Mixer with long spout: Installation, Operation, advantages

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Mixer long spout relates to popular types of sanitary water delivery devices. It mixes hot and cold water with adjustment of temperature and pressure. It differs from other types of mixer long spout (or gander), through which the stream falls into the sink, sink or bath. Models equipped with an additional bathroom showerhead.


  • Apparatus mixers long spout
  • Operation of the mixer with long spout
  • Pros and cons of mixers with long spout
  • How to install
  • malfunctions

Apparatus mixers long spout

The design of the mixer with long spout is a bundle of a body and of the spout. The apparatus includes valves, aerator necessary mounting hardware. Models of this type are distinguished from the rest of their brethren in length gander, mixing and feed pressure.

A characteristic detail of the apparatus - a turning mechanism which changes the direction of the jet. It may temporarily unscrew the spout for free use bowls or wash sinks.

Because of its length, the device recognized as optimal for placement in tight spaces where important ergonomics and functionality.

devices Purpose - to submit the required water pressure in the desired direction of the desired temperature. Due to the design features, this type of device:

  • delivers water to the desired location;
  • regulates the flow temperature;
  • adjusts the spray head;
  • the included shower head is used as a shower.

Without installing a mixer with long spout can not do if you plan to work the mixer on a "2 in 1", ie, one mixer running for two:

  • The kitchen sink with dvuhchashnoy goose long spout and provide a turning mechanism hostess work with two bowls.
  • The bathroom sink provided close location to the bath, the mixer will give water for washing in the sink and quickly fill the water bath.

Operation of the mixer with long spout

When selecting a model takes into account the following parameters: length, goose shape and height of the jet flow. Spout with properly chosen length will give the water within the sinks and tubs. The water jet must be free to reach the desired expiration place, protected from splashing or spillage.

Too high setting will cause numerous splash when working in the kitchen sink. Lack of height - will not allow to turn on the nozzle in the kitchen, where necessary, a full load of washing.

In the selection of a particular model of mixer with long spout clarify the following general questions:

  • where you plan to install the sanitary equipment, the functional purpose of the premises;
  • What is the area and the design of the room;
  • what is the distance between the sink and bathtub, if alignment is required, "2 in 1";
  • Do you plan to change the position of the tap spout during use and how often.

Requirements for the water supply device in the bathroom.
The water in the bathroom is supplied with a pressure sufficient for rapid bath filling. When selecting a model, you need to make sure bandwidth gander.

Important and the shape of the spout. Most mounted device with level spout. It does not create additional pressure at the expiration of water, preventing splashing. The composition includes a showerhead designs.

Requirements for kitchen faucets.
Kitchen device meets the following parameters:

  • spout length should allow the crane to locate the spray in the kitchen sink with two bowls, reaching out to all corners of each of them.
  • correctly selected the shape of the spout. Spout must be free to turn away, it does not prevent the full operation of the kitchen sink with a full load of washing dishes or for food. Curved spout is ideal for installation in kitchens. Crane with gander easy to use for cooking (cleaning fruits and vegetables), and washing dishes.
  • When the installation is done adjusting the height of the spout jet. When applying water splashing around, it flows out into the sink goose freely.

It is recommended to use a kitchen unit, equipped with a rotary structure and a long spout allowing feed water into all corners of washing.

Swivel design for convenience of the user provides the widest angle of rotation - at least 140 degrees. More expensive models give a rotational angle of 180 degrees. This will allow free load washing sink utensils.

Pros and cons of mixers with long spout

Long nose provides a comfortable work in the kitchen while washing dishes, food. Installation at the correct height allows to do without the Straits of excess water beyond the shell. The bathroom is such a model can serve as a sink and bath, provided the last close location.

This ergonomic method avoids the installation of another mixer. A device with a long spout is ideal for water supply in the cramped bathroom of the old layout.

A mixer is used for sinks and baths, free-turning spout in the desired direction.

Ability to turning of - another remarkable feature of these models. Swivel spout is convenient not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen when you want to make room in the sink or planned to use 2 cups shell, simply unscrew the tip of will.

Given that in the process of supplying hot and cold water are mixed in the central channel, the long spout allows to adjust the temperature.

Benefits of long spout faucet confirmed using it at home for decades. This type of construction is easy to operate. The device saves space by eliminating the additional cranes. Design with a long spout applicable in small bathrooms.

Its easy to install. The device looks organic in any interior.

