Mandalas: history of origin of Tibetan Buddhist symbols and how to apply for family

During the entire existence of mankind is searching for ways and means of improvement. Now it is becoming increasingly popular use of art therapy. One of the most effective forms are mandalas. The healing power of the figure used for centuries in many cultures of the East.

Mandala on the rocks


  1. Patrimony
  2. Purpose and species
  3. The practical application of character
  4. customer Reviews


As for the history of the mandala, then, according to historians, the first time the word was found in the content of the ancient monument of Indian literature "Rigveda". Then it meant a circle, a repository of something. Then this concept has spread to Central Asia and the East. According to Buddhist legend, the very first of them was made a tantric yogi Padmasambhava in the eighth century. For seven days, he prayed fervently, creating a sacred symbol. On the eighth day god still later and fulfilled desires conceived by him.

appointment mandalas

In the days of the Aztec Indians culture in creating a calendar used by the mandala. Indigenous peoples of the Americas felt circle circle of life from birth to death. The circular pattern is always used and continue to use them in various rituals and dances. The Native American mandala with ancient symbols of protection used in the form of a shield. Many tribes used the shield not only for safety, but saw it as a good luck totem.

Circular in shape, they were decorated with geometric patternsSymbolizing the power of nature. Since time immemorial, the Tibetan Buddhism and the American tribes, the Navajo sand mandalas are used in religious rituals. One of the most famous Indian forms, survived until today, it is the dream catcher. Indian tribes prepare them from threads that are interwoven in a web around the hoop.

Now it's just a decorative interior decoration, but many people still believe that this part drives away bad dreams. Mandalas can be only a subject of eastern culturesIf it was not Carl Jung. With his light hand revived and strengthened in the XX century, these religious symbols in Europe.

Healing effect of art has long been known in medical circles. A brilliant psychologist brought the theory of the healing effects of graphic design on the person and, above all, in the field of personal growth.

Purpose and species

Mandala is a complex geometrical structure, symbolizing the universe. The original meaning of this sacred symbol has increased significantly and is now as a cult image is used not only for worship but also as a psychotherapeutic facilities. Jung called the mandala of the manifestation of the human soul, and its color - a kind of language, by means of which man knows himself.

types of mandalas

Tibetans believe that her designs, emitting the most subtle vibrations allow to enlighten the mind and understand the higher meaning. The person who creates a mandala, the figure reflects its essence. Mandalas are necessary to for the patterns, which are created by people, he was able to learn more about themselves, their problems and experiences.

Coloring in special colors or embroidery mandala is a meditation in which a person tunes in happiness, love, material wealth.

The two-dimensional image on a plane geometric figures embody different kinds of energies, so they are used in almost all spheres of life: the mandala on the rocks, sand, baked in the oven. There are a large number Mandala, each solves a specific problem:

Healing mandala
  • Healing. They draw the patient himself, directing the energy of the disease in the drawing. Figure immediately burned. health patterns of about a patient's bedside.
  • Mandala, whose manufacture or coloring is used for meditation, helping to enter the state of relaxation.
  • energy generators. With a lack of a human vitality and physical strength they help him to become more active and energetic. If, on the contrary, it is too much, aggressive behavior and nervous - calm, bring into harmony.
  • Symbols-amulets. Their location directly at the front door do not allow negative energy to get in the house.
  • Mandala, psychological assistance, for example, the family of the mandala to establish relations between the close friends.
  • Breeds, which are used in the interior of the room.
Features drawing mandalas

There are numeric characters, constructed according to the laws of numerology. A series of dynamic exercises, built on the principle of lotus, mandala represents - dance. But the most popular mandala in a pattern which species there are so many. Get at least the same tattoos that young people's hot.

The practical application of character

On sale today you can see a lot of books, coloring books for meditation. The drawings, which are represented in these collections, with the right coloring will help strengthen family relationships, ward off illness, attract success and wealth, to achieve other goals. It will help your child to be more attentive and careful. For meditation you need to:

How to Draw a mandala
  • take a comfortable position, with quiet classical music, candles, aroma lamp can be used;
  • free from all extraneous thoughts and feelings;
  • look at the picture on the clockwise direction from the edge to the center, in the middle of the picture look to hold and focus only on internal sensations;
  • try to listen to his condition, to concentrate on the feelings that come.
Varieties of mandalas and their purposes

meditation time at each individually: some will be enough five minutes later, someone will need an hour. If you experience fatigue feelings of meditation should be stopped. Systematic exercises help you learn about yourself a lot of new and interesting. Meditative coloring needs to be given 5 minutes to an hour. Before the technique of strengthening the family need to think about the relationship, ideally, what they will be.

Think about it, you can start working on a drawing. Use colors that are favorable for families - white, red, blue, purple. When coloring is desirable at all times to present a picture of a happy family life. Creating one or the other character should reject all negative thoughts, free your mind of unpleasant memories and challenges. If you can not get rid of a bad mood, the pattern must be burned.

customer Reviews

At home I have a few of these colorings. They soothe, cheer up. Flower Mandala, which recently acquired the well relieve stress. This coloring is a geometric matrix square that is inscribed in a circle and decorated with patterns. Each mandala is accompanied by interesting statements. I think that such intelligent coloring drawings will be useful for the development of children and their accuracy and patience. I learned recently that stretches to the mandalas everything positive and good, so would recommend.

There is a wonderful app for your phone - Mandala risovashka in which many beautiful designs, simple and complex. They can paint whatever you like, and with a single figure be able to get in a lot of other different color palette. Every detail is automated and accessible even for children.

Varvara, 43 years old.

A friend gave me this interesting coloring book I'm into the night could not tear myself away. It is called "Mandalas, wish-fulfilling" by Lily Gabo. This book provides the very concept, describes the different types and methods of application.

According to Eastern religions, the mandala contains a sacred meaning and refers to the world order and inner harmony. Figures are printed on heavy paper, and is very convenient to paint. The book will perfectly cope with stress and work on improving your personality.

Valentina, 27 years old.

I want to share their opinions about the book Isabella Reut 'personal mandala. Notes observer. " By volume, it is small, but very useful, especially for those who are first confronted with this topic and He wants to learn more about what it means every ornament that it can bring a person at different moments life.

The author tells about what mandalas lead to success, with their help fulfill a wish or get rid of the disease. It should be noted that I was fond of it before. For example, after working on coloring Clare Hart, much has changed in my life has changed for the better. I advise you to get acquainted with these books, they will help to understand the magical power of color and many secrets circular systems in the surrounding life.

Taras, 37 years old.