The odor of cat urine output from the sofa: means for cleaning upholstery

Pet owners are often faced with the need to bring the smell of urine from the couch, if he wrote a cat. cat waste products have a very fetid smell, and especially strongly eats into those pieces of furniture that are well absorb the liquid and dirt. Therefore, get rid of the "flavor" of urine is sometimes very difficult. Nevertheless, it can be done even at home, if you know what tools effectively clean the upholstery of sofas and soft filler of a bad smell.

The odor of cat urine output from the sofa
cat waste products have a very fetid smell, and especially strongly eats into those pieces of furniture that are well absorb the liquid and dirt


  1. Means for removing fresh stains
  2. How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch (video)
  3. Removing the chronic pollution
  4. Methods to remove the smell of cat urine (video)
  5. Which means you can not use

Means for removing fresh stains

For those looking for a way to get the smell of cat urine from the couch, you need to remember one very important rule: the earlier detected a "crime", the greater the chance to quickly and wash the furniture with no trace. However, in practice, to feel the cat's "label" is possible even after it dries. This stems from the - salt of uric acid, which crystallize as drying stains. They do not disappear on their own, even after a long time and are not washed off with plain water, therefore, cat urine output from the sofa you need as quickly as possible, using funds from the active force substances.

For fresh stains perfect soap. It needs to be crushed on a grater and mix with water to form a thick slurry. The mixture was rubbed into the soiled upholstery as carefully as possible to penetrate deep into the detergent components. Then you have to wait until the site is dry, and wipe off the soap residue with a damp cloth.

Get rid of the smell of cat urine on the couch help and citrus. To do this, squeeze the juice from a lemon, dip a sponge in it and apply on the spot where the "mark" animal. you can repeat the procedure several times to achieve the best effect. A great advantage of this method is that cats can not tolerate the smell of citrus, so after this treatment, the cat on the couch already hardly will mark territory again.

The odor of cat urine output from the sofa
The earlier detected a "crime", the more likely to quickly and without a trace of furniture wash

In a similar manner employed vodka, alcohol mouthwash - all these fluids penetrate well into a furniture filler and uric acid crystals are dissolved.

If you need to clean the bed of the cat urine, try using a concentrated solution of baking soda, which is probably available on the kitchen shelf. To make it, you need to dissolve 1 tsp soda powder in 100 ml water. Solution is necessary abundantly wet the contaminated furniture section and wait until dry interior. Do not be afraid to see her white film: this ash particles, which are easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch (video)

Removing the chronic pollution

If fresh urine stain, so that the problems remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, should arise. Usually, 1-2 treatments is enough to get rid of bad smell. But if the animal has used soft furnishings as a toilet more than once, you will have to use a stronger cleaning agents.

that clean sofa stale odor from urine character can use acetic acid. Should be diluted 9% vinegar in water, taking equal proportions of ingredients, and pour the mixture onto upholstery. After that, remove the remnants of the liquid from the surface of the sofa with a damp cloth and leave to dry out sofa. Some time in the furniture will present vinegar smell, but after a few days it will evaporate, and with it will disappear and "aroma" cat urine.

The odor of cat urine output from the sofa
If fresh urine stain problems in order to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, there should be no

If a cat has written on the sofa for a long time and not once, vinegar can be powerless. In this situation, you can resort to a unique method of cleaning the home, which can be considered very effective. It helps to get rid of cat urine on upholstered furniture, even in the most severe cases. The cleaning process may seem a bit time consuming, but the result is definitely worth the effort. You will need:

  • spray;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • vinegar;
  • water;
  • baking soda;
  • syringe;
  • dry cloth.

To start purify vacuum couch surface, then with a cloth treated with acetic solution places smelling cat urine. A solution is prepared from 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water. Then you have to wait until the treated surface is dry.

The odor of cat urine output from the sofa

In the next step we derive the urine from inside the furniture. Water in a syringe with diluted soda therein and inject the liquid into the foam, then sprinkle top abundantly upholstery soda powder. Further it is necessary to combine hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and add to the mixture a few drops of detergent.

The resulting solution was injected deep into the sofa upholstery, and the remaining liquid is sprayed onto the treated area of ​​the atomizer.

The odor of cat urine output from the sofa

All components used in cleaning enter into a chemical reaction that destroys the crystallized urine and thereby removes odor. The final stage will be the drying of furniture hairdryer and elimination of cleaning agent residues with a vacuum cleaner. After this procedure, you can no longer worry about how to withdraw urine from the sofa, because even the most inveterate cat "label" will be removed. In order to prevent repeated infringement pet upholstered furniture, it is recommended to put on a special couch repellent cats. You can purchase it at a pet store.

Methods to remove the smell of cat urine (video)

Which means you can not use

When it becomes necessary to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, many are trying to solve the problem radically, resorting to the use of aggressive chemicals. The main problem with this, of course, disappear, but there is another, to cope with which is not so easy - upholstery hopelessly spoiled. The list of resources that should not be used when cleaning the sofa of cat urine, include:

  1. Chlorine. This substance discolors any fabric.
  2. Ammonia. Firstly, it can leave white spots on the furniture as "eats" the paint. Secondly, the material is unable to neutralize the odor of urine, besides as urine and cats (cat), contains ammonia. Therefore, the alcohol can only increase the desire of the animal to urinate again on the sofa, on which it has already been written.
  3. Potassium permanganate and iodine. These funds should not be applied on the light fabric because of their coloring properties.
The odor of cat urine output from the sofa
When it becomes necessary to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, many are trying to solve the problem radically, resorting to the use of aggressive chemicals

Remember that restore corrupted due to improper cleaning of the upholstery will be impossible, so try to trim a way to get rid of the smell of urine very carefully.