Window, snow-white tulle decorated, give housing a special elegance, freshness and lightness. However tulle stores more pollution and very quickly loses its appeal. The sun's rays, "burn" the structure of the material falling into the dust pollution from the street, pieces of kitchen fumes and soot change eventually tulle white to a dull gray or yellow tint, impregnated with tobacco smoke, if there is smoking among households.
- Secrets bleach tulle
- chemical agents
- The use of household bleach
- Salt
- Zelenka
- Blue
- Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia
- Starch
- Laundry soap
- Whitening a nylon tulle
- Bleaching of curtain Organza
- Use of washing machine
- important tips
- accident prevention
Secrets bleach tulle
If patience is a neat housewife and a critical mass of contaminants reach the limit, the tulle is sent to the laundry. But these curtains usual Permanent wash do not allow to save the situation, and even lead to the opposite effect. White material is not recovered, but rather begins to persistently acquire gray shade.
Whiten curtains can help us or traditional recipes of our grandmothers and mothers, or household chemicals industry.
Otstiryvaniya method will depend on the material of construction of the tulle. The most popular for the manufacture of curtain fabrics are the following:
kapron - synthetic and delicate material. Capron will shine white when the manganese solution, a solution of green fodder and brine. Most importantly, all manipulations performed in the cool water.
- Organza - very thin and shiny fabric, with a fairly rigid in its structure. This material is afraid of household funds chemistry. But it is possible to wash out the popular ways peroxide and ammonia, methylene blue, brine.
- Chiffon. Translucent flowing material may be made of synthetic, cotton or silk fibers. It is characterized by low strength due to a small thickness yarns. Chiffon help whiten salt and soap. Wash better hand in cool water.
chemical agents
Modern chemical industry offers a wide variety of tools such as a whitening effect, and in addition to pyatnovyvodyaschim.
During bleaching is necessary to follow the instructions to the acquired funds and to comply with the rules of chemical protection. But Do not forgetThat the frequent use of chemicals destroying the structure of tulle until the appearance of holes.
The chemical agent is added simultaneously with the detergent in the washing machine or after washing in bleach tulle separately soaked for half an hour, and then rinsed well.
The use of household bleach
As a rule, all funds for home whitening are on hand in each house. They are inexpensive, even for beginners housewives Use this method is simple, you need a minimum of effort to make, but the result - and the shining snow-white tulle. Significantly also that household bleach can not cause allergic reactions.
Usual salt confirms the genius of simplicity, it perfectly removes impurities, and is not an allergen. To whiten your curtains, you will need three tablespoons coarse non-iodized saltWhich are mixed with a half cup of detergent powder and 10 liters of water. We reserve the curtains in the solution for at least three hours, or ideally overnight. Upon completion of the time to erase or in the washing machine or by hand, and thoroughly rinsed several times.
This method is suitable even for very yellowed tulle. Mix chemist Zelenka in an amount of 10 drops per 200 ml of water. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 tablespoons of salt. After a few minutes of looking, the precipitate appeared. If there was, then stir until smooth and completely dissolved, to prevent the formation of the bleaching green streaks. Pour the finished composition filled a basin with water and rinsed with lace curtains. It is possible to hold the curtain in the basin for five minutes, turning it regularly. Taking tulle, it is not necessary to squeeze out and just give water to drain, and then in the extended form to hang curtains.
previously laundered curtains omit the tank for bleaching, where 10 liters of water in a stirred well methylene blue cap. You need to check the solution the lack of sediment lumps that can cause stains on tulle. Rinsed the curtains on stage early on in the better blue, then in water. During the washing machine the automatic need to add bluing cap into the tank for the rinse aid.
Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia
Magnificent national way - ammonia mixed with peroxide. These funds are available in any pharmacy and not expensive. In view of the spare time to choose different whitening options:
bleach in the washing machine. Adding 20 ml of peroxide in the powder tray simultaneously. We put "Delicate" washing mode.
- Night method. Whitening curtains stand a whole night in a solution from a vial of ammonia and water. In the morning, rinsed thoroughly and hang to dry.
