Beer is not considered useful to drink, but in vain. Not everyone habits there is a place not only during the feast, but also in everyday life. Foam same drink can be used in the household. There are 9 ways to beer use in the home and in the kitchen, for a variety of purposes.

The use of the kitchen
The kitchen is the place to beer. But not only in the refrigerator or in a circle:

- Foamy drink is suitable for the preparation of meat dishes. It can be used as a marinade or a stew of meat and poultry in the beer.
- The drink was used as the broth; there is even a recipe for beer soup for which will need one and a half liters of light options, a little cinnamon, salt and black pepper. Beer should be boiled with spices and then immediately add 3 raw egg yolk. The rest of the egg whites whip of 100-150 grams of sugar so as to obtain a fluffy mass. It should be poured into the soup. The finished dish is served with fresh greens and croutons.
- Beer bread will turn fragrant and lush, It does not require yeast. Simple recipe contains 600-700 grams of flour, a pint of beer, 1 hr. l. sugar (preferably brown), 1 hr. l. salt, 10 g of baking powder. Flour is sieved together with the baking powder. The drink is poured into a bowl and wait until the foam settles, add salt, sugar, flour. Prevent the dough to the point that a little stuck to the hands. Molded loaf, make on it a few notches and spread on oiled baking. Put the maximum heated oven and then immediately reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. Bake bread about 35-40 minutes.
The kitchen drink is useful not only for cooking, they can be more and clean the pan. For this purpose it is applied to the surface vessel, and then wiped with a soft cloth.
The use in the home
For some homework necessary to buy special tools. If they are not at hand, a good hostess rescue ordinary beer.

- It is used for cleaning different surfaces. For example, it is possible to remove rust from metal. For this purpose, the brushing part put a rag soaked in the drink and held for about an hour. The end may be further wipe the surface of beer.
- If you can not Okrut rusty screw or bolt, it is necessary to drench his drink and again cover with a cloth soaked in it. When it will take some time, it is necessary to try to loosen the fasteners. Depending on the degree of rust grades are waiting from 20 minutes to several hours, and the whole night is required in some cases.
- The remnants of the foam can be cleaned with wood furniture polish instead.
- To clean the carpet from stains other drinks can be poured on them a beer, give a little soak and blot dry with a cloth or sponge. After the need to clean the carpet from the remnants of beer, it can be done with soap and water.
Beer can periodically feed the plants, spreading it with water in a ratio of 1:10. But do not do it often.
Ideally, you want to use a home-made drink or a very high quality, with a minimum of preservatives and chemical additives.
This is especially true plant nutrition.