Mini-microwave oven for heating food: what are the dimensions

Mini-microwave oven for heating food: what are the dimensions

Without microwave oven kitchen it is hard to imagine. Convenience and ease of use appreciated by adults and children. However, the large size of conventional furnaces deterred buyers. For them, a good alternative is a mini microwave. Smaller models are easy to fit into tight spaces, and not infer...

Microwave works but does not heat: causes and what to do

Microwave works but does not heat: causes and what to do

In spite of the rotation of the glass tray, microwave oven does not heat and cold food reserves. It is possible to eliminate the reasons to continue to use the device.No need to panic if the microwave oven operates, but not warm. The problem may not always be serious. Eliminate the causes easily ...

The principle of operation of the microwave oven: a diagram frequency device

The principle of operation of the microwave oven: a diagram frequency device

Microwave - a complex electrical device that performs important functions in the kitchen. Polzvatsya it can each, but the principle of operation of the microwave oven for many a mystery.The main component of any microwave oven - a magnetron which is a metal chamber. It includes a transformer, the...