- Express way. The water is poured over 50 degrees two tablespoons of peroxide and one tablespoon of ammonia. Concentrate carefully stir with a spoon. Soak for half an hour in it bleached tulle with occasional turning. After a well-rinsed. Not squeezing, straightened tulle hang to dry.
Pre-washed manually or in washing machine tulle to omit the rinsing in a basin with a solution: 10 liters of water and 250-300 g of starch. Curtains leave for 4-6 hours, after dewatering without curtains to hang to dry. Starch advantage lies not only in its bleaching effect, but also to impart a relief surface tulle.
Laundry soap
At a coarse grater rub a piece of soap and pour the steel it in a container of water. Allow to boil and remove from heat. cool sudsDiluting it a little cold water, before the formation of the warm composition. Soak it overnight in the curtains. Since morning wash tulle and rinse thoroughly.
Whitening a nylon tulle
Nylon curtains for all the structural strength required a cautious approach in the bleaching and washing. They are sensitive to chemicals, because they can not be washed with bleach.
Make sure the wash water temperature is not more than 35 degrees, and the wash cycle in the machine is made at 400 rev / min.
The best choice for whitening a nylon tulle - soaking in brine (glass salt per 10 liters of water) Or rinsing in an aqueous solution of methylene blue or green fodder. Similarly acts manganese bleaching solution. Divorce in 3-liter jar until potassium permanganate slightly pink. Pour half frayed bar of soap and stir until the foam and homogeneity. Tulle laid in the solution for 30 minutes. After washed in the washing machine in the "delicate wash" mode or "Handwash".
Bleaching of curtain Organza
Curtains organza pretty gentle, ie require a cautious approach and in bleaching, and washing. For both processes You do not need to heat the water over 40 degrees. To bleach solution to soak in better blue, Zelenko peroxide with smelling salts or salt.
Organza is best for starch bleaching, which gives it a shiny white color and striking form. After rinsing tulle without spinning immediately hung on the window curtains.
Over much yellow tulle curtains and old need to work a little longer to whiten them up to the original brightness. In this case, several successive ways must be combined:
- first - wash in the washing machine;
- boil boiling in a strong composition of soap;
- whiten via soaking in a mixture of ammonia and peroxide;
- rinsed in saline;
- finally rinsed in starch solution.
Use of washing machine
If time is short, and to minimize the effort you can whiten and tulle machine. Which requires:
- tulle manually pre-wash;
- stiralki before use to ensure cleanliness of the drum;
- Place in tulle net bag, to prevent deformation of the material;
- washed in a "delicate" mode with a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees and 400 rev / min.
important tips
Recommendations in the bleaching net curtains at home:
- before washing heavily dirty curtains soak overnight in water with a powder;
- to maximize the removal of dust particles, removing the curtain, it is necessary to thoroughly shake out, so that after they are absorbed into the fibers of the material;
- constantly wash again before bleaching curtains;
- tulle washed with water temperature must be not more than 45 degrees to not permanently yellowness ingrained in the fiber material;
- relatively new tulle can be washed with the help of store bleach;
- hand-washing do not rub the fabric, and only turning slightly compress it;
- during smoothing is necessary to use slightly heated iron to under the influence of high temperatures synthetics is not re-acquired yellow;
- bleached curtains do not need to wring out or twist arms, including by using the spin in the machine. Taking tulle from the pelvis, hang it so that the water glass, and then hang to dry in a semi-moist condition. Leveled folds under the weight of its own weight of the material.
accident prevention
Do not forget about safety, even at home. To protect the fabric of the curtains and the hands of some unpleasant surprises, such rules must be followed:
Clearly follow the dosage and instructions to the drugs.
- All procedures during the whitening should be carried out in special gloves.
- Try not to be used during the bleaching chlorinated water and never use with chlorinated water, hydrogen peroxide.
- You do not need to experiment with mixing different substances. For example, hydrogen peroxide is not necessary to mix with green paint, because it is composed of alcohol and reduces the effect of green fodder. As well as each other and neutralized zelenka soda and household bleaches in combination with soda or sal ammoniac can create hazardous fumes.