Waterproof cloth impregnated Kitchen: types of impregnation, forms, additional useful properties

Waterproof cloth impregnated Kitchen: types of impregnation, forms, additional useful properties

Tablecloths have a special role on the kitchen table. Without it, the kitchen is empty, the table loses its festive attractive. The main function of the tablecloth - add aesthetic table setting. Table cloth helps protect the table surface from stains, scratches and any other external damage and ...

Viscose wipes universal: the differences, varieties and sizes, packaging, well-known manufacturers

Viscose wipes universal: the differences, varieties and sizes, packaging, well-known manufacturers

viscose napkins are in great demand. The choice of goods is due to the versatility, manufacturers have tried. What is so good viscose material? This tissue is formed from wood. Content 1 What is Viscose? 2 Unlike viscose from other types of tissue 3 Wipes of viscose: types and sizes 4 Packing ...

Plaid pattern "zigzag" hook: tips, ideas and examples with photos

Plaid pattern "zigzag" hook: tips, ideas and examples with photos

Pattern "zigzag" is very popular among novice masters. The web may be thick, warming in winter evenings, while remaining manual work, bring comfort to the house. This veil is well suited to a small child in a stroller, and will look good on the sofa. Funny zigzags decorate the crib or stroller ...

Children plaid spoke: delicate, colorful, patterned, 75 photo ideas

Children plaid spoke: delicate, colorful, patterned, 75 photo ideas

Children's blanket - a good thing, versatile: it can be like a walk with the baby to take the heat and put into the carriage. And when he's done with his own hands, it becomes literally irreplaceable. Children's plaid suit in the pram or cot and will warm your baby Such things are often made w...

How to choose a blanket fillers, materials, degree of heat

How to choose a blanket fillers, materials, degree of heat

Choosing blankets are now so great that when buying a new domestic appliance, you can fall into a stupor - the names of materials and manufacturing techniques seem incomprehensible gibberish. In this article we will help you to understand the abundance of products on the market for sleep and mak...

How to sew an apron: pattern without the bib for the kitchen, different models

How to sew an apron: pattern without the bib for the kitchen, different models

That protects clothes from education to its oily stains the surface of flour falling? Of course, apron. A good hostess, he is always available in the house. When the apron becomes unusable to replace him buy a new or sew that much more interesting. Apron - this is the "mandatory" thing that shou...

The choice of bed linen of calico: species, density, characteristics

The choice of bed linen of calico: species, density, characteristics

Quality linen is no longer in short supply. Such goods are abundant options available in hardware stores. However, a wide variety of led to another question: what is best to buy for daily use: linen, polyester, calico or satin? All fabrics have their own characteristics, different density, wear ...

Bedspread: select the design, material and size

Bedspread: select the design, material and size

Bedroom design has always occupied a special place. It is very important for tourists, at the same time I want to do a modern interior. Not the least role in this case and plays textiles. In the bedroom are important curtains, pillows, ornaments, linens. Soft sheets, duvet covers, pillow cases -...

Blanket for the newborn: what requirements should meet?

Blanket for the newborn: what requirements should meet?

To ensure a comfortable life of a newborn, you need to take care of many things. One of them - a sound sleep, which is impossible without the proper baby blanket. This article explained in detail how to make the right choice blankets for newborns. Today, the textile stores you can find a wide s...

Blanket on the sofa in the living room: how to make the right choice?

Blanket on the sofa in the living room: how to make the right choice?

Upholstered furniture can be called a central element of any home interior. It is usually installed in the living room, a recreation area. Soft, beautiful sofa is able to qualitatively decorate the room design, to make the house more comfortable. Initially, the sofas were used exclusively in its...