends and the resulting corner plant inside. Double top folding. To the resulting beveled top raise other bent corners, promoting them to each other. Turn over the product, bend the middle of the hand and repeat all the steps. Will hack in the form of a rose bud.

Rose paper in the art Kvilling
The technique involves creating products by twisting the long and relatively narrow paper strips. Number of tools required in this case will be minimal. Necessarily need glue and scissors, as well as the paper itself. You will need some kind of axis for the winding, such as a pencil or a toothpick, but all actions are performed manually, if desired. Creating a desired shape start at one end. When assembling the paper tape should be the formation of the flower faces. lobes rounded arches leave or somehow modify: crumple or cut. Torsional shape in plan view shall not be round, right forming flower looks angular. Each layer (the result of one turn) implies a small amount of adhesive bonding. Bud to collect into a tight ball, then to make it more magnificent and broader.
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Main production versions onto Kvilling in the art:
- Normal color ribbon;
- Spiral tape.
This technique - the ability to quickly and cheaply to do realistic beautiful flower!

Of colored paper tape
One way to make paper roses involves the use of adhesive tape, cutting tools and A4 paper. The first step is taking the paper and folded in half (lengthwise). Each of the faces is bent twice in the same vector. On paper, four strips of similar shape to appear. We separate them with scissors and glue the ribbon to one long piece. Then twist the strip until you collect it completely. Movement produced on a circular basis to figure collected in flower, and had top and bottom sides. The first fold is best to catch and is suitable for this glue, and ordinary pencil. Flower will be released as a result of volume and with lots of petals. Therefore alignment products do - to bud became more accurate. This process is not difficult, and more important here is the selection of materials, and not the skill of the performer.

From carved spiral tape
4 is known a method for manufacturing this material from roses:
- lace;
- square;
- petal;
- option with additional petals.
It works best with hot glue, as record this preform hard enough. In addition, it will have a long time to hold hands. When petalled method, first draw a spiral round and add to it the outlines of the petals. Then cut it out and draw the "edge" of watercolor paint. On the cut elements forming irregularities - bud get soft and pliable. Collecting spiral need an external end. petals arch forming at its discretion, make any sort of form. Square method is different from others just because of the corresponding spiral shape. The edges at the same time turn out uneven. Bud with extra petals form the first of the spiral, which would be the core of the flower. The additional elements makes an incision and connect with a core using hot glue. The petals are made in 3 different sizes. Lacy method involves the use of strips of the round form.

Rose of crepe paper
It is made in several ways: by twisting or collecting individual petals. Since the first is simpler, the beginner should try it first. A set of tools with a minimum: a pair of scissors and crepe paper in the form of a long segment with a width of 5-7 centimeters. Strip add up in several layers, cut the corrugated material. Then we round off the sharp edges by cutting the ends of a petal shape. If you expand the band, then it will be seen a kind of "convexity". That the interval between them was correct, the strip is necessary to add the maximum level. Now twist the entire tape with a pencil, or by hand. Hooking "beginning" bud be an adhesive or a special tape. For the manufacture of blank used lush rose width 8-9 cm. The petals then need to expand and cool.

Rosebud with candy
Handicrafts flower with candy inside follows a more or less dense material to texture looked natural. To create the petals can take corrugated paper number 586 deep red. Cut it into strips 7.5 cm wide. Further, from long tapes obtain a fragment of 7.5 * 7.5 for the bottom bud and twelve pieces of 7.5 * 4 cm for the petals. Basis bud rounded on one side and wrapped. After that, sticking to her candy without removing the wrapper. The base again wrap and sweet to sit down on the rod. After the need to prepare the pitch. On the one hand they are slightly rounded, and with another partially cut off with scissors (flat line). Narrow side performs the role of a bottom and rounded - the top. At the end of glue petals to bud base. only the buds, so that later it was more convenient to take the candy can be made if desired.
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We make money rose
First, prepare the bills: one rosette should be enough for 5-7 pieces. All four corners of each of them to curl in one direction with the help of bamboo sticks. Then take a white paper rectangular shape and put an end to the skewers on its center. Both halves of the sheet is wound on a stick in one direction. In the process we put on paper a little glue. Next, take the pending bills: this time, folded in half and bend angles are equal and slightly Mnemonic. After that is glued to the end of the wand shook all the bills one by one. We are doing it the folded side, so that the free edges rise above the rod. Bills should be fixed overlap. It remains to draw a flower. To do this, we use a decorative grid. Makeshift stem hide green ribbon. If going to a bouquet of flowers a few, the better to hide the rod skrapbumagoy.

