Design a child's room for a girl: 75 photos, choice of wallpaper, style

Design a child's room for a girl: 75 photos, choice of wallpaper, style

Children's is a separate world for a child. It should match the age of the baby, to be comfortable, beautiful. It was in this room, the girl will learn neatness, order. Stylish interior nursery will form the taste, provide a comfortable psychological conditions for growing up. Creating the right...

Children's room 12 sq. m.: the fundamentals of design and practical solutions

Children's room 12 sq. m.: the fundamentals of design and practical solutions

Child's room is different from the "adult". The main requirements: usability, functionality, help physical, mental development. Will pick up the interior of a small room, the size of 12 squares, a pair of the naughty? All it complicated. Consider how well equip a small child. Even in a small ro...

Design a child's room for two children of different sexes: 50 tips and photos

Design a child's room for two children of different sexes: 50 tips and photos

Making a bedroom for two children of different sexes - a complex process that requires careful consideration and attention to the needs of each child. Elaborate a joint arrangement, design, harmonious combination of colors and properly selected furniture will provide kids a peaceful, comfortable...

Design a child's room for a boy: the rules of good design

Design a child's room for a boy: the rules of good design

Its own nook in the apartment - the dream of every child. On the shoulders of the parents must be a difficult question everything a child's room. It is responsible, difficult, but interesting to do. For the interior of a child's room for boys are put forward strict requirements. It must meet the...

Design for teen room: actual design ideas Children's

Design for teen room: actual design ideas Children's

Children grow up quickly. It would seem that only recently was the first day of kindergarten, and already today to parents adult, independent, self-willed teenager. With the maturation of the child's changing tastes, interests, increase. Interior of a separate corner a boy, a girl has to be upda...

Children's room for two children, thoughtful design and decoration

Children's room for two children, thoughtful design and decoration

During repair, the parents gets complicated task design children's room design for the two children. They want to make it as comfortable, safe and multi-functional. How to please your children, there are many tricks and tips. Interior common children's room should be appropriate to the nature a...

Room for teen girls: modern stylish design ideas

Room for teen girls: modern stylish design ideas

Today's children grow up very quickly. Parents do not have time to look around, the child was already required to buy a tablet, and asks for her room arrange berth modern style "high-tech". On the latter question we will understand more in today's article. The parents have a major challenge of ...

Design a child's room: interior design ideas for kids of all ages

Design a child's room: interior design ideas for kids of all ages

Parents want their children to have the best. Including - the perfect design of the nursery. The best version of this room - a safe, functional, pleasing as the youngest residents, as well as his parents, accommodates everything necessary for comfortable living children. Today, there are many op...

Design a small children's room: the creation of a comfortable interior

Design a small children's room: the creation of a comfortable interior

Everyone needs personal space. Adults can be alone with him in the bedroom, office, kids - in the nursery. For children usually distinguish the smallest room. Create an interesting design the small children's room alone is problematic. A small area limits the number of ideas for design technique...

Design of child for two boys: 75 room design ideas

Design of child for two boys: 75 room design ideas

Happy is the family, where the two grow mischievous, but they need to intelligently arrange private space. Intelligent design children's room for two boys - a world built by its own laws. However, a priority - their age features and personal preferences. You can not do everything just the way th...