Funds from the mold and mildew on the walls: what to choose, how to make yourself at home

Effective means for removing mold from the walls of the apartmentThe appearance of mold is a common problem for the houses and sometimes even for the apartments. Face it anyone can. But not everyone can get rid of it the first time. The fact is that mold - a fungus that is very rapidly spreading spores.

So, it would seem, I have got rid of her, but she reappears in the new location. But do not be discouraged too soon. Get rid of mildew on the walls it is difficult, but doable. This person will help the knowledge of the causes of the problem and the means of mold and mildew on the walls.


  1. The reasons for the appearance of mold on the walls
  2. High humidity
  3. The freezing of the walls
  4. pour neighbors
  5. Problems with the water supply and sanitation
  6. With a surface of the mold is easier to remove
  7. Most chemical agents against fungus
  8. OLIMP - stop mold
  9. Means Abedis-06
  10. ALPA Fongifluid
  11. Universal antiseptic "Dali"
  12. Folk remedies
  13. How to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls

The reasons for the appearance of mold on the walls

The reasons for the appearance of mold on the walls in the apartmentBefore you begin to select a remedy for mold, you need to determine where it came from the fungus on the walls of the apartment. The reasons for the emergence of a few. But to eradicate them, it will be possible to begin treatment of the walls.

High humidity

This is the first and main reason for the appearance of mold. Moisture on the walls is destructive, particularly if they are wooden. Causes of high humidity:

  • House badly isolated;
  • walls or joints between the boards were poorly processed;
  • Wall experienced severe cold, during which promorzli;
  • not working ventilation system.

The freezing of the walls

It is very easy to detect. Areas ravaged by cold, start to turn black with the coming heat. Typically, this occurs at the corners and edges of the walls.

If we talk about the ventilation system, it must be said that the installed plastic windows or no windows (such as in a basement) contribute to even greater growth of the fungus. Therefore, we recommend regularly ventilate the roomEven difficult.

The most favorite spots of mold are bathroom and basement. There's little light, completely missing windows, ventilation is usually not. Therefore, cleaning the house from the centers of the emergence of the fungus should start with these places.

Possible reasons for the formation of mold and mildew on the walls in the apartmentOther causes are rare, but they also need to be considered. Because, perhaps, they have provoked the emergence of the fungus.

pour neighbors

The first source of the problem - a restless neighbors above, with constant tendency fill the lower floors.

If such an incident has happened once, it is likely, the fungus appears. But if it was a logical action, you should start to worry. Bay water need not be prominent. For example, a neighbor takes the pipe from which water trickles slowly, drop by drop. From the ceiling dripping water will not, but It will create a favorable environment for the development of the fungus.

Phe problem with water supply and sanitation

This problem occurs in the whole house. Pipes going through the walls of a room or apartment to another, flowing, flowing water of the pipes themselves. Thus, the level of humidity in the building is greatly increased. In this situation, you can get rid of mold in three stages:

  1. Replacement of sewer pipes.
  2. Drying walls.
  3. Processing wall means for mold removal.

With a surface of the mold is easier to remove

The appearance of mold and mildew on the walls is not the most pleasant sight. This problem may occur on absolutely any surface. But with brick and concreteΒ the fungus is removed more quickly and easily. Can not be said of the wooden surfaces. They are most prone to the formation of harmful bacteria. The reason for this - the tree property to absorb moisture. And if the concrete gets wet and dries quickly, the tree more long holds water. In addition, the mold is very difficult to expand the concrete, wood as can be destroyed very quickly.

Experts recommend treating wood with special solutions, prevents the development of the fungus.

Most chemical agents against fungus

A list of the best remedies for mold and mildewFunds from the mold - a class of antiseptics. They can be bought at any hardware or garden store. Each of the tools has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore, each of them should deal separately. The best brands of funds from the mold on the walls are:

  • Metas - bio;
  • NEOMID Bio.

But there are still many other means. release form may be different. For example, in liquid form in cans or in cans. Before you start using, you must read the instructions for use and safety equipment, as this group of funds is quite toxic. Improper use can harm their health.

OLIMP - stop mold

Description of mold from OLIMP stop moldOne of the best remedies for removing mildew, as well as one of the most affordable. It can be purchased at any specialty store. Ideal for the treatment of walls in apartments and basements.

It is safe for the animals, that makes it particularly noticeable for people living in apartments. Available in liquid form in containers 1 and 5 liters.

Suitable for such surfaces:

  • brick;
  • concrete and stone;
  • ceramics;
  • drywall;
  • wood;
  • walls covered with painted plaster.

Means Abedis-06

The properties of an effective means of mold Abedis-06This preparation from a mold is a liquid concentrate with a high content of chlorine. Therefore, we should be used with caution. suitable absolutely for all surfaces. But it is better to avoid its use in the tree, as it absorbs the smell.

Available in the form of spray or volume in tanks 1 and 5 liters. It is applied to the affected surface of the brush. After that it is necessary to leave for a day. Rinse with water.

ALPA Fongifluid

This is an anti-mold and mildew is one of the most effective at removing bacteria. It can be used both inside and outside the house. Suitable for all surfaces. Available in 5-liter canisters. The drug is already divorced with water, so the work can begin immediately.

Universal antiseptic "Dali"

Tool against mold, which will quickly bring the fungus. Available in liquid form, in the form of a spray. Therefore, it is very easy to use. This tool is a concentrate and, therefore, very strong.

Folk remedies

Not necessarily to buy expensive factory-made remedies for the fungus on the walls. You can use the usual substances that are in the house of each one:

  1. Description Effective folk remedies to combat the fungus on the wallsBleach. It is possible to process wood, ceramic tiles, glass surfaces. Grown with water in a proportion of 1/10. Recommended pour chlorinated solution in a spray bottle and sprayed with the affected surface. Rinse off is not necessary. This solution can cleave and bleach material, so it is best to avoid contact with the road surface. Safety is important, that is, rubber gloves and a mask.
  2. Borax. Suitable for concrete and wood. Diluted in a ratio of one part borax to three parts water.
  3. Alcohol ammonia. Grown with water in a ratio of 1/1. Spray and leave for an hour. After a scrape with the mold.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to take a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, pour it into a spray bottle and sprayed until complete soaking walls. Hold 10 minutes. After clean off the spatula with the outgrowth of the fungus.
  5. Bleach. It destroys all kinds of mold and mildew. Diluted with water, like chlorine. It requires compliance with safety regulations.
  6. Acetic acid 70%. Poured into a spray bottle and apply to the affected wall. After one hour, washed with water and dried.

A can also produce antifungal agent alone.

  • option β„–1. All of the components to be mixed. Treat the walls with such a solution need to brush and gloves. For it will need three tablespoons sodium phosphate, half cup bleach, four liters of water.
  • variant β„–2. Ingredients: Two tablespoons of acetic acid, ten liters of water. All thoroughly mixed. The solution was applied to the wall before they are completely blotting. After two hours, it must be scraped off contain with fungal bloom and leave the surface to dry.

How to prevent the appearance of mold on the walls

Always better to prevent a nuisance than to eliminate it. To avoid the appearance of mold and mildew, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Prophylaxis to prevent mold on the walls in the apartmentKeep them in good heating and ventilation.
  2. Regularly boil thoroughly premises.
  3. In the basement, install a waterproofing.
  4. Periodically handle wall solution or bleach.

Mold is easier to prevent than to get rid of it. But if it is already there, then there are a number antisepticsWhich will help to eradicate the problem of the fungus once and for all.