How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands

What just not going to do with their hands! If desired, you can do everything, even furniture.

For example, you can make a very nice ottoman, which is easy to use in the home.

How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands

Padded stools for that we need very little: a large number of cardboard, old cloth, tape, fleece blanket. Even as a tool you can use a stapler for furniture.

So, first prepare cartons.

How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands
How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands
How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands
How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands

These cardboard boxes we fill cardboard boxes and then connect with each other.

How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands

In this case, the board can not be sorry, you need to score a cardboard box to the ground and then glued together.

When the cardboard base padded stools will be ready, it has to be several times covered with fabric, using a stapler to fasten. The fabric can take the most diverse, most importantly, that she was soft and would be suited to be attached to the ottoman.

Here's how it will look like an ottoman, covered with a rough cloth.

How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands
How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands

Finally, then you need to cut a fleece blanket and attach it to the ottoman.

It is this kind of veil makes our padded stools respectable.

How to make an ottoman made of cardboard with their hands

From above, we also attach a piece of fleece fabric. Here is our hack and ready.