The disadvantages of the mixer with long spout include:

  • limited functionality. A device with a long gander is not always suitable for the installation. You can not install it in the shower. Unjustifiably placing rotary mixer on the sink. In the bath, a free-standing from the shell, a preferred embodiment is to install a fixed spout.
  • Rapid wear of the rotary mechanism. In view of the frequent rotation it crashes, there are various leaks and leaks. The construction will require more frequent repairs (replacement of gaskets and seals). Since the operation of the seal in place of the mixer connection with a crane subject to normal wear and tear, it is advisable to have a sealing gum for fast replacement in the reserve.

How to install

Place of installation of the mixer is selected based on functionality. If you plan to use the mixer according to the "2 in 1", it needs to be carefully calculate the mounting position of the housing.

Place setting on a kitchen sink can be defined to have holes in it for installation. When choosing the location it is important to take into consideration that the jet of the goose must flow in the central part of the shell, and the spout should rotate freely, making room sink.

Classical installation location and in the bathroom and in the kitchen - the wall. The bathroom unit is mounted on the wall at the same distance from the sink and bathtub.

gander length should be sufficient to maintain and bath and sink.

The height of the installation is selected so that in the sink to wash your hands comfortably, and supply of the jet in the bath did not lead to splashing. The recommended height to avoid wet floors, 20 cm above the bathtub rim.

If you can not mount the device on a wall, use the location on the rack. There are cases where a bathtub or sink is located away from the wall.

Reception mixer captures and provides a free flow of water in a bath or sink, and also serves as an attractive design element. Installation at the front is complex, requires professional knowledge and skills as It requires non-standard piping plumbing.


For frequent types of faults include the following:

Leakage in place with the body spout compound. It occurs due to frequent turning by changing the water feed direction and wear of seals. This failure is the most frequent in this type of mixers. In the event of leakage at the joint, replace a worn seal a new one.

Faulty locking mechanism. Malfunction of leakage is expressed in the upper part of the housing or through the valves, the water is not completely overlapped, a problem arises when mixing hot and cold water. Repair depending on the type of locking mechanism - Valve or Ball:

  • The valve mechanism. If the valve does not close or does not close until the end, it is necessary to check the condition of the seal and in case of deterioration replace a new one.
  • Failure of the ball mechanism would require complete replacement of parts. At home, its repair - a laborious process.

The problem with the mixer housing. In some cases, the gander begin to appear traces of sagging, which means the appearance of cracks in the housing. Location of the leak is not always possible to identify by eye.

The cause of the problem - low quality brittle material from which the device is made (it is the silumin) or waist of the cranes and nuts (burst structure saddle). As can be repaired with a magnifying glass revealed by the fracture of "cold welding" as a temporary measure. But finally solve the problem will only complete replacement of the device.

Insufficient spray head at full opening. Weak pressure, in addition to problems with pressure in the water, caused by a malfunction of the aerator gander. Check the condition of the grid aerator, the degree of contamination.

For this part of twisting the spout tip either manually or with a key (this provides for a two slot-key). If the aerator is not very dirty, performed mechanical cleaning of the grid. Accumulations of solid impurities form a grid clogging and prevent full supply of water from a faucet.

After cleaning detail douse a strong jet pressure and set in place. If cleaning and rinsing does not help, it understands the aerator. A plastic grid to hook up, the device is checked cavity. The hole is freed from foreign clusters, via a needle or toothpick.

If the degree of clogging of the aerator is critical - change to a new one. In order to prevent, should regularly check the state of the aerator, to monitor the cleanliness. In cases where the aerator is clogged regularly check the quality of the water supplied from the faucet.

Installation of mechanical filters to avoid this fault in the further operation.

When Mixer showerhead faced with the problem of leakage in the joint between the watering can with the body. Also fails switch regulating water supply flow.
Frequent failure of the mixer associated with the brittleness of the material of manufacture.

From budget options become the model of silumin. Qualitative characteristics of silumin - fragility and easy wearability. To avoid mechanical damage to the device, it is better to purchase faucets made of bronze and brass.

Mixers with a long spout: opt for versatility and comfort

Mixer with long spout is also called a classic. The reason - in its popularity among the population and the ability to reconcile with the showerhead.

The apparatus differs from the other embodiments the versatility of use of the water supply, the ability to combining with optional accessories, reliability and organic combination with any style interior.

Choosing facilitates the availability of various in style, quality and material manufacturing models. The installation of such a mixer is simple, the design is simple, simple troubleshooting - afford everyone.