Bulk rosette of napkins
To work, except the napkins, you will need:
- pencil;
- glue;
- thread;
- scissors.
First, on a flat surface completely unfold the napkin. Put on the edge of a pencil, and twists the fabric so that it is not torn, and the edges were smooth. Drum is not completely, leaving a small strip. Further cloth shrinks and slowly removed with a pencil. It should be strongly crumpled. For one bud will need to create these 3 parts. Every curl into a small spiral. Since tissues become softer, it can be done without any problems. Elements combine in a rounded shape. So, you get a kind of bud. It should be decorated with green leaves. To do this, take a swipe of the corresponding color and cut are the appropriate forms. Then he engaged in decoration. Thread sew leaves the bottom of the composition. When working with wipes to keep your hands dry. Nor can it make any sudden movements. Otherwise, things can go wrong and have to start all over again.

"Musical" rose from note pages
The first step is to draw music sheet bud drawing. You can use your own imagination or find sketches on the Internet. It looks very nice round spiral shape with a wavy texture. It will be possible to twist in different ways, which increases the amount of the final version. After transfer circuit to cut out the music paper mold. We make slow movements with scissors. Further twirl preform starting from the central region. After tightening each wave workpiece glue. Need to lubricate the top of the wrapped. The petals of the outer layers formed of a flower are folded outwards. Form them curves, you can use a toothpick. At the end of the product decorate decorative stones or sequins. Rosette of white music paper with green stem is a perfect decorative element of the interior.

Production of giant roses for photo zone
In this case, you will need a thick decorative paper. Its size sheet is selected so that the tab of the finished product size is roughly equal to A4. You can make even larger rosettes. If we are talking about the design of the room, the larger it is, the better. Work should begin with the purchase of a large stack of sheets, because some of them will be spoiled in the process. Next, chop the petals of different sizes: medium, large, very large. It is necessary to achieve a convex shape. Therefore, we take the scissors and make a neat incision a few centimeters in length. Divided side put overlap and connect with glue. Repeat these steps to create the other petals. Then twisted one of the remaining wheels to roll and forming thereby stamen. Then cut out perfectly round fragment. He will be base. To it using hot glue thread or attached stamen, and then the composition is made petals.
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Decorating ideas gift paper roses
To implement the various options you can use these materials and tools:
- paper rope;
- kraft paper;
- wire;
- corrugated paper;
- thick white sheets;
- beads;
- Floss.
Wire and green floss is a beautiful decorative stalk. Stamens can be made of the same materials, simply by making a bend. The finished product will decorate a gift box. Another option - obtyanut gift beads and catch him a few buds. Gift wrapping can also decorate the green twine and a bouquet of red roses several on-site bow. It looks great buds the color of wrapping paper. Artificial roses adorn not only the packaging. They can give with soft toys, clothing, various hendmeydom. For example, to the present, can be attached to the original flower petals and fittings from the jacket as a stem and stamens. Rosettes of paper - it's not only a great addition to any gift. Of these, you can also make the original topiary. Obtain a decorative tree with flowers instead of the crown.

How to make a postcard with small roses
Postcards are often decorated with three-dimensional elements: bows, lace, butterflies. Paper roses will also be welcome. For the manufacture of such decoration is better to use watercolor paper. It is very plastic and its aesthetics is superior to other types of paper. To make flowers for scrapbooking, you need to use a container of water, sponge, glue, scissors, and a pattern in the form of rosettes. Flowers should be done relatively flat. Five small red petals on a rose - perfect. Initially, on the patterns of the stencil cut out whole buds. Further, they are soaked in water for about 10 minutes. Then using napkins or cotton are removed excess liquid. The buds have to do more relief, for example, some ball-shaped tip. Then they were at the center of the glued on one bead. When all the petals are ready, you will need to choose a place for them on the card.
Do not rush to do the job again, if the buds are too long in the water - the properties of this may even improve.

Artificial flowers are among the most popular ornaments. In different parts of the world have come up with many manufacturing techniques buds of such a simple material such as paper. Flowers, for example, can vary in color, shape, size or texture - a significant argument to consider them as a good gift. To make a particular flower, such as rosettes, will need to make certain bends and cuts. It all depends on the material. A big plus is that it does not take much time for making paper roses and a large number of tools. Roses made of flat and spiral paper tape, crepe, pleated and watercolor paper, napkins, as well as in various techniques. Paper roses decorate cards, gift packaging and interior details.