Life hacking, without which it can not do in summer: 10 original and interesting ideas

Summer for most people - the most favorite time of the year, which pleases the beautiful weather, an abundance of delicious fruits and a welcome rest. There are a few tricks by which you can make this time even more enjoyable and carefree. 10 life hacking, without which it can not do in the summer, will allow to get maximum pleasure from the rest.

10 life hacking can not do without in the summer

Tricks for summer

Garnish body temporal pattern.

Coming to the seaside resort, the girls often turn to tattoo artists, wanting to decorate the body of the temporary pattern. However, hardly any of them realize that it is possible to do without the help of experts. In addition, the image will last as long. The image is applied using a water soluble adhesive with a neutral pH.

If you want to ignite a fire, but do not get it, come to the aid of chips. They are great to burn.

If while relaxing on the beach you need to leave urgently, but there is nobody to ask to look after things, you can hide valuables in a tube of a protective cream.

You should use baby powder,

If the annoying sand that constantly sticks to the legs, you should use baby powder, it will solve the problem.

Lovers of soft drinks before going to bed is recommended to fill the capacity of a third water and leave in the freezer. So, the next day it will be possible to fill this bottle of any drink of your choice. The ice will slowly melt away, which will enjoy a welcome coolness.

helpful hints

When added to water Aloe extract and freezeReceive useful ice cubesWhich can be use to moisturize the skin and minor burns.

Useful ice cubes from the ice

Wanting to protect your smartphone from the harmful effects of water and sand, you should store it in a small plastic bag with a zipper.

If the wrap container with water for baking wet paper and put in a refrigerator, it is literally after 10 minutes the drink will cool.

The insects did not spoil a summer vacation, you must:

  • heat up a small amount of liquid;
  • chopped basil leaves and add them to the water;
  • Pour the composition into a container with spray and applied as a spray.

Those who wish to stay in the camp, will certainly need a powerful torch light for high quality tents. If this does not prove to be possible to use a normal flashlight. You just need to lock it in a large plastic container.

There are a lot of interesting ideas, through which you can make your summer holiday even more pleasurable, enjoyable and memorable and get the most of your vacation.