The richest animals in the world

The richest animals in the world

Often people consider pets to be full members of the family. Moreover, sometimes the related feelings become so strong that the dog, the cat and even the chicken are introduced into the will as the sole heir to the multimillion fortune. In our today's top ten are collected the richest ...

The most reliable storage and safes in the world

The most reliable storage and safes in the world

A truly reliable safe should protect the savings not only from sophisticated robbers, but also from natural disasters, nuclear bombardment and other "Armageddon".These requirements are fully met the most reliable storage and safes of the world , presented in our today's selection. Prote...

The longest novels in the history of literature

The longest novels in the history of literature

Not all writers agree with the statement "Brevity is the sister of talent".In today's compilation, we offer the longest novels in the history of literature. The authors spent years creating them. But they will take a long time to read. By the way, the novel "War and Peace" by Leo Tol...

The most reliable banks in Russia for 2013

The most reliable banks in Russia for 2013

The reliability of a commercial bank can be estimated by dozens of very different indicators. Today, we bring to your attention the most reliable banks in Russia for 2013 , ranked by the value of net assets. It is noteworthy that in the above-mentioned ten, more than half of the banks are ...

Top 10 winners of the Emmy Award-2014

Top 10 winners of the Emmy Award-2014

This year the main US television award was presented for the 66th time. The jury evaluated the series, TV films, reality shows, as well as musical and comedy programs. In today's selection we offer Top-10 laureates of the Emmy-2014 .Of all the 30 nominations, we selected those in whic...

Most Popular Hobbies

Most Popular Hobbies

Favorite occupation helps to restore and maintain emotional balance, brings a sense of satisfaction and allows you to distract from worries and problems. There are hobbies for both men and women. As researches of psychologists and sociologists show, more often, people are fond of the same t...

The most powerful aphrodisiacs for women and men

The most powerful aphrodisiacs for women and men

Aphrodisiacs got their name in honor of the name of the ancient Greek goddess of beauty and love of Aphrodite. These are substances that stimulate sexual activity, sexual activity and attraction. As a rule, these are products of animal and vegetable origin, characterized by characteristic, so...

The most profitable and universal type of communication: IP-telephony

The most profitable and universal type of communication: IP-telephony

The modern world dictates its demands, and the conditions in terms of quality, effective and profitable by material standards establishing a mutual connection anywhere in the world between people in different parts of the world, in particular, between business partners. At the same time, this...

The most ancient buildings on Earth

The most ancient buildings on Earth

The mysteries of ancient civilizations stir the minds of hundreds of researchers around the world. Especially since the peoples who left the history left us dozens of buildings for study. The oldest surviving man-made structures date back to the fourth millennium BC. In our today's top ten ...

Samsung Galaxy S5: The most energy-efficient smartphone in 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5: The most energy-efficient smartphone in 2014

Without going into the main technical characteristics of the Samsung Galaxy S5 , we will pay attention to the details: after all, the screen resolution, the type of processor with its clock speed, the amount of RAM and other parameters for the top flagships of the first half of 2014 are not ...