How can I make a great rug from old t-shirts: training material, a turn-based manufacturing technology

Perhaps everyone in the locker room there are things that are not subject to wear, but it is a pity to throw them. That is why needlewoman learned to use unnecessary clothes in their craft. Beginners craftswomen can be made from old T-shirts an excellent mat, though the process will not take much time.

Preparation of materials and tools


  1. Preparation of materials and tools
  2. cutting strips
  3. Turn-based manufacturing technology
  4. Knitted option
  5. wickerwork
  6. based mat

Preparation of materials and tools

Before you begin to manufacture an exclusive rug should prepare the necessary attributes. Workflow need to fall at:

  • old T-shirts and T-shirts;
  • scissors;
  • needles and thread;
  • № crochet hook 15.

If you plan to make a rug with the frame, it will also need glue, a special frame or gymnastic hoop.

As for the shirts, they should be selected based on certain rules, namely:

  1. The density of the material. For the floor mat is best suited dense fabric, though all shirts must have the same thickness. Otherwise, the product will have a not very attractive appearance.
  2. Color palette. It is worth to think in advance how the product should turn out in the end, as will combine colors. It can be a solid color rug or, conversely, bright and colorful. It all depends on taste preferences and desires of the most skilled workers.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to use a faded things, they spoil the appearance of the carpet. This fabric can be pre-painted in the color you want, and then apply to the case.

cutting strips

In fact, to make harvesting a variety of ways. Most often, the following apply:

  • round;
  • spiral;
  • into individual strips.

In addition, there are some rules for the preparation of the material. The width of the element should vary from 1.5 to 3 cm. Before you cut the fabric, it is necessary to outline her line. This can be done with a piece of soap or chalk.

Once cut the required number of patches, they should be slightly stretched. Then tie or sew, and then rolled up into a single ball.

Turn-based manufacturing technology

Before you begin to needlework, it is necessary to understand the technology on which will be manufactured and homemade mat. Ways to create a few:

  • knitting;
  • weaving;
  • use an ad hoc basis.

All variants can be made with your own hands. But to start is to deal with each individual technique.

Knitted option

This method should be used if there is at least minimal experience with crochet hook. All actions are performed step by step:

cutting strips
  • start workflow preparation knitted fabrics, which must be cut into identical strips, after which requires accurately sew all scraps;
  • further proceed directly to knitting: 5 air gaining loops and connect them in the ring;
  • each of the tabs vyvyazyvayut two more column without a sc in the end should have 8 loops;
  • now we need to proceed as follows: from the first column vyvyazyvayut two, but in the following only one loop, provyazyvayut for such a scheme to end the series;
  • Further vyvyazyvayut in each loop of the new column and one between the double;
  • with each new series between the double columns increase the number of loops.

Continue to crochet until the rug is at the desired size. Thereafter, the material should be cut and then securely lock the tip.


For weaving of rug strips to prepare the frame. For this fit the normal pattern of a baguette. It is also possible to assemble the structure with his own hands, using the wooden slats or polypropylene tube.

Stepwise manufacturing scheme:

  1. Pull on the prepared frame strips horizontally, but must be left between the elements of the same distance. Tips shreds tied to the frame.
  2. Now you want to skip by these vertical strips of ribbon, pull them over them, and after the re-start for them.
  3. Continue braiding until, until the entire frame is filled.

If you want to make a big mat, you can use the hoop. But in this case, you can only get round the product.

based mat

For starters, you can try to make a rug on the net basis. To do this, you can take an ordinary building a grid that is intended for painting or plastering.

original rug weaving technique is as follows:

Turn-based manufacturing technology
  1. In the beginning, you need to cut from the grid base necessary form. This may be a square, circle, oval or rectangle. You can even make a beautiful rug in the form of heart.
  2. More of the pre-prepared t-shirts to be cut into strips of the same width. For this product ideal scraps from 10 to 12 cm.
  3. Take one element and pass it into the cell, and then tie a knot. With other bands do the same action. The tips of the patches in this case, will play the role of the villi.

Once all the cells are filled, the rug is considered ready. It needs a good shake - and can be used for other purposes.

If you can not buy a net, it is possible to use a fabric basis. To do this, cut out of the material of the future shape of the rug, and then follow the instructions:

  • cut out of old T-shirts broad strips, they should be at least 15 cm in width;
  • roll each ribbon in half, and then connect them with the help of the edge of the seam Basting;
  • to make double strips fringe, it is necessary to make an incision edge length of such sections should be approximately 4 cm.

It now remains to complete thus the entire fabric base, moreover, need to move strictly from the edge to the center. All scraps are superimposed so that their discoveries were only the tops.

Such homespun rug will be a great decoration for any interior. It perfectly fits into the children's room, hallway and balcony. Moreover, it is easy to clean, sufficiently wash the product to lukewarm soapy water, and then dried on a flat surface.