After the festive fun in the clothes often remain different stains from food and drinks. But we must not think that things are hopelessly spoiled. With the right approach and understanding of the process stains from clothes is quite possible to remove.
Wine stains to remove from fabrics is not easy, but on the red - even more difficult. The fact is that contained in red wine pigment antotsin most deeply into the fibers. Get rid of it can only using special tools.
- Quick removal techniques fresh wine stains
- Methods for cleaning flax and cotton fabrics
- Means for removing the old pollution
Quick removal techniques fresh wine stains
Methods of removing red wine stains from clothes very much. The use of a particular method depends on the age and type of tissue contamination.
Young stain from red wine to bring easier because antotsin not yet had time to gain a foothold in the fabric fibers. To do this, the following methods are suitable:
Promptly remove the stain from red wine can be, even without removing clothes. To do this, you need to take the very finely ground salt and mix it with a small amount of water to obtain a white slurry. The mixture should be placed on the contaminated site and to be patient. Salt is a good adsorbent. It quickly absorbs and neutralizes antotsin wine. Just a few minutes, and the stain of red wine will disappear.
- If fresh contamination is not possible to deduce using salt, you can apply another effective and simple way. Take soap, treat them contaminated area and zastiryvaem clothing in cold water. Remember, you can not zastiryvat fresh stains from red wine in hot water, because the heat accelerates the bonding speed antotsina with the fibers of the fabric. Moreover, because of this pollution may also change color from red to purple or even black.
- Quickly get rid of the traces of wine on a light cotton fabric prints can be without using acidified water. It is necessary to mix the lemon juice with a liter of water and washed off the contaminated site in the resulting solution. You can also use a solution of water and vinegar. For its preparation per liter of water to add 1 tablespoon of wine or cider vinegar.
Methods for cleaning flax and cotton fabrics
Rapid methods for removing wine with divorce garments may not work if used for cleaning fabrics with a printed pattern, poplin, linen and cotton fabrics. To display the stain from red wine with clothes from these fabrics, you can try the following methods:
Take one egg yolk, 40 ml of glycerol. We mix the two components until a uniform mass which is then applied onto the area of contamination. It remains to wait for 2 hours and then prostirnut clothes in warm water. While the yolk mixture, and glycerol is on the tissue, it is necessary to closely monitor the color of the clothes. If the colors start to fade, it is necessary to wash immediately glycerol.
- Wine contamination with white clothes flax and cotton can be removed with hot acidified water. For the acidification, you can use vinegar or lemon juice. Stretch clothes enamelware and begins to water acidulated water until the moment when the wine stains disappear.
To remove a stain from red wine with white clothes, if there is no stain removers at your fingertips, you can use foodWhich usually have in every home: milk or yogurt. This method of cleaning wine stains can not be called rapid. Soak the stained white garment overnight in milk or yogurt, and in the morning wash. Do not be afraid, these products are not able to damage the fabric.
Means for removing the old pollution
If on clothes wine stains are detected very quickly, on upholstered furniture - sofas and armchairs - they are identified late in a few days. Wash inveterate stains from red wine is very difficult, but possible. The following tools can be used for removing dirt from the old wine upholstery:
Sulfur powder. It is great for removing long-standing stains from red wine. Sulfur powder should be heated until steam, then hold on him contaminated tissue site. The pigment reacts with the sulfur vapor and neutralized.
- With upholstery good old wine stains are removed with soap called "Antipyatin". Contaminated land need to thoroughly moisten, lather, and then rinse with water. Repeat soaping up to the moment when the wine stains do not go away. Remember that you can not wash with soap wine contamination from wool and silk fabrics.
- Stain remover. It can be purchased at any store. It is sold in powder form or as a ready to use solution. To eliminate the old wine contamination should first moisten the area of spots, and then apply a stain remover. After removing the divorce upholstery should be thoroughly rinsed. Stain remover is not suitable for removing contaminants from wine colored upholstery fabrics.
- sodium hydrosulfite. The powder quickly removes old wine contamination. You can purchase it at most camera stores. This means you have to combine with the hydrogen peroxide. First pollution applied hydrosulfite, then 3% hydrogen peroxide. After treatment, the fabric need to be washed in the washing machine.
As you can see, wine contamination on clothing and furniture upholstery - it is not a sentence. Any thing can be clearedIf the pick method elimination of divorce, taking into account the characteristics of the fabric and the type of contamination. Take note of the proposed ways to remove stains and safely use them if necessary to get perfect results.