Why and where there are bedbugs in the apartment, how to get rid of parasites

Why and where there are bedbugs in the apartment, how to get rid of parasites

Do not think that the bugs appear only in apartments where completely complied with health standards. This is not the main prerequisite for the emergence of insects as the main criteria for the choice of the place of residence bed bugs are difficult to access, lack of sunlight, and most importan...

How to get rid of ants in your home or apartment: the popular and chemicals

How to get rid of ants in your home or apartment: the popular and chemicals

The appearance of ants in the house - very unpleasant and serious problem. They crawl into the house, looking for food. Usually in the apartments settled red insects that differ from the garden in a different color and size. They equip their colonies in remote places: behind baseboards, under th...

How to get rid of woodlice in the house and the apartment: the most effective and popular chemicals

How to get rid of woodlice in the house and the apartment: the most effective and popular chemicals

Few people know that crawling around the house lice belong to the order of crustaceans. In the wild, they live in damp places under stumps, decks and stones. At night they leave their hiding places and feed on a variety of microorganisms and plants. The apartment is most often get lice from the ...

How and what can be effectively bring cockroaches from the apartment: the means and methods

How and what can be effectively bring cockroaches from the apartment: the means and methods

Cockroaches - these are the most unpleasant parasites that lodge in the human habitation. They are not only disgusting to look at, but are carriers of dangerous diseases: dysentery, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and helminths etc. To get rid of cockroaches is quite difficult, but if you act in differ...

Why do I get the white insects in the bathroom: how to get rid of strange bugs (silverfish, woodlice)

Why do I get the white insects in the bathroom: how to get rid of strange bugs (silverfish, woodlice)

The emergence of insects in the apartment is always a panic, fear, confusion and the desire to get rid of unwanted guests. In vain, many believe that a variety of insects, and other vermin tarakashki can live only in a dirty untidy apartment. In fact, the degree of purity of the room has little ...

How to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom: the main methods of struggle, how to prevent the emergence of an insect

How to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom: the main methods of struggle, how to prevent the emergence of an insect

Even in modern homes from time to time there are a variety of insects that deliver a lot of the residents concerns. Unfortunately, 100% prevent their occurrence is quite difficult. One of these intruders may be silverfish. Settles it, as a rule, in the bathroom. It can be noticed, if you look in...

How to deal with household ants in the apartment: folk and chemicals

How to deal with household ants in the apartment: folk and chemicals

Every woman at least once faced with this unpleasant problem, as the presence of the house home of ants. These tiny and small insects quickly and easily converted into living hell. They are trying to find food for themselves and search for it in many different places: in the sink, on the table i...

How to display the bugs out of the apartment: the methods of elimination of parasites in domestic usloviyaha

How to display the bugs out of the apartment: the methods of elimination of parasites in domestic usloviyaha

Many people have to deal with such trouble in his apartment, like bedbugs. It must be said that these parasites are a danger not only for humans, but also pose a threat to the health of pets. More than 1 thousand. years there are these creatures, and during this time they bother people by biting...

Black sewer roaches: control methods, the use of folk and chemicals

Black sewer roaches: control methods, the use of folk and chemicals

The emergence of insects in the home causes a lot of negative feelings - from disgust to fear of contracting an infectious disease. With flies and mosquitos all is simple - get rid of them forever impossible. But you can buy a fumigator, inserted into the socket and easy to open windows and door...

Mote in indoor plants: the causes of, variety, ways to control insects

Mote in indoor plants: the causes of, variety, ways to control insects

It is hard to imagine the apartment, which would have been nice pots with plants. But positive emotions are replaced by disappointment when you find that in their colors or earth bred gnats. These insects are not only able to spoil the appearance of plants, but also lead to their death. Conten...